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SILMAN - How to Reassess your Chess 4th Edition
How to Reassess Your Chess is the popular step-by-step course that will create a marked improvement in anyone's game. In clear, direct language, Silman shows how to dissect a position, recognize its individual parts and ultimately find the move that conforms to the needs of that particular situation. By explaining the thought processes that go into a master's choice of move, the author presents a system of thought that makes advanced strategies seem clear, logical and at times even obvious. How the Reassess Your Chess offers invaluable knowledge and insight that cannot be found in any other book. 650 pages
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
For fourteen days!
All payment cards accepted.
Pour aller encore plus loin et commencer à progresser sérieusement, le livre idéal est, depuis des années, le How to Reassess your Chess (in french, Comment mûrir son style) de Jeremy Silman. Ca tombe bien : en voici la nouvelle version ! Complètement réécrit par l'auteur avec un plan refondu, de nouveaux exemples, des tests plus nombreux et une taille presque doublée, il fera la joie de tous ceux qui ont adoré la précédente mouture. Du moins des anglophones, en attendant une éventuelle traduction...
16 other product
YUSUPOV - Build up your chess vol. 3
Sous-titré ' Mastery ', ce qui est à la fois tout et ne rien dire De fait, on trouvera dans ce troisième (et dernier) tome les sujets les plus variés, de la stratégie à la tactique et de l'ouverture à la finale. Comme dans les précédents volumes, le gros intérêt de l'ouvrage réside dans l'abondance du matériel présenté : 12 exercices par chapitre, multipliés par 24 chapitres, cela fait de quoi s'occuper un moment. Profitable, forcément
Smith - the Woodpecker Method 2 Positional Play
Swedish chess Grandmaster Axel Smith returns with a sequel to his colossal bestseller, The Woodpecker Method, which was on the tactics of the World Champions. For The Woodpecker Method 2, he has found 1002 foundational positional exercises and prepared them for ‘woodpecking’ – solve the puzzles repeatedly, and boost your positional intuition.
The quick explanation of the Woodpecker Method is that you need to solve a large number of puzzles in a row; then solve the same puzzles again and again, only faster. It’s not a lazy shortcut to success – hard work is required. But the reward can be re-programming your unconscious mind. 383 pages
Hrop - Defending under pressure. Mananging your emotions at the chessboard
The seconds tick down relentlessly toward zero just as your game approaches the critical stage. Your higher-rated opponent is putting your game under severe pressure, so extreme accuracy is needed to hang tough and avoid falling into a losing position. What do you do now – should you exchange pieces to relieve the pressure, lash out with a sacrifice, probe for weaknesses in the opponent's camp, or maybe just give up and get a lesson on how to bring the point home?
The answer is… none of these! At such do-or-die moments, says Steve Hrop, the first thing to do is to sit on your hands and take a few deep breaths. In Defending Under Pressure and Managing Your Emotions at the Chessboard, the author uses critical moments from his own tournament games (most of them against players rated above 2200) to describe the difficulties of thinking straight when the enemy is at the gates, and then outlines methods and techniques to clear your head, evaluate the position, and find your way to the best move. Techniques include how to avoid redundant pieces that critically limit your mobility; when visualization is more important than calculation: and “freeze-framing” positions to eliminate blunders.
Save the draw – or turn a looming defeat into an astonishing victory – with the tips in this practical training manual! 236 pages
HANSEN - Improve your Chess by learning from the champions
Troisième opus du GMI danois, après les remarqués Foundations of Chess Strategy et How Chess Games are won and lost. Ce nouvel effort (qui surpasse les deux autres par la longueur du titre) est un peu moins original dans le propos (revisiter les grandes écoles échiquéennes et leur influence sur le jeu moderne) mais la réalisation est de qualité - bonne mise en perspective, commentaires détaillés, style fluide Une excellente et très agréable lecture.
Van der Sterren - Mindful Chess
The Dutch Grandmaster Paul van der Sterren was a professional chess player for over twenty years. At the peak of his career, he qualified for the Candidate Matches for the World Championship - and was only four victories away from the World Title. In Mindful Chess, you will get his long and short answer to whether meditation or mindfulness will help your chess.
As a boy, Van der Sterren became fascinated by chess and became a gladiator at the chess board. To quote Theodore Roosevelt, he met with both victory and defeat, much joy and suffering. When, later in life, he discovered vipassana meditation, he met again with joy and suffering - and approached these issues with the same total devotion as he had brought to chess - thousands and thousands of hours on the cushion and studying Buddhist literature.
The reader will follow the two journeys through chess and meditation. And find answers to questions such as: What is chess? What is meditation? Who am I? What is I? Or will the answer elude you, is too much inexplainable and unknowable?
Paul van der Sterren (1956) was a professional chess player for over twenty years. At the peak of his career, the Dutch grandmaster qualified for the Candidate Matches for the World Championship – and was only four victories away from the World Title. He is the bestselling author of Fundamental Chess Openings (Gambit Publishers). In 2023 New In Chess will publish his books: Mindful Chess and In Black and White - a spiritual and a chess autobiography. 127 pages
Lakdawala - Irrational Chess
The vast majority of chess games witness familiar strategies and well known tactical motifs. These are the games that you will find in the anthologies and opening repertoires. Sometimes however, games appear that seem to have been played on a different planet.
Conventional strategies go out of the window. Familiar tactical themes are nowhere to be seen. Chaos has broken out. The pieces appear to be in open rebellion and are steadfastly refusing to do the natural jobs that they were designed for.
Having to navigate a path in such a game can be a nightmare. Do you rely purely on calculation? Is it better to trust your instincts? Can you assess the position using “normal” criteria?
In order to answer these questions, prolific chess author and coach Cyrus Lakdawala has assembled a collection of brilliantly unconventional and irrational games. The positions in these games appear almost random. Kings have gone walkabout, pieces are on bizarre squares, huge pawn rollers are sweeping all before them.
Irrational chess is like nothing you’ve seen before. As well as being highly instructive this is a hugely entertaining book.
Do not adjust your set. It’s chess, Jim, but not as we know it.
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SILMAN - Méthode Silman pour maîtriser les finales
Version française d'un ouvrage déjà présenté en anglais. Rappelons qu'il s'agit d'un manuel sur les finales élémentaires destiné principalement à ceux qui n'ont jamais étudié le sujet (l'auteur part du b-a-ba) et qui se singularise par son approche didactique : plutôt que le traditionnel plan-par-matériel (finales de pions, de tours, etc.), le MI américain a préféré une approche par niveau : finales pour débutants (le b-a-ba évoqué plus haut), joueurs moyens, confirmés, maîtres, par tranches (approximatives, forcément) de 200 points elo. Très progressif donc, le livre peut être recommandé à tous ceux qui débutent dans ce domaine - mais que les joueurs plus confirmés sachent qu'ils ne trouveront pas forcément beaucoup de matériel inconnu à se mettre sous le dent...
SILMAN - Le cerveau de lamateur mis à nu
Pour clôturer la trilogie Silman, un ouvrage à lapproche différente et originale on nosera tout de même pas dire nouvelle, car un certain Max Euwe avait déjà fait quelque chose du même style il y a bien longtemps : montrer non pas ce quil faut faire, mais ce quil ne faut pas faire - et à cette fin mettre en scène des joueurs amateurs en quête de progression (vous et moi, en somme). Mais Silman a été plus loin que son prestigieux prédécesseur en notant et utilisant les coups et raisonnements de ses propres élèves (de 1000 à 2100 Elo), ce qui donne à son livre une saveur dauthenticité irrésistible. Quand à savoir si lapproche négative est préférable à lapproche positive... essayez et comparez !