- GO
Echiquier érable 50 cm
Gratis levering vanaf €69 (België, Frankrijk, Nederland, Luxemburg, Duitsland)
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Specifieke referenties
16 ander product
Mr. Jack
Le célèbre jeu de Bruno Cathala et Ludovic Maublanc sur Jack l'éventreur continue de faire des adeptes. Un petit rappel sur ce palpitant jeu à deux joueurs ? Mr Jack propose à l'un des joueurs de se glisser dans la peau des enquêteurs.
Par déductions successives et en plaçant les personnages dans l'ombre ou dans la lumière, le joueur doit trouver sous quelle identité se dissimule l'infâme Jack et tenter de la capturer. Son adversaire, Jack fait tout son possible pour retarder l'enquête. Il essaie même de profiter de l'obscurité pour quitter définitivement les lieux.
Stoel op stoel
Wie zal het hem lukken om zijn stoel bovenop de stoelentoren te leggen zonder één ervan te laten vallen? Wie heeft er stalen zenuwen? Want voor elk stoel dat valt, krijgt men één punt. En wie de minste punten heeft, wint! Een leuk vaardigheidsspel en fun voor de hele familie.
Black Oak with Walnut and Grey points.
This backgammon is handmade using the art of marquetry (also spelled as marqueterie) which is the art and craft of applying pieces of veneer to a structure to form decorative patterns and designs.
Size of closed board 48 x 30 cm
Backgammon tome II : Jeu positionnel avancé
Ce second tome est divisé en trois parties. La première poursuit l'analyse des thèmes principaux du milieu de jeu (Slots, Splits, Golden point...). La deuxième partie traite des fins de partie, c'est-à-dire de la sortie des pions. Enfin, la dernière aborde les concepts les plus délicats du backgammon : contrôle de l'outfield, backgame, timing.
Ouweleen/Brouwer Weird and wonderful Volume 1
As go players we all study the game in our own way, be it leisurely or with near-scientific precision. We attempt to distill the moves and find their essence in recurring, understandable patterns. But every once in a while we are struck by a move we have never seen before. A move that is so out of the ordinary that we cannot help but marvel at it. A move to remember. This book is a collection of such moves: the weird and wonderful of go. The first volume bundles together highlights from professional games. Our main selection criterion was that the moves had to surprise: sometimes a move shone at us like an undiscovered gem and other times a sequence looked so bizarre that it made us laugh. Another prerequisite was that the moves were played by humans. Our aim for this book is to share the beauty of human creativity. 246 pages
Hrop - Defending under pressure. Mananging your emotions at the chessboard
The seconds tick down relentlessly toward zero just as your game approaches the critical stage. Your higher-rated opponent is putting your game under severe pressure, so extreme accuracy is needed to hang tough and avoid falling into a losing position. What do you do now – should you exchange pieces to relieve the pressure, lash out with a sacrifice, probe for weaknesses in the opponent's camp, or maybe just give up and get a lesson on how to bring the point home?
The answer is… none of these! At such do-or-die moments, says Steve Hrop, the first thing to do is to sit on your hands and take a few deep breaths. In Defending Under Pressure and Managing Your Emotions at the Chessboard, the author uses critical moments from his own tournament games (most of them against players rated above 2200) to describe the difficulties of thinking straight when the enemy is at the gates, and then outlines methods and techniques to clear your head, evaluate the position, and find your way to the best move. Techniques include how to avoid redundant pieces that critically limit your mobility; when visualization is more important than calculation: and “freeze-framing” positions to eliminate blunders.
Save the draw – or turn a looming defeat into an astonishing victory – with the tips in this practical training manual! 236 pages
The Oak tree is one of the most loved trees in the world, and with good reason. It's a symbol of strength, morale, resistance and knowledge. The playing field is a combination of beautiful oak with walnut & red color points. This backgammon board with Side Racks is available in 2 sizes.
This backgammon is handcrafted with the art of marquetry (also spelled as marqueterie) which is the art and craft of applying pieces of veneer to a structure to form decorative patterns and designs. Our skillful staff use this method in order to create the interior design of the backgammon. Dimensions : 48 x 30 cm
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