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Puzzle 1000 pièces : Giardiniere - Van Gogh
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16 ander product
Bozulich - The Art of Settling Stones
During the opening stages of the game the players stake out positions and more or less divide the board. Normally each player wants to win and take just over 50% of the board. This usually involves a balance between safety and risk; that is, making a safe and non-invadable extension or an extension that is slightly farther and limits the opponent’s territory. The drawback of the latter is that the position now becomes invadable. This usually means that when an invasion takes place, the invading stones do not have enough space to make an extension that guarantees life. That, in turn, means the invader has to run away. However, running away is not always the best strategy as it is one-sided — that is, it allows your opponent to harass the run-away stones while securing territory and building influence. Often it is far better to make the beginnings of eye-shape — to breathe life into the invading stones — before running away. In other words, ‘to make sabaki.’ The numerous examples and 122 problems taken from professional games, will introduce the readers to all the techniques that may be required to achieve sabaki in almost any position that might arise in their games. 201 pages
Dieu - The modernized Trojan Knight 1.Nc3
The author Bruno Dieu is a FIDE Master and became French Correspondence Chess Champion in 2000. He has a rich experience in chess, having participated in various chess tournaments, both over the board and in correspondence.
It's fascinating that he has competed with notable experts and writers on the 1 Nc3, such as Dick Van Geet, Anker Aasum, and Harald Keilhack. The mention of a book being a token of his experience suggests that he has documented his insights and knowledge about this opening.
Overall, this is a most promising exploration for those interested in chess and this specific opening.
We are convinced you will enjoy the chess ride Bruno provided in his excellent researched book. 470 pages Hardcover
C'est la Vie
C'est la Vie - Constantin Brainpuzzel
Kun jij de metalen ring uit het houten doolhof verwijderen?
Uitdagender dan je misschien denkt, maar zo is het leven!
Zeer fraaie breinbreker, per stuk verpakt in houten krat.
Moeilijkheidsgraad 4 van 5 sterren.
- Afmeting: 15.5cm x 15.5cm x 4.5cm (H x B x D)
Pique Plume
Voici l'oiseau rare, un jeu accessible aux très jeunes enfants mais auquel les adultes peuvent jouer sans s'ennuyer. Des poulets courent en rond en essayant de s'arracher mutuellement des plumes. Pour ce faire, il faut d'abord se placer derrière l'adversaire puis le dépasser. La grande astuce, c'est que les déplacements ne s'effectuent pas à l'aide de dés, mais via un système inspiré du célèbre Memory (des tuiles retournées portent des symboles identiques aux cases de la piste, et il faut les retrouver pour avancer). Ajoutons que les retournements de situation sont permanents et qu'aucun joueur n'est sûr de gagner, ni surtout de perdre, jusqu'au dernier instant...