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Bertola - Wilhelm Steinitz Tome 2
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Specifieke referenties
16 ander product
Grote tuinschaakstukken (groote van de koning: 62cm). De schaakstukken zijn scheidbaar in verschillende onderdelen, waardoor ze makkelijk opbergbaar zijn en ballast mogelijk is voor het gewenste gewicht.
Jungle speed
Jungle speed est un jeu poilant qui vous permettra de mesurer vos réflexes et votre vivacité. Chacun possède des cartes dont il devra se débarrasser pour emporter la partie tandis qu'un totem de bois trône au centre de la table. A chaque tour, on retourne des cartes, si deux cartes sont semblables, les joueurs concernés doivent saisir le plus promptement possible le totem, et le plus rapide refile alors ses cartes à son infortuné adversaire. Pour corser la difficulté, il existe des cartes pratiquement semblables qui peuvent tromper les joueurs et d'autres qui forceront tous les joueurs à intervenir.
Bonzaï ! Réveillez votre instinct animal, car pour gagner, il vous faudra l'oeil du faucon et la vivacité du léopard.
Bicycle Arch-Angels
Kaartspel van het merk Bicycle, bekend en erkend door alle tovenaars en liefhebbers van kwaliteitvolle kaarten.
BAREEV, LEVITOV - From London to Elista
Plus copieux (largement), plus dactualité (relativement) et plus échiquéen (évidemment), ce volumineux pavé vous fera revivre les trois matches de (ahem) championnat du monde disputés par Kramnik entre 2000 et 2006 : linoubliable (contre Kasparov), le crispant (contre Leko) et le regrettable (contre Topalov). Que voulez-vous, passer de Londres à Elista, cest forcément une régression Aux manettes, Evgeny Bareev, qui en plus de son standing était le secondant de Vlad lors des deux premiers affrontements.
Schaakset voor slechtzienden
Op deze speciale schaakborden staan de zwarte velden hoger dan de witte velden zodat een blinde schaker het verschil tussen de velden duidelijk kan voelen.
De zwarte schaakstukken zijn ook aangepast. Deze hebben namelijk een ijzeren pinnetje op hun kop zodat de blinde schaker de zwarte stukken gemakkelijker kan herkennen. De witte schaakstukken krijgen uiteraard geen ijzeren pinnetje op hun kop zodat de schaker het verschil gemakkelijk kan herkennen.
Het bord en de stukken hebben een pen-en-gat constructie om ervoor te zorgen dat de stukken niet omvallen wanneer de schaker deze betast.
Schaakset Preston Padouk redwood
Both the king and queen have wide bases meaning the whole set is comfortable only on chess boards of at least 21 inches. The deep red of the dark pieces complements playing surfaces made from woods of similar hues. The black and white knights are without doubt the most striking pieces on the board. The detailed bridle gives each horse a restrained appearance; well trained and ready for battle. These chessmen take more than two months to make, and it is of no great surprise that the knight takes the longest to carve.
- Maltese influence on a traditional design.
- Beautifully detailed knight.
- 4.5 inch king.
- 2 extra queens for pawn promotion.
- Heavily weighted for balance.
- Bases lined with billiard cloth.
- Perfect on a 21 inch board.
Coffret patience Monet Gallery
Coffret contenant 2 mini jeux de cartes pour patience et solitaire, illustrés au dos.
Ivanisevic - Benoni
The Benoni is a chess opening that offers Black excellent chances to play for a win. One of the main reasons for this is that it creates unbalanced positions from the very beginning, which favors the player with a better understanding of the nuances of the position. The Benoni involves Black placing their pawns on d6 and c5, and then fianchettoing their dark-squared bishop on g7. This setup creates a solid pawn structure and puts pressure on White’s center, making it difficult for them to launch a direct attack, while simultaneously threatening the c3 knight and the b2 pawn.
The Benoni is a chess opening that originated in the 19th century, but it wasn’t until the mid-20th century that it gained widespread popularity. The Benoni was initially viewed as somewhat dubious, as it allowed White to gain a strong pawn center with moves like d5 and e4. However, in the 20th century, players such as Mikhail Tal and Robert Fischer began to experiment with the Benoni and achieve success with it. They demonstrated that the opening could create dynamic and unbalanced positions that favored Black’s attacking chances. Over the years, the Benoni has gone through many variations and refinements as players on both sides have sought to find the best way to play against it. Despite this, the opening remains a popular and viable option for Black, offering excellent chances to play for a win in the right hands.
As a player, Ivanišević has had many successful games with the Benoni, including wins against many top-ranked players. He is known for his aggressive and dynamic style of play, which is well-suited to the Benoni’s unbalanced and tactical positions. He has been playing Benoni for more than ten years in both classical and rapid chess formats.
The book ”Benoni“ is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to master this exciting and challenging opening. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, this book is sure to help you improve your game and achieve better results. The book covers all the key variations of the Benoni and provides readers with a deep understanding of the opening’s strategic and tactical ideas. Ivanišević’s extensive experience and expertise with the opening are evident in the book, which is full of practical tips, annotated games, and detailed analysis. 295 pages
Sokolov - Winning Chess Middlegames
Have you ever wondered why it takes grandmasters just seconds to see what's happening in a chess position? It's all about pawn structures, as Ivan Sokolov explained in his groundbreaking book Winning Chess Middlegames.
In his 2010 bestseller, Grandmaster Sokolov focused on structures arising from 1.d4 openings; in this new companion guide, 1.e4 players get their turn. This new volume covers a dozen topical structures including various pawn formations in the flexible Ruy Lopez, Italian and Petroff openings. But also Black's doubled f-pawn in the Rauzer Sicilian, the notorious Maroczy Bind, the mysterious Hedgehog, the versatile Sveshnikov and the paradoxical French Winawer. Deeply analysed top-level games illustrate the motifs in all these structures.
Club players who study Winning Chess Middlegames 1.e4 or 1.d4 will:
- significantly improve their middlegame skills
- develop an accurate sense of which positions suit their style
- gain new strategic and practical knowledge of openings
Ivan Sokolov's analysis is profound but accessible, and he doesn't take anything for granted. As reviewer Sean Marsh wrote of the first volume: "The lucid and informative explanations convey a large amount of genuine Grandmasterly wisdom. This is easily one of the best middlegame books of recent times."
Ivan Sokolov is a top grandmaster who was born in Bosnia and lives in the Netherlands. He is a former Yugoslav and Dutch Champion and has beaten World Champions Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik and Viswanathan Anand. As a coach, he led Uzbekistan to victory at the 2022 Chennai Olympiad. Sokolov has written a dozen highly acclaimed books.