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Schaakset stukken in Hout Klassiek Staunton
Dit houten schaakspel heeft een klassiek design en is zeer aantrekkelijk geprijsd. Het formaat is aangepast aan de afmetingen die in de competitie worden gebruikt, d.w.z. voor schaakborden van 50 cm met vierkantjes van 50-55 mm. De stukken zijn verzwaard voor een optimale grip.
Geleverd met twee extra dames.
afmetingen van de koning 95 mm - diam. 32 mm
Gratis levering vanaf €69 (België, Frankrijk, Nederland, Luxemburg, Duitsland)
Veertien dagen lang!
Alle betaalkaarten geaccepteerd.
Specifieke referenties
16 ander product
Jean-Philippe Toussaint - L'échiquier
« Je voulais, écrit Jean-Philippe Toussaint, que ce livre traite autant des ouvertures que des fins de partie, je voulais que ce livre me raconte, m’invente, me recrée, m’établisse et me prolonge. Je voulais dire ma jeunesse et mon adolescence dans ce livre, je voulais débobiner, depuis ses origines, mes relations avec le jeu d’échecs, je voulais faire du jeu d’échecs le fil d’Ariane de ce livre et remonter ce fil jusqu’aux temps les plus reculés de mon enfance, je voulais qu’il y ait soixante-quatre chapitres dans ce livre, comme les soixante-quatre cases d’un échiquier. »
Construit en 64 courts chapitres, autant que le nombre de cases sur un échiquier, Il y est question de souvenirs d'enfance, d'amis disparus, de période de confinement, mais c'est aussi, le portrait d'un amateur d'échecs.
Jean-Philippe Toussaint est un écrivain belge auteur de plusieurs romans dont le style se caractérise par un style et un récit minimaliste, dans lesquels les personnages et les choses n'ont d'autre signification qu'eux mêmes.
Il a reçu des prix littéraires, dont notamment le prix victor Rossel et le prix Médicis. 244 pages
Van der Sterren - In black and white ( The chess autobiography of a world championship candidate)
In Black and White is probably the most honest autobiography ever published by a chess grandmaster. It covers Paul van der Sterren’s rise to the chess elite, but above all, his struggle to become a better player, his insecurities and the difficulties he encountered.
This book provides a hugely illuminating insight into the life of a chess professional, but there is a lot in his story that will resonate with players of any level. From his first moves on the chess board to his Candidates Match against Gata Kamsky, only four steps away from the World title – everything is described in great detail and with the utmost frankness by the Dutch grandmaster. The story doesn’t end there – the book’s final part describes the slow decline of an ageing pro and his eventual shift to meditation and mindfulness.
The Dutch edition of In Black and White, which contains more than 300 deeply analysed games and fragments, was published in 2011 and has achieved cult status. With this English translation, it will finally get a well-deserved wider audience.
Paul van der Sterren (1956) was a professional chess player for over twenty years. He won the Dutch Championship in 1985 and 1993 and played for the Dutch team at eight Olympiads. Van der Sterren lost to Gata Kamsky after a great fight in a Candidates Match in 1994. He has written several chess books, of which Fundamental Chess Openings (2009) is the best known. In Dutch, he has also written several books on mindfulness. 768 pages
Dlugy - The Queen's Gambit Accepted ( A Modern Couterattack in an Ancient Opening)
Forging New Paths in an Ancient Opening
The Queen’s Gambit Accepted is one of the oldest known openings in chess. It was first mentioned in chess literature in the late 15th century. Over 500 years later, American Grandmaster Max Dlugy demonstrates in this groundbreaking work that the QGA is still a fighting, uncompromising opening that allows Black to play for a win from the very first move. 349 pages
Gormally - Tournament Battle Plan
Books on how to improve your results over the board have been written before but in these changing times when chess has propelled onto the public consciousness, an update is badly needed. Grandmaster Daniel Gormally uses his 25+ years of experience to take the readers through the fires of the tournament cauldron, while illustrating some of his battles with the best players in England.
Along the way he tackles how to approach online play, an increasingly important issue as this form of chess has increased in popularity. Do you need a coach ? Will streamers relly help you to improve ? And should you turn off your computer ? Gormally emphasizes the importance of independent analysis in enabling the player to make progress and explains how he himself suffered in his results due to an over-reliance in chess engines.
And then there is the nitty gritty of tournament play itself. Gormally grapples with subjects that aren't covered in normal tournament books, from what hotels you should choose, to what kind of diet you need to follow, while also concluding that he lacks the awesome physical fitness of the Norwegian chess god Magnus Carlsen.
It all culminates in an explosive Hastings diary, where the author uses his acerbic wit to pull apart the vagaries of preparing for international competition in an account that verges on comic-tragic. 348 pages