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Tait - A Disreputable Opening Repertoire
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16 ander product
Le plus délirant des jeux de dés et de bluff ! Secouez vos dés dans votre gobelet et cachez bien le résultat à vos adversaires. Maintenant, il va falloir bluffer !
Horwitz/Kling - Chess studies and endgames
In 1851, Horwitz & Kling published the first edition of the book. The collection of endgame studies was truly monumental, covering endgames of all types, often uncovering previously unknown truths about a variety of endgames, both simple and more complex ones.
After the passing of his colleague Kling, Horwitz started preparing a manuscript for a new, expanded edition. However, in 1885, he passed as well, and it was only through the effort of William Wayte that the second edition was published in 1889.
In this new edition, all of their compositions and analysis have been thoroughly reanalyzed by FIDE Master Carsten Hansen. 182 pages
Jungle speed
Jungle speed est un jeu poilant qui vous permettra de mesurer vos réflexes et votre vivacité. Chacun possède des cartes dont il devra se débarrasser pour emporter la partie tandis qu'un totem de bois trône au centre de la table. A chaque tour, on retourne des cartes, si deux cartes sont semblables, les joueurs concernés doivent saisir le plus promptement possible le totem, et le plus rapide refile alors ses cartes à son infortuné adversaire. Pour corser la difficulté, il existe des cartes pratiquement semblables qui peuvent tromper les joueurs et d'autres qui forceront tous les joueurs à intervenir.
Bonzaï ! Réveillez votre instinct animal, car pour gagner, il vous faudra l'oeil du faucon et la vivacité du léopard.
Une version parodique et délirante de donjons et dragons. Des monstres à trucider, des dragons à étriller, des donjons à piller, mais la dure réalité vous apparaît enfin : les armuriers vous arnaquent, vos compagnons sont des pitres, les monstres vous prennent pour des tocards... Le tout sur fond d'alliances, trahisons et bastons.
Grabinsky/Oleksiyenko - Turbo-charge your tactics 1
Turbo-Charge Your Tactics 1 is essentially a chess puzzle book, but not a typical one. It’s a multi-year effort by GM Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko and his world-renowned trainer IM Vladimir Grabinsky to introduce you to the world of “unnatural” tactical moves.
Presenting examples of extreme beauty, no matter where they come from – be it online bullet or world-class grandmaster praxis – this book will cure your “selective blindness” by destroying the false notion of chess principles being a set of rules, instead of helpful guidelines. Most chess games are decided by tactics, so solving tactical puzzles is the most effective path to improvement. hardcover 328 pages
Barsky - Chess coach - the profound and lasting influence of Mark Dvoretsky
This remarkable book is a tribute to a man who is probably the greatest chess coach of all time. Mark Dvoretsky was a fascinating, intelligent, honest, decent, hard-working and good-natured man who dedicated his life to chess and its players.
When Dvoretsky started coaching after a fairly successful career as a player, he became a kind of doctor who could quickly spot what his students needed help with. He made them better chess players but also better people. In this book, not only his most famous students Artur Yusupov and Sergey Dolmatov explain what made Dvoretsky so special, but also former World Champions such as Garry Kasparov, Vishy Anand, Veselin Topalov and Magnus Carlsen, and many others.
In addition to a wealth of delightful and often touching stories, Chess Coach contains 39 of Dvoretsky's games, which show what a strong player he was. They have been analysed by Dvoretsky himself and by many of his former students. Several interviews and articles complete this colourful compilation. One of Dvoretsky's own most famous books was called For Friends and Colleagues – as Garry Kasparov writes in his extensive foreword, this book is a worthy reply 'From Friends and Colleagues'.
Mark Dvoretsky (1947-2016) was known as ‘the strongest International Master in the world’ in the mid-1970s when he decided to pursue a career as a chess trainer. His students Artur Yusupov and Sergey Dolmatov became World Championship Candidates. A meticulous chess analyst, Dvoretsky wrote many highly acclaimed books, his most famous being Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual. He became so popular as a coach that dozens of world-class players repeatedly sought his advice. 324 pages
Moskalenko - L'attaque Trompowsky et le système de Londres
Olibris nous propose coup sur coup, deux nouvelles traductions de qualité, puisqu'il s'agit de deux ouvrages du GM Viktor Moskalenko dont la réputation d'excellent auteur n'est plus à faire. Sa grande spécialité ce sont les livres d'ouvertures, ou il privilégie d'expliquer les idées importantes plutôt que de vous noyer dans les variantes.
Ici il traite de 2 systèmes hyper trendy, l' attaque Trompowsky et le système de Londres. 201 pages
Kaartspellen "Jazz"
Deze set bestaat uit 2 sets van 55 kaarten op bridge formaat. Jaarten hebben een Amerikaanse index en zijn geïllustreerd. Uitg.: Piatnik