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Lakdawala - Capablanca move by move
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
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16 other product
Razuvaev/Murakhveri - Akiba Rubinstein
Akiba Rubinstein is universally considered one of the strongest chess players who never won the world crown. From a modest upbringing in the Polish city of Lódz, he rose to become the principal challenger to the world champion Emanuel Lasker in the years leading up to the First World War. Although their world title match failed to take place, mainly due to the outbreak of wartime hostilities, Rubinstein's legacy has remained equal to that of any world champion.
His best games are conspicuous for their power and clarity and reveal his deep positional comprehension, brilliant combinational abilities, and virtuosic endgame technique. Rubinstein also pioneered many innovative and pragmatic ideas in all phases of the game that continue to influence the theory and praxis of modern chess.
Initially published in Russian, Akiba Rubinstein by Yuri Razuvaev and Valery Murakhveri is widely acclaimed as one of the most outstanding chess books of the latter part of the twentieth century. This work comes up repeatedly when today's top chess players name books that have significantly influenced their understanding of the game.
After an in-depth biographical chapter, most of the book consists of detailed annotations to more than 60 of Rubinstein's finest games against players like Alekhine, Bogolyubov, Capablanca, Euwe, Lasker, Marshall, Nimzowitsch, Schlechter, Spielmann, Tarrasch, Tartakower, and other prominent masters. Grandmaster Razuvaev's copious notes to the games are distinguished by his clear and insightful explanations that are revelatory and highly instructive to keen players of all abilities. 571 pages Hardcover
Volovic - Capablanca's Endgame Technique
Capablanca's Endgame Technique : The Astonishing Chess Logic of the Third World Champion by Alex Colovic. Although Jose Raul Capablanca was the World Chess Champion a century ago, his games remain among the most interesting to study. The clear logic and simplicity of his moves inspired other great players such as Mikhail Botvinnik and Bobby Fischer. And the clarity of his play will boost the confidence of any chess student. It all seems so easy when you read the explanations, says a student in a comment on Chessable, so much so that you really believe you can play like Capablanca.
Capablanca's most instructive endgames will help you to understand:
• The principle of two weaknesses - the art of creating a second weakness, leaving opponents helpless because they cannot deal with both at the same time.
• How to convert an advantage in the endgame, not by brute calculation, but by knowing where best to position your pieces.
• Sharpen your intuition in double rook endgames and avoid wasting energy calculating everything and making mistakes.
• The key concept of prophylaxis when it comes to trading pieces, a remarkable aspect of all Capablanca's games. You will learn when to trade off unnecessary pieces.
Capablanca's Endgame Technique will help you play with precision at all levels of the game, not just in the endgame. It was Capablanca himself who said, 'To improve your game, you must study the endgame before anything else.'
Alex Colovic is a grandmaster from Macedonia who has won 18 national championships and represented his country in three chess Olympiads. He is a prolific chess writer, drawing on his thirty years of experience as a tournament player and chess coach.
Lissowski/Bogdanovich - The wizard of warsaw ( A chess viography of Szymon Winawer)
zymon Winawer was a world top-10 player in the 1870s and 1880s, dueling with such titans as Steinitz, Lasker, Anderssen, Marshall, Chigorin, Zukertort, Louis Paulsen, Janowski, Maroczy, Tarrasch and others, and defeating most of the leading players of his time. He won or took prizes in major international tournaments, including Paris 1867 (second, behind Kolisch and above Steinitz), Leipzig 1877 (fourth, behind Paulsen, Anderssen and Zukertort), Paris 1878 (first equal with Zukertort, though he lost the play-off), Berlin 1881 (third equal with Chigorin, behind Blackburne and Zukertort), Vienna 1882 (first equal with Steinitz), and Nuremberg 1883 (first, ahead of Blackburne).
Winawer was a proponent of fighting chess, regularly deploying the King’s Gambit and Ruy Lopez as white, demonstrating winning combinations as well as positional sacrifices and endgame precision. He attacked the castled king with his h-pawn 150 years before Alpha-Zero. He displayed technique using Horowitz bishops and opening the g-file. At the same time, we see in the book that he also played solid positional chess. Moreover, several opening ideas are named after him, including the popular Winawer Variation of the French Defense.
The Warsaw-born player was not a chess professional and never published any annotated games of his own, but some of his concepts, both in the opening and in the middlegame, are still valid in the 21st century. Indeed, many strategic ideas (blockade, exploiting doubled pawns, maneuvering) described in the works of Nimzowitsch and other hypermodernists can be found, in embryonic form, in the games of Winawer played half a century earlier.
In the first half of this biographical work, Warsaw-based chess historian Tomasz Lissowski, who has co-written books on Kieseritzky and Zukertort among others, portrays Winawer’s life and his sporting achievements in the context of the epoch. This book delivers not only a description of the evolution of chess in Poland in the nineteenth century, but a sense through the prism of chess of the political and social history of Poland and the Austro-Hungarian, German and Russian empires in a period of war and upheaval. It is illustrated by many historical photos from the period.
In the second half of this book, International Master Grigory Bogdanovich paints Winawer’s creative portrait, as well as examining the legacy that this ingenious improviser left to chess culture. The book contains in total 132 annotated instructive games and fragments of Winawer and his contemporaries. 301 pages
KASPAROV - My Great Predecessors part II
Le voilà donc, ce deuxième tome tant attendu - et juste à temps pour Noël. On y (re)découvre les carrières et les parties de Max Euxe, Mikhail Botvinnik, Vassily Smyslov et Mikhail Tal, avec des exposés plus brefs sur quelques-uns de leurs principaux challengers (Keres, Bronstein, Geller). Comme on pouvait l'espérer, on retrouve ici un Kasparov plus impliqué, tant dans l'historique (puisqu'il s'agit de joueurs qu'il a pu connaître, et pour certains affronter) que dans les analyses. Inutile d'en dire beaucoup plus : c'est de la belle ouvrage, en dépit des quelques défauts inhérents à la formule (parties souvent très connues et parti-pris simplificateur sur le plan historique - 100 pages sur Euwe, mais rien sur Reshevsky, Fine, Boleslavsky ou Najdorf...). On attend en tous cas avec impatience le troisième tome - mais patience, aucune date n'est encore annoncée.
Van der Sterren - In black and white ( The chess autobiography of a world championship candidate)
In Black and White is probably the most honest autobiography ever published by a chess grandmaster. It covers Paul van der Sterren’s rise to the chess elite, but above all, his struggle to become a better player, his insecurities and the difficulties he encountered.
This book provides a hugely illuminating insight into the life of a chess professional, but there is a lot in his story that will resonate with players of any level. From his first moves on the chess board to his Candidates Match against Gata Kamsky, only four steps away from the World title – everything is described in great detail and with the utmost frankness by the Dutch grandmaster. The story doesn’t end there – the book’s final part describes the slow decline of an ageing pro and his eventual shift to meditation and mindfulness.
The Dutch edition of In Black and White, which contains more than 300 deeply analysed games and fragments, was published in 2011 and has achieved cult status. With this English translation, it will finally get a well-deserved wider audience.
Paul van der Sterren (1956) was a professional chess player for over twenty years. He won the Dutch Championship in 1985 and 1993 and played for the Dutch team at eight Olympiads. Van der Sterren lost to Gata Kamsky after a great fight in a Candidates Match in 1994. He has written several chess books, of which Fundamental Chess Openings (2009) is the best known. In Dutch, he has also written several books on mindfulness. 768 pages
KASPAROV - My Great Predecessors part V
Cinquième tome de la somme kasparovienne sur les grands joueurs de l'histoire - histoire toute récente ici, puisque les protagonistes sont Korchnoi et Karpov (on reviendra naturellement sur Anatoly dans le volume consacré à ses duels contre Kasparov). Toujours les mêmes qualités, toujours les mêmes défauts, et sans doute toujours le même succès - inutile de faire l'article. Mais n'oublions pas de relire aussi ce que les deux K ont écrit eux-mêmes...