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FISCHER - My 60 Memorable Games
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Gronn - Games and goals (The fascinating Chess and football carreers of Simen Agdestein)
Simen Agdestein was awarded the title of chess grandmaster at the age of eighteen, the youngest in the world at the time. Two years later he wrote in his diary that he believed he could become the best in the world.
But chess wasn"t his only passion. He also excelled at football and was selected nine times for the Norwegian national team. Foreign clubs wanted to sign him as a professional.
Simen Agdestein"s combined careers are unique and amazing. "I can"t choose between my left and my right arm", he once said of the choice between chess and football.
His international football career was cut short when he refused to play for Norway in a World Cup qualifier against Scotland. He opted instead to play Garry Kasparov in a chess tournament in Belgrade. A few years later, a knee injury put an end to his footballing dreams.
These days Agdestein is a coach and teacher at the Norwegian College for Top Athletes, a fertile breeding ground where his most successful pupil, Magnus Carlsen, also attended. Agdestein continues to compete in chess. In 2023 he won the Norwegian Championship for the ninth time, 41 years after his first successful bid.
Games and Goals is a gripping biography of a unique double talent, revealing his insecurities and ambitions, his doubts and dreams. The author had access to Agdestein"s private letters and diaries and conducted numerous interviews with relatives, friends and Agdestein himself. 272 PAGES
Fernandez - Forgotten Talents (chessplayers lost in the labyrinth of life)
Throughout the history of chess, elite players have been studied, celebrated and adored. But there also been players, while perhaps not regarded as world-class competitors, who had a precious gift, but who did not know (or could not find) the way to success. They were lost in the labyrinth of difficulties that life always places before every human being.
In the end, for various reasons, history forgot this select group of masters. For some, their careers were very bright (as in the cases of von Kolisch, Neumann and Charousek) but also extremely short, limiting their renown and depriving them of deserved laurels. For others, chess turned out to be excessively demanding for which their minds were unprepared. Finally, for a truly unfortunate few, tragedy – always an unwelcome guest – took over their lives and then took life itself from them.
An exceptionally researched historical work, these pages contain the stories of 23 players with a very unique way of understanding chess (sometimes ahead of their time) and who prioritized the artistic side of the game over the results: an approach that was not properly appreciated in their time.
Now, for the first time, Spanish author and chess historian Javier Cordero puts these Forgotten Talents in the limelight. Archival photos and almost 200 selected games nicely supplement the biographies of these star-crossed players who became Lost in the Labyrinth of Life. 288 pages
Tal - The Chess Alchemist
Mikhail Tal is one of the most celebrated World Champions in chess history, who confounded his opponents and dazzled chess fans around the world. Seemingly breaking every rule in the book, yet also breaking records with his accomplishments, Tal truly was The Chess Alchemist.
In this unique book, Oleg Stetsko has compiled 80 of Tal’s most interesting games, as annotated by the Magician himself in a variety of sources, many of which have been translated into English for the very first time here.
Mikhail Tal became World Champion in 1960 by defeating the great Mikhail Botvinnik. Tal’s play is famed for its sacrificial brilliance, and he is also renowned as a witty and lively writer. 384 pages
Bhat - How I Became a Chess Grandmaster
Vinay Bhat rose through the ranks of American chess in the 1990s and 2000s, overcoming plateaus, competitive challenges, and academic and professional commitments, before achieving the highest title in chess. Follow Vinay’s path to improvement and the struggles he had to go through, to carve out your own path to improvement and achieve your chess goals.
How I Became a Chess Grandmaster is a personal story that entertains as it instructs. With numerous photographs and anecdotes, you can follow the inspirational rise of a young player from novice to Grandmaster.
Vinay Bhat became a National Master at the age of 10 and an International Master at 15 – at the time the youngest American IM since Bobby Fischer. He later went on to gain the ultimate title of Grandmaster in his mid-twenties. 344 pages
KASPAROV - My Great Predecessors part IV
D'après l'éditeur, voici le tome le plus attendu de la série... C'est bien probable - et c'est bien étrange, car c'est sans doute celui dont on a le moins à attendre. Que raconter de neuf sur le seul champion du monde américain? Nulle carrière n'a été davantage scrutée, peu de parties autant analysées - par Fischer lui-même dans Mes soixante meilleures parties pour celles du début, par le monde des échecs tout entier pour celles de la fin, et par tout auteur à court d'inspiration depuis. Mais un instant - je suis en train de commettre la même erreur que tous ceux qui ont suivi aveuglément une couverture et une publicité tapageuse et réductrice. Car ce tome quatrième n'est pas consacré seulement au sale gosse de Brooklyn. Pour étoffer l'ensemble, les auteurs ont en effet adjoint aux 250 pages consacrées à celui-ci une première partie de presque égale importance portant sur les autres grands champions occidentaux de la période post-Alekhine. Ce qui entraîne au demeurant un curieux téléscopage chronologique, puisqu'on retrouve en particulier Reuben Fine, dont la carrière se termina sensiblement avant que Fischer (et Larsen, lui aussi largement présent) ne commencent la leur. En dehors des deux précités, on retrouvera aussi deux occidentaux accidentels, si on me pardonne cette image plaisante : Miguel (né Moishe) Najdorf et Samuel Reshevsky, qui eurent la mauvaise idée de naître juifs dans la Pologne du début du siècle, et la bonne de la quitter à temps (et même juste à temps pour le futur argentin, qui fit partie de ceux - Eliskases, Pilnik, Pelikan... - qui purent remercier la FIDE d'avoir programmé une Olympiade à Buenos Aires en août-septembre 1939). Après cette première partie forcément intéressante - on ne dispose que de peu, voire de pas du tout de littérature sur tous ces joueurs - vient la portion Fischer. Après une introduction stupéfiante certainement signée Kasparov, qui nous renseigne beaucoup plus sur Kasparov lui-même que sur le sujet théorique, vient un long développement détaillant la trajectoire chaotique du champion américain. Comme toujours, on retrouve l'alternance d'une biographie solide mais sans surprise (et qui ne doit sans doute rien, elle, à l'homme de Bakou) et de parties aux commentaires eux aussi solides, et eux aussi dépourvus de grandes surprises (cf début du texte...).
Timman - Max Euwe's Beste Partijen (Wereldkampioen schaken 1935-1937) HARDCOVER
Over de legendarische Nederlandse schaakwereldkampioen Max Euwe is al veel geschreven, en Euwe produceerde zelf ook tientallen boeken. Maar er was nog geen representatieve verzameling van de beste partijen van deze ‘efficiënte, mensetende tijger’, zoals de Amerikaanse grootmeester William Ewart Napier hem noemde. Max Euwe’s Beste Partijen voorziet in deze lacune. En wie anders had dit boek kunnen schrijven dan Euwe’s opvolger in de Nederlandse schaakwereld – Jan Timman, één van de beste schaakschrijvers van deze tijd. Timman selecteerde tachtig partijen van Euwe. Het is ongelooflijk hoe hoog het niveau was dat Euwe bereikte in de vijftig jaar dat hij actief schaakte, en hoe aantrekkelijk zijn aanvallende speelstijl was. Timman heeft veel nieuws ontdekt in de beste en meest beroemde partijen van Euwe, maar haalt ook een aantal minder bekende briljante partijen voor het voetlicht. Bij zijn analyses komt een aantal interessante paradoxen aan de orde. Zo was Euwe voor het overgrote deel van zijn carrière een amateur, maar wist hij meer van openingstheorie dan vele van zijn tegenstanders op topniveau. Als de underdog onttroonde hij de energieke Alexander Aljechin als wereldkampioen in een epische match in 1935. Op zijn 52ste wist hij nog steeds topspelers als Geller en Najdorf te verslaan met fantastisch aanvalsspel in het beroemde Kandidatentoernooi in Zürich 1953. En toen hij de zeventig al was gepasseerd bleef hij een gevaarlijke opponent voor de jongste generatie Nederlandse schakers. Deze partijenverzameling van een soms onderschatte wereldkampioen, met analyses van topgrootmeester Jan Timman, is een onmisbare aanvulling voor iedereen die is geïnteresseerd in het Nederlandse schaken en in het wereldkampioenschap. Jan Timman, de voormalig nummer twee van de wereldranglijst, is de auteur van vele populaire schaakboeken. Zijn boek Timman’s Titans won de ECF Book of the Year Award in 2017. Zijn recente boeken The Longest Game, Timman’s Triumphs en The Unstoppable American, zijn nu al moderne klassiekers in de schaakliteratuur.
Bogdanovich - From Vienna to Munich to Stockholm ( A chess biography of Rudolph Spielman)
Rudolf Spielmann was one of the strongest chess players in the world in the first half of the 20th century. Following his shared second place at the Carlsbad tournament in 1929 with Capablanca, half a point behind Nimzowitsch, he was considered one of the world's top five. His career spread over four decades and included a host of tournament and match victories, such as defeating Bogoljubov over ten games in 1932.
Often known as the Last Romantic in chess with his predilection for the King's Gambit and Vienna Game and love of sacrifices, he bequeathed a rich legacy of ideas and techniques. These combinational and positional master classes are examined here in 213 instructional games and fragments, organized thematically in a way similar to Grigory Bogdanovich's previous volumes on Bogoljubov.
Detailed commentary is provided on games against leading contemporaries. Opponents in this work include five world champions Lasker, Capablanca, Alekhine, Euwe, and Botvinnik, as well as Marshall, Janowski, Tarrasch, Tartakower, Nimzowitsch, Reti, Rubinstein, Romanovsky, Bogoljubov, and many others. Bogdanovich's commentary is richly supplemented by that of stars of the epoch and, above all, of Spielmann himself.
The book further contains a biographical sketch and is supplemented by a large number of tournament photographs and portraits. Spielmann's life was ultimately tragic - a lonely death in Sweden aged just 59 as a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany following the demise three years earlier of his sponsor, while several family members failed to escape the Holocaust.
Additional materials in the book include a detailed table of tournaments and matches from his career, as well as a translation of Spielmann's fascinating article dating to 1923 called "From the Sickbed of the King's Gambit". 460 pages
KASPAROV - Kasparov vs Karpov 1986-1987
Deuxième volume consacré à la plus grande rivalité échiquéenne de tous les temps - et visiblement, il y en aura un troisième. Curieux, d'ailleurs, cette manie de tout faire en trois C'est peut-être parce qu'on est dans une année en 9 Bref, si je tire à la ligne, c'est que je n'ai bien sûr rien d'original à dire sur ce nouvel opus, qui comblera tous les amateurs d'AAO - cf la 16ème partie du match de 86, qui décroche le pompon
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Comment mûrir son style 4ème Edition
Probablement le livre le plus important pour comprendre les échecs publiés ces dernières années. A consommer (lire et relire) sans modération.