GRIVAS - Chess expertise step by step vol. 1 DVD
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Système requis : PC Windows XP (SP3), Vista or Windows 7, Windows Media Player, DVD-drive
Pressure Play by Neil McDonald. Have you ever been tortured at the chessboard? If so, then you have probably been a victim of pressure play.
Elite players are brilliant exponents of pressure play. In situations where they have either a tiny advantage or no advantage at all they are highly adept at constantly setting problems for their unfortunate opponents. The position on the board may appear lifeless but they can probe and find plans and regroupings that will constantly ask their opponents difficult questions. These can be countered only by continual alert and accurate defence and we all know how difficult and wearing that can be.
The arch exponent of pressure play is world champion Magnus Carlsen. Carlsen is superb in this area of the game and consistently defeats world class opposition from simplified positions where he has no advantage whatsoever. How does he do it?
In this book, the highly experienced author and coach Neil McDonald analyses the finest examples of pressure play. In doing so he teases out the fundamental concepts that enable players like Carlsen to torture their opponents mercilessly.
Master pressure play and it will be your opponent on the rack, not you. 352 pages
Système requis:
Pentium 300 Mhz, 64 Mo RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, lecteur DVD-ROM, souris, carte son.
Weighted with felted bottom Supreme Staunton chess pieces, sculpted in ebony: a precious wood of great density and of a profound blackness. Perfectly polished, shiny and smooth, they are finely sequined, which gives them in light this singular glittering aspect.
They will perfectly suits on a chessboard with squares measuring 55mm.
The Scotch Game is a solid opening that has been tried and tested in practice by some of the strongest chessplayers in the world for more than two centuries. The idea behind the Scotch Game is simple and easily understandable. White eliminates – in a purely mechanical fashion – Black’s e5-pawn which initially impedes his ambition to dominate in the center.
This is very appealing for White, as he controls the direction of the struggle’s development, while Black can only try to keep pace. Furthermore, there are relatively simple schemes in the white repertoire in which it is enough to remember the main plans of both sides and typical maneuvers.
This is the second edition of Vladimir Barsky’s book that first appeared in 2009. The new edition consists of seven chapters dealing with the core ideas and variations of the Scotch, supplemented by 79 Illustrative Games. The authors not only present detailed analysis of all lines but are also careful to discuss the ideas behind the opening. If you already play the Scotch, you need this book. If you don’t, find out what you have been missing. 224 pages
The Modern Defense has been popular for decades. However, within the purview of this defense, there is a system that challenges White right from the get-go. The brainchild of Georgian grandmaster Bukhuti Gurgenidze, Black plays 1...g6 and follows with a timely ...c6 and ...d5. Occasionally classified as part of the Caro-Kann, it draws battle lines immediately.
The move 1...g6 in general is an aggressive approach, throwing down the gauntlet from the very first move. This is why in some lines, even if the reader finds that the engine assesses a position in White’s favor, one should not be put off.
This book, the first one dedicated to the Modern Gurgenidze in many years, consists of 10 theoretical Chapters and 31 sample games. Jaan carefully explains how Black’s plans may change depending on White’s move order, when exactly we should play ...c7-c6 followed by ...d7-d5 (Chapters 1-5) and when we would be better off with ...d7-d6 and ...e7-e5 (Chapters 6-10). You will be treated to Jaan’s insights on Hippo, Dutch, English, King’s Indian and even 1.b3, all through the eyes of Gurgenidze system. – Grandmaster Alex Shabalov in his Foreword.
The Modern Gurgenidze has figured prominently in Jaan Ehlvest’s repertoire as Black for many years. He now shares his expertise and experience in this provocative defense. If you want to play for a draw, this book is not for you. But if you want to play for the full point, this counterpunching defense may be just what you are looking for.
About the Author:
Jaan Ehlvest is a grandmaster from Tallinn, Estonia. He won the 1980 USSR Junior Chess Championship when he was 18 and in 1983, the European Junior Championship. He was champion of Estonia in 1986 and was a member of the gold medal-winning Soviet Union team at the 28th Chess Olympiad in Thessaloniki 1988. He played for Estonia in the Chess Olympiads of 1992-2004. This is his first book for Russell Enterprises. 240 pages
Le voilà donc, ce deuxième tome tant attendu - et juste à temps pour Noël. On y (re)découvre les carrières et les parties de Max Euxe, Mikhail Botvinnik, Vassily Smyslov et Mikhail Tal, avec des exposés plus brefs sur quelques-uns de leurs principaux challengers (Keres, Bronstein, Geller). Comme on pouvait l'espérer, on retrouve ici un Kasparov plus impliqué, tant dans l'historique (puisqu'il s'agit de joueurs qu'il a pu connaître, et pour certains affronter) que dans les analyses. Inutile d'en dire beaucoup plus : c'est de la belle ouvrage, en dépit des quelques défauts inhérents à la formule (parties souvent très connues et parti-pris simplificateur sur le plan historique - 100 pages sur Euwe, mais rien sur Reshevsky, Fine, Boleslavsky ou Najdorf...). On attend en tous cas avec impatience le troisième tome - mais patience, aucune date n'est encore annoncée.