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Système requis:
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The ChessBase Mega Database 2024 is the premiere chess database with over 10.4 million games from 1475 to 2023 in high quality. Packing more than 112,000 annotated games, Mega 2024 contains the world‘s largest collection of high-class analysed games. Train like a pro! Prepare for your opponents with ChessBase and the Mega Database 2024. Let grandmasters explain how to best handle your favorite variations, improve your repertoire and much more. Serial number of the previous version is required.
Endgame Labyrinths presents the reader with 1002 challenging studies selected and truncated, with their usefulness for the practical player in mind. It is common for studies to be extended by less interesting manoeuvres or by incomprehensible sequences, before the main themes come into play. The studies in this book have been pruned to leave the reader with 1002 clear and solvable challenges.
A few years of extensive selection, analysis, reselection, reanalysis and refining have gone into putting together the study book for the practical player with the most value ever.
Steffen Nielsen is the reigning World Champion in endgame composition. His creativity and aesthetics in his compositions have had a massive influence on modern competition. He is a strong club player, with a good understanding of the difficulties practical players face over the board. Steffen is also a life-long supporter of the football club AaB, which is less successful...
GM Jacob Aagaard is one of the leading chess writers and trainers of his generation. His students have played successfully at all levels and continue to do so. His books are used all over the world, by top players and amateurs alike. Hardcover . 424 pages
De moeilijkheidsgraad van de stof in de vierde stap ligt hoger dan die van de derde. Dat is voorÃÂnamelijk het gevolg van het toenemen van het aantal zetten van de oplossingen van de opgaven. Een goede beheersing en toepassing van de onderwerpen uit de d
Le plus célèbre des entraîneurs reprend et développe ici un thème introduit dans son Endgame Manual, à savoir, la boulette. Oui, enfin, je veux dire qu'il se propose de vous faire découvrir le monde merveilleux et dangereux des finales à travers les imprécisions, erreurs, gaffes et gamelles des champions. C'est moins fondamental que d'autres ouvrages du bonhomme, mais c'est souvent amusant, toujours instructif, et au fond si rassurant...