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Watson - Les Secrets de la Stratégie Moderne aux échecs
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Burnett - Dragon Masters (The life and Times of the fiercest opening in Chess Volume 1) Hardcover
Andrew Burnett is a Scottish FM who has represented his country on several occasions. He is the author of cult classic Streetfighting Chess and his love of the Dragon opening stretches back to his teenage years when he was looking to escape from 1.e4 e5! He is currently working on the second volume of DragonMasters.
DragonMasters volume 1 charts the history of the most exciting and dangerous opening known to chess: the Dragon variation of the Sicilian Defence.
Unlike almost all other books on the Dragon, the focus is not purely on theoretical developments. Instead, the author has combined the most historically important games, the famous players who chose to fight either side (sometimes both sides!) of the opening, and the most unexpected and interesting stories featuring the Dragon. World champions, contenders for the crown, codebreakers, revolutionaries in every sense of the word, all feature in this remarkable and entirely unique look into the history of an opening variation. As the ancient maps say: Here be Dragons! 404 pages Hardcover
GRIVAS - Chess expertise step by step vol. 1 DVD
Système requis : PC Windows XP (SP3), Vista or Windows 7, Windows Media Player, DVD-drive
Karolyi - Endgame Virtuoso Magnus Carlsen
For this second volume of Magnus Carlsen Endgame Virtuoso, International Master Tibor Karolyi has selected Carlsen’s best endgames from 2018-2022, whereas the first volume covered 1999-2017. Reviewing these new games and explaining what Magnus was doing, the author was thoroughly impressed. 253 pages
MARTIN - ABC of the Classical Dutch DVD
Système requis:
Pentium 300 Mhz, 64 Mo RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, lecteur DVD-ROM, souris, carte son.
Echiquier Loupe Erable 55 cm
Top-of-the-range 55 cm chessboard with 55 mm squares.
Handcrafted in Italy from maple.
The high-gloss finish enhances the design and natural colours of the wood.
Perfect with our Supreme Staunton model in ebony.
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YUSUPOV - Chess Evolution The Fundamentals vol.1
Si quelqu'un s'y retrouve, il me fait signe Voici donc (au choix) le premier volume d'une triplette baptisée Chess Evolution, ou le troisième d'un trio dénommé The Fundamentals - à moins qu'il s'agisse simplement du septième tome d'un projet global qui en comportera neuf Ce qui est sûr, c'est que les 24 nouveaux chapitres truffés d'exemples et bardés d'exercices présentés ici vous feront cogiter quelques dizaines d'heures, et seront certainement profitables. Au boulot !
Chess Tutor Stap 1 CD
De Chess Tutor is een programma dat draait onder Windows. Je kunt ermee leren schaken, schaaklessen volgen, opgaven oplossen, spelletjes spelen en hele partijen spelen. De inhoud is gebaseerd op de Stappenmethode met ongeveer dezelfde leerstofopbouw als in de boeken maar met andere instructielessen en andere, veel meer opgaven.
Systeemvereisten: PC Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10