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Georgiev - Attacking 1...d5 volume 2
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16 ander product
Backgammon Mocha Brown inlaid leatherette
- Mocha brown design with textured leatherette lid and light brown playing surface
- With mother-of-pearl effect acrylic backgammon checkers in brown and cream
- 19-inch hand crafted backgammon board with inlaid leatherette points
- Also includes dice and dice shakers - backgammon rules also included
L'histoire du Roi des Echecs
Le Roi des échecs est une version très simple et amusante pour apprendre aux enfants à jouer aux échecs. Il se base sur des histoires et des personnages sympathiques et colorés. Il contient également toute une série de 30 mini-jeux très simples afin de familiariser l'enfant aux règles du jeu d'échecs. Le grand intérêt de ce jeu est de proposer une approche du jeu d'échecs dès 3 ans. Ce jeu a reçu de nombreux prix à travers le monde et notamment cette année, il a reçu le prix du jeu pour enfants en Belgique.
Le roi des echecs est livré avec:
32 pièces d'échecs thématisées
32 silhouettes de personnages
30 jetons pourles mini-jeux
2 sacs de rangement pour les pièces
1 livre d'histoires Le Roi des échecs
1 plateau d'échecs double-face
Poker Table Top - Neopreen/Jersey Blauw
Blauwe poker table top met betline. Uit neopreen zodat de kaarten makelijken glijden en met antislip voor een optimale hechting.
Tapijt geschikt voor 10 spelers.
Erg licht en eenvoudig op te rollen voor opslag en vervoer. Dit rubber poker laken table top blauw zit verpakt in een draagtas.
Schaakset Supreme Anjanwood
This wonderful set of pieces has been made with anjanwood (it's like rosewood), the pieces are handcrafted, felted and double weighted.
A total of 34 pieces (2 extra queens). Size of king is 10.50 cm and diam. of 4.5 cm
The board is handmade in Italy and it is a very hight quality product. It is walnut burr wood, the light squares are crafted form the maple veneers and, complete with the high gloss finish. Chess board is 54 cm and each square is 5.5 cm
It is the perfect companion of the supreme set of pieces.
Van der Sterren - Mindful Chess
The Dutch Grandmaster Paul van der Sterren was a professional chess player for over twenty years. At the peak of his career, he qualified for the Candidate Matches for the World Championship - and was only four victories away from the World Title. In Mindful Chess, you will get his long and short answer to whether meditation or mindfulness will help your chess.
As a boy, Van der Sterren became fascinated by chess and became a gladiator at the chess board. To quote Theodore Roosevelt, he met with both victory and defeat, much joy and suffering. When, later in life, he discovered vipassana meditation, he met again with joy and suffering - and approached these issues with the same total devotion as he had brought to chess - thousands and thousands of hours on the cushion and studying Buddhist literature.
The reader will follow the two journeys through chess and meditation. And find answers to questions such as: What is chess? What is meditation? Who am I? What is I? Or will the answer elude you, is too much inexplainable and unknowable?
Paul van der Sterren (1956) was a professional chess player for over twenty years. At the peak of his career, the Dutch grandmaster qualified for the Candidate Matches for the World Championship – and was only four victories away from the World Title. He is the bestselling author of Fundamental Chess Openings (Gambit Publishers). In 2023 New In Chess will publish his books: Mindful Chess and In Black and White - a spiritual and a chess autobiography. 127 pages