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Moskalenko - The Fabulous Budapest Gambit
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16 ander product
Regan/Ball - Zwischenzug (a comprehensive guide to Intermediate Moves in Chess)
Zwischenzug! is the first-ever comprehensive guide to the chess tactic also known as the intermediate move, or intermezzo. This exciting manoeuvre can catch opponents off guard because it is against the expected run of play. You will learn how to spot Zwischenzugs, when to look out for them, and how to set them up in your games.
The authors have studied thousands of games and have identified the patterns that appear frequently in practical play. The book categorizes the different types of Zwischenzugs and distils them into easily accessible themes. The concepts are given catchy names to make them more memorable, and historical details and anecdotes are added throughout the book.
Included is an extensive mix of sample puzzles for learning and practice.
When published on Chessable, the course was received very enthusiastically and awarded an average rating of 4.82 out of a possible five stars. Another welcome effect is that the authors are now finding a lot of Zwischenzugs in their own games! 280 pages
Encyclopaedia of Chess Endings - Minor Pieces 2nd edition
Encyclopedia of Chess Endings ECE V Minor Pieces (Bishop and Knights) - 2nd Edition. Hardcover
- New, completely revised and expanded edition
- 2020 examples of greatest historical and educational value
- Diligently checked with modern engines and endgame tools 592 pages
EINGORN - Decision -Making at the Chessboard
CROUCH - Modern Chess: Move by Move
Encore un livre sur le principe “move by move”, créé jadis par Chernev.et repris ensuite par Nunn, McDonald et quelques moindres. C'est ici l'auteur de How to defend in chess et Great Attackers qui s'y colle, avec un certain bonheur - même s'il n'a pu éviter les redites et enfonçages de portes ouvertes qui sont la loi du genre. Reste que les joueurs de tous niveaux trouveront agrément et profit à découvrir ces 33 parties ultra-récentes (2005-08) commentées en (grand) détail.
SEIRAWAN - Play winning Chess
Premier volume - on dira d'introduction - d'un cours complet en six (trois sont sortis, les trois autres doivent suivre dans quelques mois) dû au plus célèbre joueur américain actuel. Le plan du livre est original : il consiste pour l'essentiel en quatre chapitres consacrés chacun à l'un des aspects fondamentaux du jeu : Force, Temps, Espace et Structure (de pions évidemment). De nombreux exercices animent l'ensemble, qui s'achève par huit parties complètes commentées. Un très bon ouvrage pour débutants... anglophones.
Kuljasevic - Ding Liren's Best Game
On 30 April 2023, in Astana, Kazakhstan, Chinese grandmaster Ding Liren sensationally defeated Russia’s Ian Nepomniachtchi in a dramatic battle for the chess crown. Ding Liren not only became the 17th World Chess Champion, but he also won the hearts of chess fans across the globe with his incredible fighting spirit and disarming interviews. At the final press conference, the new champion said the match ‘reflected the deepest of his soul’.
Humble and almost vulnerable in his demeanour, Ding Liren is a formidable fighter with a rich inner chess world. Throughout his career, his creative output has been immense. His games feature outstanding precision, rationality and superior endgame technique on the one hand and a talent to find brilliant, imaginative solutions on the other. His stoicism in the face of adversity and ability to quickly learn from mistakes and adapt to his opponents is unique.
Few chess greats can boast that they reached first place in both the blitz and rapid world rankings and became World Champion in classical chess. Even fewer can claim an unbeaten streak of 100 classical games. That’s how special Ding Liren is.
In this best games collection, grandmaster Davorin Kuljasevic follows and explores Ding Liren’s rise from his first chess steps in provincial China to the top of the chess world. Making no secret of his admiration for this extraordinary chess genius, the author describes Ding Liren’s successes and setbacks and how these experiences shaped him as a player and a person.
Davorin Kuljasevic is an International Grandmaster born in Croatia. He graduated from Texas Tech University and is an experienced coach. His first book Beyond Material: Ignore the Face Value of Your Pieces was a finalist for the Boleslavsky-Averbakh Award, the best book prize of FIDE, the International Chess Federation. His second book, How To Study Chess on Your Own, was an international bestseller. 328 pages
Schaakset Supreme Anjanwood
This wonderful set of pieces has been made with anjanwood (it's like rosewood), the pieces are handcrafted, felted and double weighted.
A total of 34 pieces (2 extra queens). Size of king is 10.50 cm and diam. of 4.5 cm
The board is handmade in Italy and it is a very hight quality product. It is walnut burr wood, the light squares are crafted form the maple veneers and, complete with the high gloss finish. Chess board is 54 cm and each square is 5.5 cm
It is the perfect companion of the supreme set of pieces.
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Henris: The Complete Albin Counter-Gambit
Authored by Belgian FIDE Master Luc Henris, an expert on the Albin, this book covers the Albin Counter-Gambit on about 600 (!) pages. It provides you with up-to-date analysis and innovative ideas to fight the Queen´s Gambit. While it has long been underestimated by master and club players alike, it is especially Morozevich (ELO 2760 as of May 2013) who revived the Albin in recent years. If it´s good for him, it´s good for us too: an entertaining, surprising, and sound counter-weapon for Black.
Edited by Marchand S.A.
TAYLOR - The Budapest Gambit
Je sais pas pourquoi, mais cette ouverture ne m'a jamais inspiré confiance : ça doit être le nom Dans le prologue, l'auteur (grand spécialiste des ouvertures aventureuses, on le sait) nous confie qu'après une étude approfondie, il est convaincu a) que le gambit de Budapest est correct et peut être joué à tous niveaux et b) qu'il est assez difficile à maîtriser. Considérant le score global des noirs dans les 75 parties du livre, on peut penser qu'il a raison sur le point b).