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CROUCH - Modern Chess: Move by Move
Encore un livre sur le principe “move by move”, créé jadis par Chernev.et repris ensuite par Nunn, McDonald et quelques moindres. C'est ici l'auteur de How to defend in chess et Great Attackers qui s'y colle, avec un certain bonheur - même s'il n'a pu éviter les redites et enfonçages de portes ouvertes qui sont la loi du genre. Reste que les joueurs de tous niveaux trouveront agrément et profit à découvrir ces 33 parties ultra-récentes (2005-08) commentées en (grand) détail.
Kuljasevic - Ding Liren's Best Game
On 30 April 2023, in Astana, Kazakhstan, Chinese grandmaster Ding Liren sensationally defeated Russia’s Ian Nepomniachtchi in a dramatic battle for the chess crown. Ding Liren not only became the 17th World Chess Champion, but he also won the hearts of chess fans across the globe with his incredible fighting spirit and disarming interviews. At the final press conference, the new champion said the match ‘reflected the deepest of his soul’.
Humble and almost vulnerable in his demeanour, Ding Liren is a formidable fighter with a rich inner chess world. Throughout his career, his creative output has been immense. His games feature outstanding precision, rationality and superior endgame technique on the one hand and a talent to find brilliant, imaginative solutions on the other. His stoicism in the face of adversity and ability to quickly learn from mistakes and adapt to his opponents is unique.
Few chess greats can boast that they reached first place in both the blitz and rapid world rankings and became World Champion in classical chess. Even fewer can claim an unbeaten streak of 100 classical games. That’s how special Ding Liren is.
In this best games collection, grandmaster Davorin Kuljasevic follows and explores Ding Liren’s rise from his first chess steps in provincial China to the top of the chess world. Making no secret of his admiration for this extraordinary chess genius, the author describes Ding Liren’s successes and setbacks and how these experiences shaped him as a player and a person.
Davorin Kuljasevic is an International Grandmaster born in Croatia. He graduated from Texas Tech University and is an experienced coach. His first book Beyond Material: Ignore the Face Value of Your Pieces was a finalist for the Boleslavsky-Averbakh Award, the best book prize of FIDE, the International Chess Federation. His second book, How To Study Chess on Your Own, was an international bestseller. 328 pages
Ehlvest - The Modern Gurgenidze - A counterpunching repertoire for black
The Modern Defense has been popular for decades. However, within the purview of this defense, there is a system that challenges White right from the get-go. The brainchild of Georgian grandmaster Bukhuti Gurgenidze, Black plays 1...g6 and follows with a timely ...c6 and ...d5. Occasionally classified as part of the Caro-Kann, it draws battle lines immediately.
The move 1...g6 in general is an aggressive approach, throwing down the gauntlet from the very first move. This is why in some lines, even if the reader finds that the engine assesses a position in White’s favor, one should not be put off.
This book, the first one dedicated to the Modern Gurgenidze in many years, consists of 10 theoretical Chapters and 31 sample games. Jaan carefully explains how Black’s plans may change depending on White’s move order, when exactly we should play ...c7-c6 followed by ...d7-d5 (Chapters 1-5) and when we would be better off with ...d7-d6 and ...e7-e5 (Chapters 6-10). You will be treated to Jaan’s insights on Hippo, Dutch, English, King’s Indian and even 1.b3, all through the eyes of Gurgenidze system. – Grandmaster Alex Shabalov in his Foreword.
The Modern Gurgenidze has figured prominently in Jaan Ehlvest’s repertoire as Black for many years. He now shares his expertise and experience in this provocative defense. If you want to play for a draw, this book is not for you. But if you want to play for the full point, this counterpunching defense may be just what you are looking for.
About the Author:
Jaan Ehlvest is a grandmaster from Tallinn, Estonia. He won the 1980 USSR Junior Chess Championship when he was 18 and in 1983, the European Junior Championship. He was champion of Estonia in 1986 and was a member of the gold medal-winning Soviet Union team at the 28th Chess Olympiad in Thessaloniki 1988. He played for Estonia in the Chess Olympiads of 1992-2004. This is his first book for Russell Enterprises. 240 pages
Supreme Staunton ebbehouten schaakstukken
Deze prachtige Staunton schaakstukken verdienen een punt in hun geschiedenis; in de 19e eeuw was Londen een belangrijke centrum voor het productie van schaakstukken. John Jaques, een van de belangrijkste ivoor- en houtdraaier toen, besloot om het uiterlijk van de schaakstukken mooier en functioneler te maken. Samen met zijn partner Nathaniel Cook, gaan ze in 1849 hun model afwerken en registreren ter ere van Howard Staunton, een voormalige charismatieke schaakspeler en journalist. Een soort marketingstunt vooruit op zijn tijd.
De Staunton stukken zijn stabieler door hun brede basis en de algemene esthetiek van de stukken is getransformeerd: De toren wordt een onneembare vesting, de lijn van de pionnen is verfijnd, de mijter van de loper is vereenvoudigd, men onderscheid beter de kroon van de koning, dankzij het kruis, van diegenen van de dame met haar puntige kraag. En bovenal, het ultra-realistische uiterlijk van het paard roept resoluut een gevecht op. Stijl waarvan we duidelijk de inspiratie terug vinden in de fries van de Parthénon, meesterwerk van de Griekse beeldhouwwerk in de 5eeuw v.Chr. die grotendeels bewaard is gebleven in het Britisch museeum van Londen.
De Staunton stukken kenden snel een groot succes en werden in 1924 officieel voorgeschreven voor competie. Sinds het oorspronkelijke model van 1849 werden verschillende varianten van Staunton gemaakt en zijn nu over de hele wereld beschikbaar voor schaakspelers, maar ze blijven trouw aan de "John Jaques stijl".
Deze Supreme Staunton schaakstukken zijn gevilt en verzwaard. Ze zijn gesneden in een dicht, imitatie ebbehout, van een uitzonderlijke diepe zwarte. Ze zijn perfect gepolijst, glad en glanzend, en fijn geglitterd met oxalzuur kristallen. Waardoor ze bij licht een zo bezondere schittering hebben.
KASIMDZHANOV - World Champion Guide to the King's Indian 2nd Edition DVD
Système requis:
Pentium 300 Mhz, 64 Mo RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, lecteur DVD-ROM, souris, carte son.
Manella, Zohar - Play Unconventional Chess and Win
In this book the reader will discover the incredible power unconventional moves can have. These moves contradict the most fundamental principles of the old chess , and yet most of them played by leading grandmasters.
At first sight these moves look so strange that the reader can not avoid asking, Was this grandmaster was inspired or drunk? The answer will definitely surprise you.
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