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Srokovski - Chess Training for Post-beginners
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16 ander product
Franco - Learn from Sammy Reshevsky
In his heyday, Samuel Reshevsky was one of the great contenders for the world title and, according to Bobby Fischer, for a period of about ten years, from 1946 to 1956, he was the best player in the world.
This book contains sixty of his best games, all analysed and annotated.
It also includes exercises and answers to various questions that might arise in the mind of the reader.
I believe this is a good method, both for teaching and learning.
The author hopes that in this way the reader will learn from the magnificent play of Sammy Reshevsky, and grow to admire it as much as I do. 424 pages
Gevilten plastieken schaakstukken n°3
Identieek als de vorige, maar in maat 3, niet verzwaard. Geschikt voor schaakborden n°3 (veldgroote: 40mm).
Kotronias/Ivanov - Echecs : Londres ne répond plus ( le guide indispensable pour contrer le système de Londres)
Le système de Londres one more time..., mais non, il s'agit ici d'un ouvrage pour le contrer, donc du point de vue des noirs.
Les auteurs Kotronias et Ivanov, ne sont pas les premiers venus, il nous présente les choses d'un point de vue objectif, ils proposent aux noirs de disposer eux aussi de lignes jouables et faciles à comprendre qui permettront de neutraliser l'initiative adverse.
Le livre est découpé en quatre parties, qui couvrent les schémas de types Est-indienne, Benoni, Nimzo/Ouest-indienne et Gambit-Dame. 260 pages
Kotronias - The Safest Scandinavian Reloaded
A completely revised edition, which retains the structure of the first edition but is based on new analysis of all critical lines.
This book presents a Black repertoire based on the Scandinavian Defence with 3...Qd6. This is the safest yet aggressive queen retreat. It allows Black to increase pressure on d4 with ...0-0-0 or ...Rd8 while keeping coordination in the centre. Kotronias offers new plans for Black in the most topical lines. They are backed with deep analysis based on solid chess understanding.
As Kotronias puts in the introduction chapter:
"(...) Instead of reprinting the book, the publisher offered me to make a new, revised edition. It took me almost a year to analyse all the new developments and repertoire books that proposed dangerous new weapons against the Qd6 Scandinavian. Meanwhile the AI engines surged, with their original view on some positions. The result is a completely rewritten book, with major corrections, especially in its second half. The structure of variations remained the same, but I introduced many improvements in the subsequent play. I also added some games of mine from the last year." 300 pages