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Franco - Learn from Sammy Reshevsky
In his heyday, Samuel Reshevsky was one of the great contenders for the world title and, according to Bobby Fischer, for a period of about ten years, from 1946 to 1956, he was the best player in the world.
This book contains sixty of his best games, all analysed and annotated.
It also includes exercises and answers to various questions that might arise in the mind of the reader.
I believe this is a good method, both for teaching and learning.
The author hopes that in this way the reader will learn from the magnificent play of Sammy Reshevsky, and grow to admire it as much as I do. 424 pages
Gratis levering vanaf €69 (België, Frankrijk, Nederland, Luxemburg, Duitsland)
Veertien dagen lang!
Alle betaalkaarten geaccepteerd.
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Doosje voor schaakstukken
Mooie houten doos waarin je je stukken kunt bewaren en beschermen als je je spel opbergt of als je het verplaatst. De grootte van de doos maakt het mogelijk om een complete set stukken op te bergen met een maximale koningsgrootte van 87 mm (standaard maat). De doos wordt gesloten met een deksel dat voorzien is van kleine magneten.
afmeting : 225 x 142 x 83 mm
Lakdawala - Irrational Chess
The vast majority of chess games witness familiar strategies and well known tactical motifs. These are the games that you will find in the anthologies and opening repertoires. Sometimes however, games appear that seem to have been played on a different planet.
Conventional strategies go out of the window. Familiar tactical themes are nowhere to be seen. Chaos has broken out. The pieces appear to be in open rebellion and are steadfastly refusing to do the natural jobs that they were designed for.
Having to navigate a path in such a game can be a nightmare. Do you rely purely on calculation? Is it better to trust your instincts? Can you assess the position using “normal” criteria?
In order to answer these questions, prolific chess author and coach Cyrus Lakdawala has assembled a collection of brilliantly unconventional and irrational games. The positions in these games appear almost random. Kings have gone walkabout, pieces are on bizarre squares, huge pawn rollers are sweeping all before them.
Irrational chess is like nothing you’ve seen before. As well as being highly instructive this is a hugely entertaining book.
Do not adjust your set. It’s chess, Jim, but not as we know it.
Hanabi : alliez vos forces pour tirer les plus beaux feux d'artifice !
Hanabi est un petit jeu de cartes coopératif dans lequel les joueurs doivent collaborer afin de monter un spectacle de feux d'artifice digne de ce nom !
Le principe est innovant car vous devez tenir vos cartes à l'envers sans savoir ce qu'elles représentent : seuls vos coéquipiers seront à même de vous informer sur votre propre jeu.
Chaque joueur peut à son tour soit donner une information sur une couleur ou sur une valeur de cartes appartenant à un partenaire, soit défausser une carte, soit jouer une carte.
Il vous faut donc compter sur l'entraide au sein de votre équipe afin de constituer des suites de cartes de couleurs et de valeurs différentes représentant un feu d'artifice réussi.
Hanabi est un petit jeu au thème et au mécanisme pleins d'originalité qui fait appel à la mémoire et crée des interactions intéressantes entre les joueurs. En plus il est présenté dans une petite boîte en métal, jolie et pratique à la fois !
A savoir : ce jeu est signé Antoine Bauza, star montante dans l'univers du jeu de société, auteur du célèbre 7 Wonders et d'autres jeux de coopération comme Ghost Stories et Donjon de Naheulbeuk (également disponibles sur ce site).
Voir la fiche du jeu 7 Wonders
Voir la fiche du jeu Ghost Stories
Voir la fiche du jeu Donjon de Naheulbeuk
Benjamin - Chessboard combat
Chess students love a Puzzle Rush. And solving tactics puzzles certainly helps you improve your pattern recognition and will help you find good moves in tournament games. But there is a downside to most tactics puzzles — we always know who is supposed to win!
Chess in real life is different, not just because no one taps us on the shoulder and tells us to look for a tactic. Sometimes tactics work, and sometimes they don't. Sometimes your opponent has a few tricks up their sleeve, too.
This book shows the reality of chess tactics. It explores a chess player's challenges over the board: attack, defense, and counterattack! It exposes the actual give-and-take nature of chess tactics. 224 pages
Schaakset Club Noyer met annotatie wedstrijd afmetigen
Walnoot schaakbord met cijfers en letters (49 cm en veld is 50 mm) en volledige set of stukken met lood en vilt nummer 5 (koning 93 mm).
Perfekt om te spelen en analyseren.
Mucha duoset
Op deze geschenk duoset worden kunstwerken van Alphonse Mucha afgebeeld: Monaco-Monte Carlo. Een zonnestraaltje, om te geven of te krijgen.
Une version parodique et délirante de donjons et dragons. Des monstres à trucider, des dragons à étriller, des donjons à piller, mais la dure réalité vous apparaît enfin : les armuriers vous arnaquent, vos compagnons sont des pitres, les monstres vous prennent pour des tocards... Le tout sur fond d'alliances, trahisons et bastons.
Klanten die dit product aangeschaft hebben kochten ook...
Fernandez - Forgotten Talents (chessplayers lost in the labyrinth of life)
Throughout the history of chess, elite players have been studied, celebrated and adored. But there also been players, while perhaps not regarded as world-class competitors, who had a precious gift, but who did not know (or could not find) the way to success. They were lost in the labyrinth of difficulties that life always places before every human being.
In the end, for various reasons, history forgot this select group of masters. For some, their careers were very bright (as in the cases of von Kolisch, Neumann and Charousek) but also extremely short, limiting their renown and depriving them of deserved laurels. For others, chess turned out to be excessively demanding for which their minds were unprepared. Finally, for a truly unfortunate few, tragedy – always an unwelcome guest – took over their lives and then took life itself from them.
An exceptionally researched historical work, these pages contain the stories of 23 players with a very unique way of understanding chess (sometimes ahead of their time) and who prioritized the artistic side of the game over the results: an approach that was not properly appreciated in their time.
Now, for the first time, Spanish author and chess historian Javier Cordero puts these Forgotten Talents in the limelight. Archival photos and almost 200 selected games nicely supplement the biographies of these star-crossed players who became Lost in the Labyrinth of Life. 288 pages
Mohr/Velimirovic/Zorica - Forgotten Genius (The life and Games of Grandmaster Dragoljub Velimirovic) Volume 2
I sincerely hope that you, dear readers, will enjoy the wonderful masterpieces you will find in this book. In addition to the authors, some of Drasko’s contemporaries were also involved in the writing, and they immediately responded with pride and love to the request to keep the memory of the Serbian genius alive. I would like to thank all those who participated in this project.
To the Grandmasters who wrote down their own memories of Drasko Velimirovic, which you will find in this book in special ”boxes”. To the contemporaries, friends, and comrades-in-arms of ”Boss” who remember this or that anecdote, this or that event, this or that memory.
This second volume covers Drasko’s life and chess from 1976 until 2011. 380 pages