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Chess Tutor Stap 1 CD
De Chess Tutor is een programma dat draait onder Windows. Je kunt ermee leren schaken, schaaklessen volgen, opgaven oplossen, spelletjes spelen en hele partijen spelen. De inhoud is gebaseerd op de Stappenmethode met ongeveer dezelfde leerstofopbouw als in de boeken maar met andere instructielessen en andere, veel meer opgaven.
Systeemvereisten: PC Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
Pavlovic - Unknown weapons in the Grünfeld
In my first book I wanted to enlighten the reader on those various lines that were
less explored, and those that have been almost forgotten but were nevertheless
However this time the book is about cutting-edge lines, which is a very
modern approach to this fascinating opening. Moreover it is important to say that
when I was writing my first book a few years ago, surprisingly, some of these current
lines simply didn’t exist, or were only discussed in a very minor way.
It is true that the Grünfeld fits in very well with the engines’ way of playing chess,
and in that sense it’s almost the perfect opening with which to implement and generate
such ideas.
Let’s have a look now at what I mean and start reading my findings!
GM Milos Pavlovic, January 2024.
Semkov - Building a Reti Repertoire
The English Opening is very popular nowadays, but 1.c4 e5! is a serious challenge and not to everyone's taste. Here comes 1.Nf3, with the idea to transfer the game into the English with c2-c4 to follow. The only hurdle on that path is 1...d5. Then White is at a crossroads. 2.c4 allows 2...d4 3.b4, while 2.e3 is an attempt to deny ...d4. Black can revive the threat with 2...c5, and again, White has a choice. 3.c4 d4 4.b4! leads to the Blumenfeld with reversed colours. Or he can continue to fight against ...d4 with 3.b3. White's decisions on the second and third move depends on the way he wants to meet the Queen's Gambit and the Slav/Meran/Chebanenko. Semkov covers in detail the different options, and also devotes several chapters on 1.Nf3 d5 2.e3 Nf6 3.c4 c6 and 3...e6 4.b3! (avoiding the innocuous version of the QGA after 4.Nc3 dxc4). There is another chapter on 1.Nf3 d5 2.e3 Nf6 3.c4 dxc4, where the absence of Nc3 allows White to get some pressure by refraining from d2-d4. 244 pages
Bhat - How I Became a Chess Grandmaster
Vinay Bhat rose through the ranks of American chess in the 1990s and 2000s, overcoming plateaus, competitive challenges, and academic and professional commitments, before achieving the highest title in chess. Follow Vinay’s path to improvement and the struggles he had to go through, to carve out your own path to improvement and achieve your chess goals.
How I Became a Chess Grandmaster is a personal story that entertains as it instructs. With numerous photographs and anecdotes, you can follow the inspirational rise of a young player from novice to Grandmaster.
Vinay Bhat became a National Master at the age of 10 and an International Master at 15 – at the time the youngest American IM since Bobby Fischer. He later went on to gain the ultimate title of Grandmaster in his mid-twenties. 344 pages
Manella, Zohar - Play Unconventional Chess and Win
In this book the reader will discover the incredible power unconventional moves can have. These moves contradict the most fundamental principles of the old chess , and yet most of them played by leading grandmasters.
At first sight these moves look so strange that the reader can not avoid asking, Was this grandmaster was inspired or drunk? The answer will definitely surprise you.