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Backgammon Grey Beige Ostrich Tote inlaid leatherette
Grey Beige with Yellow Brown and Dusty Ivory.
Leatherette Collection has a refined, elegant appearance while maintaining all of the unique advantages of premium quality eco leather, especially when it comes to noise reduction and durability.
This backgammon is handmade using the art of marquetry (also spelled as marqueterie) which is the art and craft of applying pieces of veneer to a structure to form decorative patterns and designs.
Size of closed board | 48 x 30cm |
Gratis levering vanaf €69 (België, Frankrijk, Nederland, Luxemburg, Duitsland)
Veertien dagen lang!
Alle betaalkaarten geaccepteerd.
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16 ander product
Schaakset Stallion Ebonised
This premium chess set is composed by a set of pieces ebonised weighted and felted, size of the king is 88 mm, also included, a very nice board in wenge wood of 50 cm with square of 5 cm
Rodi - The modernized Queen's Gambit declined ( a Dynamic Repertoire for Black)
The history of the Queen’s Gambit is connected with the very beginnings of modern chess, the opening being cited in the earliest published books on the science of the game, such as the Göttingen manuscript (1490) and the books of Ruy Lopez (1561) and Salvio (1604). The so-called Queen’s Gambit Declined – or Refused – is, together with the Slav, the main defense in the universe of queenside openings, and shares with the aforementioned defense a well-earned reputation for being a reliable and very solid scheme.
The main aim of the present work is to show that Black can indeed obtain positions where all three results are possible. The Queen’s Gambit Declined, about a century after its golden age, is still a reliable and lively defense, where despite all the theory developed during its long existence it still holds secrets for analysts and offers new positions to enjoy a lively game, both strategically and tactically. 620 pages Hardcover
Plastieken schaakstukken n°5 gevilt (met hoesje)
Plastieken schaakstukken, gevilt (maat 5), met hoesje
Schaakset stukken hout + bord neopreen oprolbaar hout kleur
Set bestaande uit een set T5 stukken zin met lood en vild en in hout (klassiek Staunton model) en een schaakbord (50x50 cm) in wengé/rozenhout neopreen met cijfers en letters.
Deze set is aantrekkelijk geprijsd, praktisch omdat het schaakbord kan worden opgerold en comfortabel om op te spelen.
afmetingen bord is 50 x50 cm
veld is 55mm
Koning is 95 mm
Geleverd met 2 extra-dames
Pique Plume
Voici l'oiseau rare, un jeu accessible aux très jeunes enfants mais auquel les adultes peuvent jouer sans s'ennuyer. Des poulets courent en rond en essayant de s'arracher mutuellement des plumes. Pour ce faire, il faut d'abord se placer derrière l'adversaire puis le dépasser. La grande astuce, c'est que les déplacements ne s'effectuent pas à l'aide de dés, mais via un système inspiré du célèbre Memory (des tuiles retournées portent des symboles identiques aux cases de la piste, et il faut les retrouver pour avancer). Ajoutons que les retournements de situation sont permanents et qu'aucun joueur n'est sûr de gagner, ni surtout de perdre, jusqu'au dernier instant...
Schaakset in hout modern design
Exquisite, hand-crafted wood design with high-gloss case with drawer for the weighted pieces and components. Modern chessboard 35 x 35 cm with drawer and figures of ultra-modern design. Made of wood modern style with original design and a stunning high gloss finish interior is lined with high-quality felt and presented in an original box with transparent top. Size 35 x 35 cm
Gronn - Games and goals (The fascinating Chess and football carreers of Simen Agdestein)
Simen Agdestein was awarded the title of chess grandmaster at the age of eighteen, the youngest in the world at the time. Two years later he wrote in his diary that he believed he could become the best in the world.
But chess wasn"t his only passion. He also excelled at football and was selected nine times for the Norwegian national team. Foreign clubs wanted to sign him as a professional.
Simen Agdestein"s combined careers are unique and amazing. "I can"t choose between my left and my right arm", he once said of the choice between chess and football.
His international football career was cut short when he refused to play for Norway in a World Cup qualifier against Scotland. He opted instead to play Garry Kasparov in a chess tournament in Belgrade. A few years later, a knee injury put an end to his footballing dreams.
These days Agdestein is a coach and teacher at the Norwegian College for Top Athletes, a fertile breeding ground where his most successful pupil, Magnus Carlsen, also attended. Agdestein continues to compete in chess. In 2023 he won the Norwegian Championship for the ninth time, 41 years after his first successful bid.
Games and Goals is a gripping biography of a unique double talent, revealing his insecurities and ambitions, his doubts and dreams. The author had access to Agdestein"s private letters and diaries and conducted numerous interviews with relatives, friends and Agdestein himself.
Keres - Match Tournament for the World Chess Championship The Hague-Moscow 1948 - 75TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION
This book is dedicated to the match-tournament of 1948, which gave rise to the first Soviet World Champion - Mikhail Botvinnik. The main content of the book is the detailed analysis of the fifty games played in this event. Detailed commentary to the games has been written for a very wide circle of qualified chessplayers, in which connection particular attention has been paid to the accessibility of the presentation and the appearance in the games of important turning points. The criticism of the mistakes committed by the participants could seem at times to be overly severe, but represents the fruits of painstaking analysis and should bring benefit to chessplayers who wish to draw the necessary theoretical and practical conclusions from the games of the match-tournament.It is very difficult, and often impossible, to claim absolute accuracy in chess analysis, but at any rate, I have endeavoured to fulfil my work with the maximum thoroughness. 257 pages Hardcover
Translator’s Foreword
It is exactly 75 years since one of the most significant events in chess history – the 1948 Match-Tournament for the World Chess Championship – took place in The Hague and Moscow. To mark this anniversary, my colleagues at Chess Informant have agreed to publish a new English translation of Paul Keres’ book on the tournament.
The original work has been extended to include historical context to the event – in this case, excerpts from the contemporary Soviet chess press and from the memoirs of Mikhail Botvinnik. Keres’ book on the event was first published in his native Estonian language in 1949. A year later it appeared in Russian translation and it came to be regarded as one of the best books on chess ever written. For instance, the likes of Garry Kasparov and Boris Gelfand are both on record as listing it among their favourites.
In this book, Keres’ annotations to the games have been faithfully reproduced. They have not been corrected by computer analysis; instead, they have been supplemented in some cases by the analysis of other masters – generally with that of the other players. In addition, historical context has occasionally been added in those cases where Keres’ assessments of certain openings have been overturned, or at least challenged, by many decades of tournament practice.
It has been a considerable pleasure to work on this project. Keres, as well as being an outstanding grandmaster, was also a superb analyst and annotator. His notes to the games represent a fine blend of general considerations and concrete variations; unlike in many books published today, the latter are never allowed to dominate. It is my sincere hope that the combination of these notes with the additional historical context will succeed in bringing Keres’ work to a new audience, and that this book will be a valuable addition to the libraries of chess enthusiasts of all abilities
Douglas Griffin
De la Villa - 50 Mistakes You Should Know
It is not the quality of your best moves that wins you games; it is the quality of your worst moves. The quickest way to improve your chess skills is to raise the bar.The Spanish grandmaster and coach Jesus de la Villa has proven with his best-seller 100 Endgames You Must Know that he understands exactly what a chess student needs. Building on his experience as a writer and as a coach for juniors, he has carefully selected the 50 Mistakes every player should be aware of - so the mistake can be avoided. De la Villa loves this quote from the American First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt: 'Learn from the errors of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.' For over a decade, De la Villa has closely observed the Spanish junior championships, noting the recurring errors that players make. He has taken notes, classified these errors, and created training tasks based on them. From this wealth of chess exercises, he has selected the most impactful and has added recommendations how to correct the error.Your performance will improve dramatically because this book offers you: -50 important chess lessons-detailed and lively explanations-clear summaries and recommendations-dozens of tests. 351 pages