- GO
Schaakset in hout modern design
Exquisite, hand-crafted wood design with high-gloss case with drawer for the weighted pieces and components. Modern chessboard 35 x 35 cm with drawer and figures of ultra-modern design. Made of wood modern style with original design and a stunning high gloss finish interior is lined with high-quality felt and presented in an original box with transparent top. Size 35 x 35 cm
Gratis levering vanaf €69 (België, Frankrijk, Nederland, Luxemburg, Duitsland)
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16 ander product
Facile à apprendre, vous serez vite gagnés par la frénésie de Uno, le plus célèbre des jeux de cartes familiaux.
Pour gagner, débarrassez-vous de toutes vos cartes. Utilisez les cartes Action pour pièger vos adversaires. Lorsqu'il ne vous reste plus qu'une seule carte en main, n'oubliez jamais de dire Uno !
Unanimo est un grand jeu d'expression et d'imagination dans une petite boîte métallique. Au départ, les cartes 'mots' sont empilées face cachée sur la table. L'un des joueur en retourne une. Chaque joueur écrit alors sur son bloc 8 mots que lui inspirent l'illustration. Ensuite vient la phase de lecture : chaque joueur ayant inscrit le même mot que le lecteur lève la main et empoche 1 point. Mais si le lecteur est le seul à avoir inscrit le mot, il ne marque aucun point. D'où le nom 'Unanimo', ce sont les réponses communes qui sont récompensées !
Pique Plume
Voici l'oiseau rare, un jeu accessible aux très jeunes enfants mais auquel les adultes peuvent jouer sans s'ennuyer. Des poulets courent en rond en essayant de s'arracher mutuellement des plumes. Pour ce faire, il faut d'abord se placer derrière l'adversaire puis le dépasser. La grande astuce, c'est que les déplacements ne s'effectuent pas à l'aide de dés, mais via un système inspiré du célèbre Memory (des tuiles retournées portent des symboles identiques aux cases de la piste, et il faut les retrouver pour avancer). Ajoutons que les retournements de situation sont permanents et qu'aucun joueur n'est sûr de gagner, ni surtout de perdre, jusqu'au dernier instant...
Schaak Set Armoured Redwood
Handcrafted from the finest Indian sheesham hardwood, also known as golden rosewood, our Armoured selection provide a luxury twist. Among the elegant touches this set possesses are the intricately carved knights with ceremonial bridles and replaceable king finial cross pin. We pair this exceptionnal set with premium chessboard from italy in walnut burr. kingsize is 11.5 cm and diam. of 4.5 cm - Boardsize is 54 cm and square 5 cm
Bargsten - The Italian Opening for White
With this work, the author aims to illustrate the modern ideas of the Italian Opening to players at a medium level. It deals with positions based on White's slow plan, i.e. if he chooses a calm approach characterized by positional ideas. The author does not attempt to offer the reader a complete repertoire, but rather to explain the ideas of the emerging middlegame positions. The material primarily includes the systems 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d3 Bc5 5.c3 h6 6.0-0 d6 7.Re1 a6 8.a4 Ba7 9.Nbd2 0-0 10.h3 and 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d3 Bc5 5.c3 d6 6.0-0 0-0 7.h3 h6 8.Re1 a5, where especially the latter has gained enormous popularity in current practice
Konstantinopolsky - Obsession - A Chess Biography of Vsevolod Rauzer
Konstantinopolsky - Obsession : A Chess Biography of Vsevolod Rauzer. Vsevolod Rauzer, born in Kiev in 1908, was one of the world’s leading chess opening theoreticians and thinkers in the 1930s. As a player, he was an uncompromising attacker, trying to avoid draws as well as to prove that 1.e4 wins by force. According to Mikhail Botvinnik, “His opening research…with linked middlegame plans, gives us every reason to place V. Rauzer among the founders of the Soviet chess school.”
Awarded the Master of Sport title in 1929, Rauzer’s best tournament performances included joint eighth place in the 1931 Soviet Championship, sixth in 1933 and eighth in 1937. According to Chessmetrics, he was ranked in the world’s top 30 for several years.
He made big contributions to theory in the Sicilian, French and Caro-Kann defenses among others. The book’s introductory articles contain deep dives into Rauzer’s opening laboratory and shed light on the historical development of key variations.
The present work contains 96 games, nearly all of them played by Rauzer. Opponents include Botvinnik, Fine, Levenfish, Lilienthal, Romanovsky, the author and other leading pre-War Soviet players. Many games come with Rauzer’s own annotations together with analysis by Konstantinopolsky, Botvinnik, Levenfish and others. The commentary has been updated by International Master Grigory Bogdanovich using the latest engines. Ultimately, Rauzer’s story was a sad one. Chess, and especially opening analysis, was an obsession for him: he once told Panov: “Unfortunately, I just can’t make myself work on theory of the game for more than 16 hours a day! My head can’t endure more.” This obsession eventually drove him mentally ill and he spent much of his final period in care. Vsevolod Rauzer lived largely in poverty and tragically died in the Siege of Leningrad. 237 pages
KAGEYAMA - Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go, 268 p.
Un livre dont le succès ne s'est jamais démenti depuis sa parution voici trente ans, tant grâce à son style direct, familier et divertissant qu'à sa capacité à mettre l'accent sur tel ou tel point essentiel - et à l'enfoncer avec une parfaite efficacité dans le crâne du lecteur. Sans avoir vocation à remplacer les manuels de l'Elementary Go Series (250 pages peuvent difficilement en dire autant que 1200), l'opus de Toshiro Kageyama en constitue en revanche le compagnon tout trouvé, à la fois éclairant et rafraîchissant. Et en plus, il tient dans une poche de veste...
Duo Pack : Fritz 19 + Opening Encyclopaedia 2024 DVD
The best combination for opening training: The big ChessBase opening encyclopaedia with thousands of opening articles plus Fritz19 at a special price! This is how modern opening training works: Test the repertoire recommendations from the encyclopaedia directly against Fritz19! Take the practical test in a game against the Fritz19 player types. Or memorise the variations in the Opening app (with Fritz19 you also get a premium account for 6 months): In drill mode, practise the variation until you remember all the moves perfectly!