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Taktiek in de Opening 5: Indische Opening 155 bl.
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The Modern Bogo 1.d4 e6 - Antic & Maksimovic
They did it! Dejan Antic and Branimir Maksimovic have created a complete chess opening repertoire for Black players in only two books.
First they wrote the acclaimed The Modern French (against 1.e4). Now The Modern Bogo provides Black players with a comprehensive answer to 1.d4. The two books complement each other perfectly.
The point is that the authors recommend to answer 1.d4 with the direct 1...e6, for the follow-up 2.c4 Bb4+. In this way they avoid complex theoretical Nimzo-Indian lines and enable both amateur and professional players to find their own way in little-explored variations.
The Modern Bogo covers all the possibilities for White after 1.d4 e6... except for 2.e4, after which you should play the French!
Antic and Maksimovic have done a massive amount of research, and found many new strategic concepts and attacking plans. All of them are explained clearly and thoroughly.
You will find that this opening not only gives you good chances to equalize as Black, but also many opportunities to play for a win.
TAYLOR - The Budapest Gambit
Je sais pas pourquoi, mais cette ouverture ne m'a jamais inspiré confiance : ça doit être le nom Dans le prologue, l'auteur (grand spécialiste des ouvertures aventureuses, on le sait) nous confie qu'après une étude approfondie, il est convaincu a) que le gambit de Budapest est correct et peut être joué à tous niveaux et b) qu'il est assez difficile à maîtriser. Considérant le score global des noirs dans les 75 parties du livre, on peut penser qu'il a raison sur le point b).
JANJGAVA - King's indian and Grünfeld : Fianchetto lines
Kotronias/Ivanov - The london files (defanging the london system)
Although the London System was first played almost 200 years ago, it lay dormant until the beginning of the 21st century. Then chessplayers rediscovered it, realizing that the London could be played against most responses by Black, obtaining a good game with little preparation.
Nowadays the London has evolved into an opening taken up by both club players and world champions. Magnus Carlsen has played it regularly and the new word champion Ding Liren used it to convincingly defeat Ian Nepomniachtchi in game six of their 2023 title match.
Literature on the London has focused primarily on play from White’s side. However, this new book by grandmasters Vassilios Kotronias and Mikhail Ivanov changes all that. Thea authors present four (!) separate ways to combat the London: (1) King’s Indian Setups; (2) the London Benoni; (3) the London Nimzo- and Queen’s Indian; and (4) the London Orthodox System.
The London Files presents Black many good and flexible options for neutralizing White, while also giving us Londoners many new problems to contend with ... Without a doubt, this book will give Black players highly effective means to deal with the London System for a long time to come and may even have players completely rethinking their approach with the white pieces. – From the Foreword by Ian Harris
Defang the London System and fear it no more! 272 pages
Semkov - Playing for a win with ... b6
Playing for a win with ...b6 by Semko Semkov. The author proposes a full repertoire against 1.d4 and 1.c4, which is theoretically sound and leads to sharp, strategically unbalanced positions. It is based on the so-called English Defence 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6 or 1.c4 b6. A great deal of the book is devoted to White's tries to deviate from theoretical dispute and transfer the game into the Queen's Indian with g3. 236 pages