The Modern Bogo 1.d4 e6 - Antic & Maksimovic
This book presents new and surprising ways for Black to play for a win against 1.d4. Dejan Antic and Branimir Maksimovic have created a highly original chess opening repertoire in the Bogo-Indian Defense, re-evaluating older analysis, showing how Black can do much more than just equalize. Antic and Maksimovic offer a modern, some might even say a hyper-modern, way for Black to develop an initiative without taking excessive risks. The lines presented in this book are not covered properly in previous chess literature, so any ambitious player will find much useful and cutting-edge material.
As in their previous book, The Modern French, Antic and Maksimovic explain all relevant strategic concepts and attacking plans, present fresh concepts and numerous novelties. After studying The Modern Bogo you will be a much tougher opponent! |
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Olibris nous propose coup sur coup, deux nouvelles traductions de qualité, puisqu'il s'agit de deux ouvrages du GM Viktor Moskalenko dont la réputation d'excellent auteur n'est plus à faire. Sa grande spécialité ce sont les livres d'ouvertures, ou il privilégie d'expliquer les idées importantes plutôt que de vous noyer dans les variantes.
Ici il traite de 2 systèmes hyper trendy, l' attaque Trompowsky et le système de Londres. 201 pages
€ 26,00
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