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16 other product
GAPRINDASHVILI - Critical Moments in Chess
Six ans après le très remarqué Imagination in Chess, retour du plus célèbre entraîneur géorgien - qui s'attaque ici à un thème important, difficile et rarement traité (Rowson seul s'y étant attaqué avec un certain bonheur). Même approche (tout en exercices - 269 - ou presque) que dans le premier opus, même qualités (originalité du thème, nouveauté des exemples) et même défaut (aucune tentative pour se mettre à portée du joueur moyen). Les costauds, en revanche, vont se régaler.
Franco - Attacking chess in the 21st Century
The book consists of 36 attacking games from the 21st Century divided into four chapters.
Mastering attacking play in chess is a dream that we all long to achieve, but of course the art of attack does not arise by itself.
Constructing positions which favour the attack is the most difficult task.
In this book we shall see games with brilliant finishes, but we shall also draw attention to the different phases through which the struggle passes, in order make such finishes possible.
Attention has been paid not only to what happens on the board but also, wherever possible, to the influence of the analysis engines not only on a player’s preparation for the game, something that has become more important in these early years of the new century, but also on the practical context of the game.
The games are prefaced by brief biographical information and a short description of the events of the game.
After each game some lessons are highlighted. 254 pages
Smith - the Woodpecker Method 2 Positional Play
Swedish chess Grandmaster Axel Smith returns with a sequel to his colossal bestseller, The Woodpecker Method, which was on the tactics of the World Champions. For The Woodpecker Method 2, he has found 1002 foundational positional exercises and prepared them for ‘woodpecking’ – solve the puzzles repeatedly, and boost your positional intuition.
The quick explanation of the Woodpecker Method is that you need to solve a large number of puzzles in a row; then solve the same puzzles again and again, only faster. It’s not a lazy shortcut to success – hard work is required. But the reward can be re-programming your unconscious mind. 383 pages
KOTRONIAS - The Grandmaster Battle Manual
le titre annonce la couleur: ce livre est destiné aux joueurs de haut niveau qui veulent devenir des joueurs de très haut niveau. En huit chapitres mêlant conseils psychologiques (que faire après une défaite, ne pas se laisser leurrer pas ses succès, bien aborder la dernière ronde...) et aspects techniques, le champion grec nous fait bénéficier de sa longeu expérience des échecs de comptétion et nous abreuve de bons conseils. Reste à parvenir à les mettre en pratique...
EMMS - The Ultimate Chess Puzzle Book
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