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PRITCHETT - Chess for Rookies
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
For fourteen days!
All payment cards accepted.
16 other product
Mc Donald - Break the Rules
Ca, c'est un conseil ! Reste juste à savoir lesquelles - et comment En fait, cet assez bref opuscule nous cause de l'usage moderne du pion passé, des coups de pions anti-positionnels, des pièces à la bande ou encore des retards de développement qu'acceptent parfois les champions modernes - entre autres Magnus Carlsen, très bien représenté ici. A lire, en complément bien sûr des deux bouquins de Watson (SOMCS et CSA) qui abordaient déjà ces questions
Gormally - Chess Analysis - Reloaded
Danny Gormally is a Chess Grandmaster stuck in a fugue state. He has forgotten how to analyse - blinded by the brilliance of chess engines, every time he gets stuck he turns on the machine. In this book he attempts to discover his love of analysis and the game of chess by attempting different methods of analysis and calculation. He asks what separates the analysis methods of an amateur player with a Grandmaster, and further still what separates the very best players from super computers. It all culminates in the mind-bogglingly complex “Impossible quiz” where some of the most skilled players in chess are confronted by extremely complex positions.
If that sounds off-putting it shouldn’t be - Gormally breaks down the material in a way that is comprehensible to any amateur player. 262 pages
Rogers - Oops I Resigned one more time!
Oops! He’s Back!
Australian Grandmaster Ian Rogers is back with a new book of silly resignation puzzles - the only chess puzzle book where your solution cannot be worse than the player who mistakenly abandoned the game!
Pit your wits against legends from yesteryear to today, from Anderssen to Korchnoi to Gelfand, knowing that they resigned their games unnecessarily and you, perhaps, could have found a way out.
Oops! I Resigned One More Time! is the sequel to Oops! I Resigned Again!, which has gained a cult following since its release in 2021. Marvel again at 100 extraordinary positions and the stories behind them, in themed sets of five, with sneaking a peek at the answers made easy. 175 pages
YUSUPOV - Build up your chess vol. 1
Czerwin - Chess Progress
A book for beginners or teachers. It's a well-done book, the author is a famous professor in the USA and more specifically in Illinois. His method seems clear: the study of simple positions with few pieces on the chessboard, and the further you go, the more you'll have pieces and complex positions to resolve. This method isn't really new, but it should work perfectly.
Kuljasevic - The How to study chess on your own workbook
This second-volume workbook in Davorin Kuljasevic's How to Study Chess on Your Own series is optimized for chess players with an Elo rating between 1500 and 1800 but is helpful for anyone between 1200 and 2000. The astounding success of his How to Study Chess on Your Own made clear that thousands of chess players want to improve their game and like to work on their training at least partially by themselves. 199 pages
YUSUPOV - Build up your chess vol. 3
Sous-titré ' Mastery ', ce qui est à la fois tout et ne rien dire De fait, on trouvera dans ce troisième (et dernier) tome les sujets les plus variés, de la stratégie à la tactique et de l'ouverture à la finale. Comme dans les précédents volumes, le gros intérêt de l'ouvrage réside dans l'abondance du matériel présenté : 12 exercices par chapitre, multipliés par 24 chapitres, cela fait de quoi s'occuper un moment. Profitable, forcément