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Hertan - Forcing Chess Moves new and Extended 4th Edition
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Lisitsin - Key elements of chess tactics
Georgy Lisitsin (1909-72) was a respected Soviet master, theoretician and writer. In 1958 he published a revised edition of his most ambitious work, entitled Strategy and Tactics of Chess, which became one of the most legendary manuals in the Soviet chess school, and no doubt one of the books that motivated the young Bobby Fischer to learn Russian.
Lisitsin broke down Strategy and Tactics into their key constituent elements, enabling players of all levels to study chess systematically, learning from carefully selected game fragments and studies. Key Elements of Chess Tactics and its companion volume Key Elements of Chess Strategy are the first ever complete English translations of Lisitsin’s classic.
In Key Elements of Chess Tactics, Lisitsin illustrates key tactical concepts such as pinning, discovered attacks and checks, deflection, interference and many more, building a foundation before moving on to more complex and beautiful tactical themes. 392 pages
Vladimirov - 1000 chess problems
Selected popular chess problems, combining ease of construction with an ingenious and effective solution. The author of the collection, the 14-time world champion in drawing up and solving, the international grandmaster, not only leads the decisions, but also tells about the history, theory, the subject of modern chess composition, the famous compilers of the past and the present. Hardcover 373 pages
BOSCH - Secrets of Opening Surprises vol.14
Les amateurs des S.O.S. (pour Secrets des Suprises dans les ouvertures) vont à nouveau y trouver de quoi remettre à jour leur répertoires d'ouvertures. De nombreuses sorties des variantes principales vous seront proposées, souvent dans les tous premiers coups.
De quoi à nouveau vous amuser tout en surprenant vos adversaires.
Kotronias/Ivanov - Echecs : Londres ne répond plus ( le guide indispensable pour contrer le système de Londres)
Le système de Londres one more time..., mais non, il s'agit ici d'un ouvrage pour le contrer, donc du point de vue des noirs.
Les auteurs Kotronias et Ivanov, ne sont pas les premiers venus, il nous présente les choses d'un point de vue objectif, ils proposent aux noirs de disposer eux aussi de lignes jouables et faciles à comprendre qui permettront de neutraliser l'initiative adverse.
Le livre est découpé en quatre parties, qui couvrent les schémas de types Est-indienne, Benoni, Nimzo/Ouest-indienne et Gambit-Dame. 260 pages
FRANCO - Counterattack !
Titre moyennement explicite : on sait bien ce qu'est une contre-attaque dans le domaine sportif, mais c'est moins évident aux échecs. En fait, le livre nous parle plutôt de défense active et d'opportunités à savoir saisir (les titres des chapitres sont, eux, éloquents : Rendre coup pour coup, réfuter les attaques prématurées, pensée prophylactique, regroupement, simplification) La forme est identique aux précédents opus du GMI paraguayen : un choix de parties commentées en détail, sans beaucoup d'effort de synthèse. Bah, on ne peut pas tout avoir !
YUSUPOV - Build up your chess vol. 3
Sous-titré ' Mastery ', ce qui est à la fois tout et ne rien dire De fait, on trouvera dans ce troisième (et dernier) tome les sujets les plus variés, de la stratégie à la tactique et de l'ouverture à la finale. Comme dans les précédents volumes, le gros intérêt de l'ouvrage réside dans l'abondance du matériel présenté : 12 exercices par chapitre, multipliés par 24 chapitres, cela fait de quoi s'occuper un moment. Profitable, forcément
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Lisitsin - Key elements of chess strategy
Georgy Lisitsin (1909-72) was a respected Soviet master, theoretician and writer. In 1958 he published a revised edition of his most ambitious work, entitled Strategy and Tactics of Chess, which became one of the most legendary manuals in the Soviet chess school, and no doubt one of the books that motivated the young Bobby Fischer to learn Russian.
Lisitsin broke down Strategy and Tactics into their constituent elements, enabling players of all levels to study chess systematically, learning from carefully selected game fragments and studies. Key Elements of Chess Strategy and its companion volume Key Elements of Chess Tactics are the first ever complete English translations of Lisitsin's classic.
In Key Elements of Chess Strategy, Lisitsin breaks down the Foundations of Strategy into categories such as piece placement, exchanges, weaknesses and prophylaxis, followed by a section on Devising a Strategic Plan, including concepts such as blockading, undermining, the initiative, pawn chains, and planning in the opening. Hardcover 206 pages
Lisitsin - Key elements of chess tactics
Georgy Lisitsin (1909-72) was a respected Soviet master, theoretician and writer. In 1958 he published a revised edition of his most ambitious work, entitled Strategy and Tactics of Chess, which became one of the most legendary manuals in the Soviet chess school, and no doubt one of the books that motivated the young Bobby Fischer to learn Russian.
Lisitsin broke down Strategy and Tactics into their key constituent elements, enabling players of all levels to study chess systematically, learning from carefully selected game fragments and studies. Key Elements of Chess Tactics and its companion volume Key Elements of Chess Strategy are the first ever complete English translations of Lisitsin’s classic.
In Key Elements of Chess Tactics, Lisitsin illustrates key tactical concepts such as pinning, discovered attacks and checks, deflection, interference and many more, building a foundation before moving on to more complex and beautiful tactical themes. 392 pages