Giant plastic garden chesspieces
Giant plastic chess pieces for outside playing.
King's height: 62 cm
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
For fourteen days!
All payment cards accepted.
Giant plastic chess pieces for outside playing.
King's height: 62 cm
The Chess Tutor is a Windows program for the learning of chess, based on the Step method. by Brunia/van Wijgerden. It brings a new dimension to the learning of chess: it has solid pedagogical foundations, it is effective and fun. It constitutes the ideal starting point for children (8 years and older) and adults of all ages, a fact which has already been confirmed many thousands of times.
The Chess Tutor runs on all computers with Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7/8/10 and is suitable for children from 8 years and all adults.
"For me, a draw is not a result at all. If the game develops normally, I never think about a draw. I always think about playing to win. I blame all chess players who play chess to make draw and thus degrade this ancient game!"
"I like fast, "rocket" chess and always play to win. It seems to me that chess was invented precisely to have winners and losers. If someone offers me a draw, I take it as an insult."
"I start every game with the firm intention of finishing it with, or on, the shield!"
"One pawn more or less. I have 8 of them, don't I?"
"I am very pleasant to talk to and very unpleasant to play chess with!" 307 pages Hardcover
This set of pieces in acaciawood have a slightly raised base which creates the impression of 'floating' on the chess board.A truly classic looking Staunton influenced chess piece collection that does not compromise on quality. Size of king is 8,2 cm. Wel weighted and felted. We propose a classical walnut chessboard of 45 cm for this set of pieces.
System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or +,
64 MB RAM,
Windows XP, Windows Vista,
DVD drive, mouse, soundcard
Des ouvrages d'exercices et de tests, ce n'est pas vraiment ce qui manque dans le monde de l'édition échiquéenne. Mais la plupart (à commencer par le pendant de celui-ci, Can you be a tactical Chess Genius, paru antérieurement) concernent uniquement l'aspect tactique et combinatoire du jeu - ce qui est bien utile, mais évidemment insuffisant pour vraiment progresser. A l'inverse, les 150 positions (réparties en trois niveaux de difficulté) contenues dans ce livre vous permettront d'exercer votre jugement positionnel et de réviser concrètement vos classiques : colonnes ouvertes, cases faibles, supériorité sur une couleur, avant-postes... Chaque position est accompagnée d'une courte présentation destinée à orienter votre réflexion, et si vous séchez, vous pouvez recourir à un indice supplémentaire plus explicite. Quand aux solutions, elles sont accompagnées d'explications claires et suffisamment détaillées pour être profitables. En somme, un vrai manuel de stratégie ludique et amusant... Qui l'aurait cru ?
18 champions, quatre parties commentées par tête de pipe, histoire de faire connaissance : l'idée n'est pas nouvelle, mais le résultat toujours intéressant pour qui ne suit pas au jour le jour l'actu échiquéenne. Reste que le choix, tant des joueurs (la quasi-retraitée Judit Polgar dans les champions du nouveau millénaire ?) que des parties (quatre parties des années 90 pour Anand) pose question, et se révèle décevant pour le public français - Mamedyarov mais pas Bacrot, Karjakin mais pas Vachier
Same as previouses, in size 3, not weighted. For chessboards with 40 mm squares.
The English Opening is very popular nowadays, but 1.c4 e5! is a serious challenge and not to everyone's taste. Here comes 1.Nf3, with the idea to transfer the game into the English with c2-c4 to follow. The only hurdle on that path is 1...d5. Then White is at a crossroads. 2.c4 allows 2...d4 3.b4, while 2.e3 is an attempt to deny ...d4. Black can revive the threat with 2...c5, and again, White has a choice. 3.c4 d4 4.b4! leads to the Blumenfeld with reversed colours. Or he can continue to fight against ...d4 with 3.b3. White's decisions on the second and third move depends on the way he wants to meet the Queen's Gambit and the Slav/Meran/Chebanenko. Semkov covers in detail the different options, and also devotes several chapters on 1.Nf3 d5 2.e3 Nf6 3.c4 c6 and 3...e6 4.b3! (avoiding the innocuous version of the QGA after 4.Nc3 dxc4). There is another chapter on 1.Nf3 d5 2.e3 Nf6 3.c4 dxc4, where the absence of Nc3 allows White to get some pressure by refraining from d2-d4. 244 pages