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Böhm, Afek - The Royal Chess couple in action
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
For fourteen days!
All payment cards accepted.
16 other product
chess computer DGT Centaur
The beautifully designed chess board has touch sensors that effortlessly register your moves.
It has a rechargeable battery, e-Paper display, intuitive settings in many languages and weighted plastic chess pieces. The computer moves are indicated by unique circular LED lights.
Its greatest feature is the adaptive intelligent chess program that automatically adjusts itself to your playing strength so that you will always have a suitable playing partner.
Stop using computer screens, tablets or telephones and start playing chess with Centaur on a real board with real chess pieces. Simply turn it on and make your move! Centaur is always there to challenge you, to help develop your game and to keep you sharp!
Other chess computers are made to play at the highest strength. They are impossible to beat. At lower levels they play unnatural and unhuman. They are simply no fun to play against.
Centaur was made to give everyone a good game. Whether you are a beginner or a strong player, whether you are a home player or a club player, Centaur will adjust to you as soon as you make your first move. Its smart algorithm will automatically adjust to your level and always gives you a challenging game that is both educative and great fun! It has a hint system and the option to set up any position.
Centaur is not compatible to connect to your computer or online chess portals. That is not necessary at all, use the Centaur to play, to learn, to train, to analyze and to improve your skill level. Above all, use it to have fun!
King Height: 8.9cm /3.5"
Square Size: 4.8cm
Total Size: 40cm x 44.5cm
TAYLOR - Pawn sacrifice !
Kotronias - The Safest Scandinavian Reloaded
A completely revised edition, which retains the structure of the first edition but is based on new analysis of all critical lines.
This book presents a Black repertoire based on the Scandinavian Defence with 3...Qd6. This is the safest yet aggressive queen retreat. It allows Black to increase pressure on d4 with ...0-0-0 or ...Rd8 while keeping coordination in the centre. Kotronias offers new plans for Black in the most topical lines. They are backed with deep analysis based on solid chess understanding.
As Kotronias puts in the introduction chapter:
"(...) Instead of reprinting the book, the publisher offered me to make a new, revised edition. It took me almost a year to analyse all the new developments and repertoire books that proposed dangerous new weapons against the Qd6 Scandinavian. Meanwhile the AI engines surged, with their original view on some positions. The result is a completely rewritten book, with major corrections, especially in its second half. The structure of variations remained the same, but I introduced many improvements in the subsequent play. I also added some games of mine from the last year." 300 pages
Grabinsky/Eleksiyenko - Turbo-charge your tactics 2
Turbo-Charge Your Tactics 2 concludes a multi-year effort by GM Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko and world-renowned trainer IM Vladimir Grabinsky to create the perfect chess puzzle books. This second volume builds upon the first, using games from the World Champions and their challengers. Most chess games are decided by tactics, so solving tactical puzzles is the most effective path to improvement.
This book also contains a special chapter with expert guidance on how to use chess engines. The engines might analyse precisely but they can also harm our chess understanding if followed blindly, so we must know when and how to use them. Hardcover 280 pages
Nunn - Comprendre les finales
Ce livre est paru chez Gambit en 2009 en anglais. John Nunn est un auteur réputé pour ses analyses profondes et détaillées, ça tombe bien car les finales d'échecs méritent cela. Ce livre s'adresse plutôt à des joueurs ayant déjà une bonne connaissance sur les fins de parties. l'auteur s'est concentré sur trois aspects: la liste des sujets couverts, le choix des positions retenues et la présentation. 235 pages
Tal - The Chess Alchemist
Mikhail Tal is one of the most celebrated World Champions in chess history, who confounded his opponents and dazzled chess fans around the world. Seemingly breaking every rule in the book, yet also breaking records with his accomplishments, Tal truly was The Chess Alchemist.
In this unique book, Oleg Stetsko has compiled 80 of Tal’s most interesting games, as annotated by the Magician himself in a variety of sources, many of which have been translated into English for the very first time here.
Mikhail Tal became World Champion in 1960 by defeating the great Mikhail Botvinnik. Tal’s play is famed for its sacrificial brilliance, and he is also renowned as a witty and lively writer. 384 pages