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Georgiev, Semkov - The Modern English vol. 2
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
For fourteen days!
All payment cards accepted.
16 other product
Davies - The wicked Veresov Attack DVD
The Veresov ( 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nc3 d5 3 Bg5) is little-played and understood when we compare it to other queen’s pawn openings, like the Trompowsky, Torre Attack and London system. As such it can be a very dangerous weapon in the right hands. With this 4 hours running DVD accompanied by the International Master Andrew Martin, be prepared to play it well.
Grabinsky/Eleksiyenko - Turbo-charge your tactics 2
Turbo-Charge Your Tactics 2 concludes a multi-year effort by GM Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko and world-renowned trainer IM Vladimir Grabinsky to create the perfect chess puzzle books. This second volume builds upon the first, using games from the World Champions and their challengers. Most chess games are decided by tactics, so solving tactical puzzles is the most effective path to improvement.
This book also contains a special chapter with expert guidance on how to use chess engines. The engines might analyse precisely but they can also harm our chess understanding if followed blindly, so we must know when and how to use them. Hardcover 280 pages
BANGIEV - Philidor Defence CD Rom
La défense Philidor (1.e4 e5 2.Cf3 d6) a une réputation bien établie de solidité, mais aussi de passivité. Elle présente en revanche l'avantage de permettre aux noirs de jouer sur leur terrain, en évitant toute mauvaise surprise d'ouverture. Dans ce CD-ROM, tout pour devenir le digne émule du grand champion du 18ème siècle, avec 13400 parties dont 300 commentées.