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Fleischman - The Richter - Veresov Attack (Qd3 variation)
Do you play 1.d4, but feel discouraged by the seemingly limitless number of finely honed defensive systems available to Black? If you’re put off by the idea of having to learn massive amounts of theory just to reach a playable middlegame, then The Richter-Veresov Attack: Qd3 Variation might be just what you’re looking for.
Right away, you’ll be taking your opponents out of their preparation and into your comfort zone. While the Richter-Veresov has developed its own “book” over the years, Eric Fleischman shows you how to bypass a lot of that body of theory, too, with an early deployment of the queen to d3, an idea sometimes known as the Amazon Attack.
Covering a wide range of setups that Black could adopt in response (including French, Caro-Kann, Indian, Benoni, and Dutch formations), the author uses games by international players and examples from his own play to show how experience and a sense of the position count for more than memorized lines in The Richter-Veresov Attack: Qd3 Variation. 283 pages
KANO - Graded Go Problems for Beginners vol.1, 226 p.
Cette série porte un titre légèrement trompeur : si le premier tome s'adresse effectivement à de complets ou presque complets débutants, les volumes suivants montent assez rapidement en puissance, le quatrième s'adressant à des joueurs autour de 5 kyu, voire un peu plus. Quoi qu'il en soit, il s'agit là d'une série remarquable, dont l'étude rendra de grands services à tout débutant motivé.
Kotronias - The Safest Scandinavian Reloaded
A completely revised edition, which retains the structure of the first edition but is based on new analysis of all critical lines.
This book presents a Black repertoire based on the Scandinavian Defence with 3...Qd6. This is the safest yet aggressive queen retreat. It allows Black to increase pressure on d4 with ...0-0-0 or ...Rd8 while keeping coordination in the centre. Kotronias offers new plans for Black in the most topical lines. They are backed with deep analysis based on solid chess understanding.
As Kotronias puts in the introduction chapter:
"(...) Instead of reprinting the book, the publisher offered me to make a new, revised edition. It took me almost a year to analyse all the new developments and repertoire books that proposed dangerous new weapons against the Qd6 Scandinavian. Meanwhile the AI engines surged, with their original view on some positions. The result is a completely rewritten book, with major corrections, especially in its second half. The structure of variations remained the same, but I introduced many improvements in the subsequent play. I also added some games of mine from the last year." 300 pages
Choisy - Mon enfant joue aux échecs
Ce livre explore le monde du jeu d'échecs et le rôle déterminant des parents lorsque leurs enfants se prennent de passion pour ce jeu. Comment les aider à soutenir et cultiver cette passion? Comment jouer un rôle actif dans le développement de la résilience et de la persévérance de leur enfant au sein de cette discipline exigeante? Comment guider son enfant à travers les tournois, les victoires et... les défaites?
Mathilde Choisy est multiple championne de France jeune et universitaire, elle est aussi diplomée en neuropsychologie et psychologie du développement de l'enfant, elle est donc la personne toute indiquée, pour traiter ce sujet et aider les parents à former des joueurs talentueux mais aussi des enfants équilibrés, persévérants et intelligents, faisant du jeu d'échecs également une école de la vie. 143 pages
BEZGODOV - The liberated bishop defence
In many 1.d4 openings, Black has trouble getting his bishop on c8 into play. Former Russian Chess Champion Alexey Bezgodov presents a radical solution to this nagging problem; liberate your bishop right away and put it on f5 on the second move!
Play 2...Bf5! against either 2.c4 or 2.Nf3 will surprise your opponent and is also a great way to support your development, because the bishop takes control of the important square e4. If White does not immediately take decisive action, then within a move or two he can relinquish any hopes on an opening advantage.
Alexey Bezgodov has found some great antidotes to White's most dangerous reactions in sharp and attractive lines. To test your understanding of his system he has included more than 100 exercises. After studying the fresh ideas and the clear explanations presented in The Liberated Bishop Defencechess players of almost every strength will enjoy the flexibility of a surprising, effective and universal weapon against 1.d4.