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De La Villa - The 100 Endgames you must know workbook
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
For fourteen days!
All payment cards accepted.
16 other product
Strategy step by step DVD
L'histoire du Roi des Echecs
Le Roi des échecs est une version très simple et amusante pour apprendre aux enfants à jouer aux échecs. Il se base sur des histoires et des personnages sympathiques et colorés. Il contient également toute une série de 30 mini-jeux très simples afin de familiariser l'enfant aux règles du jeu d'échecs. Le grand intérêt de ce jeu est de proposer une approche du jeu d'échecs dès 3 ans. Ce jeu a reçu de nombreux prix à travers le monde et notamment cette année, il a reçu le prix du jeu pour enfants en Belgique.
Le roi des echecs est livré avec:
32 pièces d'échecs thématisées
32 silhouettes de personnages
30 jetons pourles mini-jeux
2 sacs de rangement pour les pièces
1 livre d'histoires Le Roi des échecs
1 plateau d'échecs double-face
Moskalenko - The Perfect Pirc-Modern
The Pirc Defence and the Modern Defence are two naturally entwined chess openings that are both flexible and rich in strategic and tactical ideas. They feature in the repertoire of great players like Grischuk, Ivanchuk, Nakamura and Carlsen.
In The Perfect Pirc-Modern, Viktor Moskalenko, a renowned propagator of dynamic chess who has championed the Pirc-Modern for many years, explains:
- the ideas and plans that matter
- the various pawn structures and how to handle them
- tricky transpositions: opportunities and risks
- a wealth of new resources for both Black and White.
In this updated version of Moskalenko’s 2013 book of the same name, 33 of the 42 games are new, the structure has been updated in places, and there are fresh ideas on every page.
Moskalenko expertly guides you through this ground-breaking opening book with the enthusiasm, ease and humour that characterize his style.
255 pages
Viktor Moskalenko (1960) is an International Grandmaster and a well-known chess coach. The former Ukraine champion has won many tournaments in Spain, his current home country. For New In Chess, he wrote, among others, The Fabulous Budapest Gambit (2007), Revolutionize Your Chess (2009), The Diamond Dutch (2014), Training with Moska (2017), The Fully-Fledged French (2021) and Trompowsky Attack & London System (2022).
Lissowski/Bogdanovich - The wizard of warsaw ( A chess viography of Szymon Winawer)
zymon Winawer was a world top-10 player in the 1870s and 1880s, dueling with such titans as Steinitz, Lasker, Anderssen, Marshall, Chigorin, Zukertort, Louis Paulsen, Janowski, Maroczy, Tarrasch and others, and defeating most of the leading players of his time. He won or took prizes in major international tournaments, including Paris 1867 (second, behind Kolisch and above Steinitz), Leipzig 1877 (fourth, behind Paulsen, Anderssen and Zukertort), Paris 1878 (first equal with Zukertort, though he lost the play-off), Berlin 1881 (third equal with Chigorin, behind Blackburne and Zukertort), Vienna 1882 (first equal with Steinitz), and Nuremberg 1883 (first, ahead of Blackburne).
Winawer was a proponent of fighting chess, regularly deploying the King’s Gambit and Ruy Lopez as white, demonstrating winning combinations as well as positional sacrifices and endgame precision. He attacked the castled king with his h-pawn 150 years before Alpha-Zero. He displayed technique using Horowitz bishops and opening the g-file. At the same time, we see in the book that he also played solid positional chess. Moreover, several opening ideas are named after him, including the popular Winawer Variation of the French Defense.
The Warsaw-born player was not a chess professional and never published any annotated games of his own, but some of his concepts, both in the opening and in the middlegame, are still valid in the 21st century. Indeed, many strategic ideas (blockade, exploiting doubled pawns, maneuvering) described in the works of Nimzowitsch and other hypermodernists can be found, in embryonic form, in the games of Winawer played half a century earlier.
In the first half of this biographical work, Warsaw-based chess historian Tomasz Lissowski, who has co-written books on Kieseritzky and Zukertort among others, portrays Winawer’s life and his sporting achievements in the context of the epoch. This book delivers not only a description of the evolution of chess in Poland in the nineteenth century, but a sense through the prism of chess of the political and social history of Poland and the Austro-Hungarian, German and Russian empires in a period of war and upheaval. It is illustrated by many historical photos from the period.
In the second half of this book, International Master Grigory Bogdanovich paints Winawer’s creative portrait, as well as examining the legacy that this ingenious improviser left to chess culture. The book contains in total 132 annotated instructive games and fragments of Winawer and his contemporaries. 301 pages
KASPAROV - How to Play the Najdorf vol.2 DVD
Deuxième volume, toujours uniquement sur les lignes avec 6.Fg5 : variante principale (...Fe7-Dc7-Cbd7), variante """"Gelfand"""" (7...Cbd7 - appellation non contrôlée, mais il en est le principal partisan) et variante Polougaevsky (7...b5, pour ceux qui ont oublié). Toujours quelques éléments intéressants (forcément), mais au final assez peu de matière...
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Plus copieux (largement), plus dactualité (relativement) et plus échiquéen (évidemment), ce volumineux pavé vous fera revivre les trois matches de (ahem) championnat du monde disputés par Kramnik entre 2000 et 2006 : linoubliable (contre Kasparov), le crispant (contre Leko) et le regrettable (contre Topalov). Que voulez-vous, passer de Londres à Elista, cest forcément une régression Aux manettes, Evgeny Bareev, qui en plus de son standing était le secondant de Vlad lors des deux premiers affrontements.
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