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Gelfand - La prise de décision aux échecs - le jeu positionnel
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
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DVORETSKY,YUSUPOV - Secrets of Creative Thinking
Puisqu'on est dans le pédagogique, signalons donc la (re)sortie du cinquième et dernier tome de la série School of Future Champions - re puisqu'il s'agit en fait de la réédition de Attack and Defense paru naguère (1998) chez Batsford. Recommandable tout de même : les leçons de la Dvoretsky's Chess Scholl ne se périment pas si vite
Step 3 mix: Workbook
The best way to become stronger is to improve your game by avoiding errors. It is much more effective than learning new things and studying openings (please note: that should also be done but has no priority when more elementary skills and knowledge are still insufficient). The recommendation in the manuals is to discuss the games with the pupils. That gives important information. What skills are still at a low level? First of all, which shortcomings should be eliminated or at least worked on. The trainer is the best person to analyse the games together with his students, but in the long run the chess player will have to take that into his own hands. That is nothing new but an age-old proven way. It is fine if there is always some supervision and control.
Werkboek : Stap 3 +
De inhoud van het werkboek stap 3+: Min of meer nieuwe onderwerpen:minorpromotie de tussenzet de randpion Verdieping van (summier) behandelde onderwerpen:Klein planStuk naar beter veld brengen, activiteit verhogen, de pionstructuur verbeteren Pr
Delchev - Delchev's Practical Opening Repertoire ( The Scandinavian, Pirc & Modern Defenses) Volume 1
Q&A with the author, Alexander Delchev:
What does it take to become an expert in opening preparation?
How can we learn the secret methods which allow the top players to dominate everyone else in the opening?
Books can hardly be useful in this regard because modern books on openings, regardless of the level of the author, are very standard and straightforward. The title of this book claims to answer this question. Your author will then back up his claim with proof in the form of analysis from a strong engine. You are then left to decide whether or not to include these ideas in your opening repertoire.
What is missing is some sort of guidance and advice relating to what sorts of tournaments and against what sorts of players this idea should be employed. Moreover, every one of you has likely noticed that even the best opening idea still has a relatively short life span and can hardly be used in more than a few games. So far I have published about 10 books on openings and for me it is not a problem to publish another 10 or even more. However, in the modern era I believe the lifespan of an opening book is incredibly short as new games are constantly being played and new ideas are being found. 1 feel it would be much more useful to you if I uncover a new approach to opening preparation, which will be more long-lasting and will improve your play as well.
The method of opening preparation I have used throughout my entire chess-playing career {1997 - 2018) allowed me, with relatively little effort, to be unpredictable the re by winning the psychological battle of the opening. Luring my opponents into prepared opening tricks and traps was great fun ! 314 p.
In the method which I will introduce you to in this book, the first and most important aspect is adapting your approach to each individual opponent and perfect prediction of the opponent's opening choice, to the smallest details.
KASPAROV - Kasparov vs Karpov 1975-1985
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Comme le titre lindique, il sagit dun complément à Comment mûrir son style encore le titre français est-il un peu trompeur, puisque loriginal ne parle pas dexemple, mais de travail (workbook). Il va donc sagir ici de retrousser ses manches : 131 problèmes de tous ordres vous attendent généralement une position avec quelques indications, parfois un choix multiple... Le but sera à chaque fois, comme le dit le sous-titre, de « tirer parti des déséquilibres ». Les solutions sont bien sûr suffisamment détaillées pour être convaincantes et utiles.