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Giddins - Alekhine move by move
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
For fourteen days!
All payment cards accepted.
16 other product
Czerwin - Chess Progress
A book for beginners or teachers. It's a well-done book, the author is a famous professor in the USA and more specifically in Illinois. His method seems clear: the study of simple positions with few pieces on the chessboard, and the further you go, the more you'll have pieces and complex positions to resolve. This method isn't really new, but it should work perfectly.
Moret - L'essentiel des finales de tours
Comme l'indique bien le titre, il s'agit de l'essentiel, soit l'indispensable à savoir, pour gérer au mieux vos fins de parties avec des tours qui restent le type de finales les plus fréquentes. L'auteur, Vincent Moret est un entraineur français reconnu, il a formé de nombreux jeunes joueurs en France, qui sont devenus des champions. 205 pages
Chess set Soviet Acacia
Chess set inspired by the models in vogue during the 50's and 60's in the Eastern countries. The two-coloured pieces bring a special touch, but the set remains quite classical with the ultra sober design of the pieces. The set of pieces is made of acacia wood and boxwood, they are all well weighted for an excellent grip and benefit from a felt underneath for a perfect glide and a comfort of use when moving the pieces. The king measures 9.5 cm and the rook 5.5 cm, the ideal sizes for the chess board we have used it on. The board is made of Padouk wood, it measures 53 cm and each square is 5.5 cm.
YUSUPOV - Build up your chess vol. 3
Sous-titré ' Mastery ', ce qui est à la fois tout et ne rien dire De fait, on trouvera dans ce troisième (et dernier) tome les sujets les plus variés, de la stratégie à la tactique et de l'ouverture à la finale. Comme dans les précédents volumes, le gros intérêt de l'ouvrage réside dans l'abondance du matériel présenté : 12 exercices par chapitre, multipliés par 24 chapitres, cela fait de quoi s'occuper un moment. Profitable, forcément
Chess Set Parker Burnt
This chess set package includes a set of our Parker Staunton chess pieces in boxwood matched with our Classic walnut Chess Board. Imagine you and a good friend sitting at a table playing a game of chess on this stunning chess board with these elegant chess pieces. The Parker offers a traditional Staunton design but with a unique burnt design carved into the pieces. To create the black, chess pieces are actually burnt followed by the final carving and design work which creates a beautiful contrast in colors between the blackened areas and the natural golden wood colors underneath. Chess pieces are then finished in high gloss lacquer giving the chess pieces a glass-like finish. We include 2 extra queens for pawn promotion, size of the king is 9,3 cm and size of the board is 50 cm and square is 5 cm.