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Kopec - Mastering chess
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MARTIN - ABC of the Modern Slav 2nd Edition DVD
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Tisdall - Improve your chess now
Improve Your Chess Now is a modern chess classic and one of the most inspiring chess improvement manuals. Adult improvers frequently name this book as one of their primary sources in the popular Perpetual Chess Podcast of Ben Johnson. The author is an American grandmaster now living in Norway. With infectious enthusiasm, Tisdall covers a wide range of topics, including visualization and calculation, pattern recognition, the psychological aspects of chess, the art of defence and the wisdom of blindfold chess - all still relevant more than 25 years later. The 1997 classic is reprinted with a modern design and a new foreword by the author. 238 pages
KASPAROV - My Great Predecessors part I
Deux des plus forts joueurs de notre temps (je veux dire Kasparov et Fritz, puisque l'ex-champion du monde ne fait pas mystère d'utiliser abondamment l'aide de l'informatique) se penchent sur les accomplissements des champions du passé. Ce premier volume passe en revue un bon siècle de l'histoire du jeu, du premier championnat du monde officieux (McDonnell-La Bourdonnais 1834) à la mort d'Alekhine (1946), sautant bizarrement la parenthèse Euwe (1935-37) gardée pour le deuxième tome. Comme son titre et sa couverture l'indiquent, l'ouvrage se focalise sur les quatre champions du monde officiels, mais les auteurs prennent le temps de nous parler un peu de leurs principaux adversaires, avec tout de même quelques négligences regrettables (Maroczy représenté simplement par une fin de partie perdue...). Par la force des choses, les parties présentées (117, plus une trentaine d'extraits) sont en général archiconnues, mais elles ont bénéficié d'un travail d'annotation fouillé, utilisant tant l'oeuvre des commentateurs passés que les ressources de la technique moderne, esquissant ainsi une sorte de mise en perspective de l'histoire des échecs. Osons tout de même deux petites critiques (ce qui fera donc trois au total) à l'encontre de ce bel ouvrage : la mise en page un peu négligente, qui rend la lecture de certaines parties un peu laborieuse, et la présence d'une introduction superflue où Kasparov se répand en considérations politico-historiques passablement filandreuses - tout homme, quelle que soit son intelligence, devrait se cantonner à sa spécialité... Un dernier détail : comme le livre s'achève inévitablement par un rappel (honnête mais un peu édulcoré) des agissements d'Alekhine durant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, signalons que l'historien Ken Whyld vient de rééditer une plaquette contenant les articles antisémites écrits pour le Pariser Zeitung, accompagnés d'une introduction faisant le point sur l'affaire (Alekhine Nazi Articles).
Mc Donald - Break the Rules
Ca, c'est un conseil ! Reste juste à savoir lesquelles - et comment En fait, cet assez bref opuscule nous cause de l'usage moderne du pion passé, des coups de pions anti-positionnels, des pièces à la bande ou encore des retards de développement qu'acceptent parfois les champions modernes - entre autres Magnus Carlsen, très bien représenté ici. A lire, en complément bien sûr des deux bouquins de Watson (SOMCS et CSA) qui abordaient déjà ces questions
Bezgodov - Opposite-Colored Bishop Endings (174 Master Classes)
There are many secrets in chess, knowledge of which distinguishes a chess virtuoso from an amateur. One of these secrets is the ability to play positions with opposite-colored bishops.
Why is it so important? The point is that the presence of opposite-colored bishops is not always a sign of an impending draw. Due to a number of factors, one of the bishops may turn out to be stronger than its opposite number. This can lead to a successful attack, material gains or obtaining some other advantages that contribute to winning the game.
Grandmaster Alexey Bezgodov has written a book analyzing 174 endgame positions with opposite-colored bishops as training material for advanced players who wish to deepen their endgame skills. Endgame theory, tactics and strategy are all covered, and this will help strong improvers to grind out wins instead of draws, and to avoid losing in difficult positions. Most positions are taken from modern games, and they mostly feature world champions and top grandmasters, including Carlsen, Anand, Kramnik, Kasparov, Karpov, Fischer, Tal, Korchnoi, Andersson, Shirov, Gelfand, Caruana, Nepomniachtchi, and others.
Kotronias - The Safest Scandinavian Reloaded
A completely revised edition, which retains the structure of the first edition but is based on new analysis of all critical lines.
This book presents a Black repertoire based on the Scandinavian Defence with 3...Qd6. This is the safest yet aggressive queen retreat. It allows Black to increase pressure on d4 with ...0-0-0 or ...Rd8 while keeping coordination in the centre. Kotronias offers new plans for Black in the most topical lines. They are backed with deep analysis based on solid chess understanding.
As Kotronias puts in the introduction chapter:
"(...) Instead of reprinting the book, the publisher offered me to make a new, revised edition. It took me almost a year to analyse all the new developments and repertoire books that proposed dangerous new weapons against the Qd6 Scandinavian. Meanwhile the AI engines surged, with their original view on some positions. The result is a completely rewritten book, with major corrections, especially in its second half. The structure of variations remained the same, but I introduced many improvements in the subsequent play. I also added some games of mine from the last year." 300 pages
Grabinsky/Eleksiyenko - Turbo-charge your tactics 2
Turbo-Charge Your Tactics 2 concludes a multi-year effort by GM Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko and world-renowned trainer IM Vladimir Grabinsky to create the perfect chess puzzle books. This second volume builds upon the first, using games from the World Champions and their challengers. Most chess games are decided by tactics, so solving tactical puzzles is the most effective path to improvement.
This book also contains a special chapter with expert guidance on how to use chess engines. The engines might analyse precisely but they can also harm our chess understanding if followed blindly, so we must know when and how to use them. Hardcover 280 pages
Renette/Karolyi - Korchnoi year by year Volume 1 (1945-1968)
Viktor Korchnoi (1931 to 2016) was a giant of the chess world with a career embracing seventy years and over 5,000 recorded games. He contested two world championship matches against Anatoly Karpov, coming within a whisker of being crowned World Champion in 1978. He was a world championship candidate, Soviet champion and Olympiad medal-winner on numerous occasions.In this first of four volumes on Viktor Korchnoi's chess career, FIDE Master Hans Renette and International Master Tibor Karolyi deeply analyse 181 games and fragments up until 1968. This period encompasses his bitterly tough childhood involving the Second World War and poverty, the death of his father and grandmother, his mother's mental health problems and his loyal support from his step-mother, but also his chess beginnings and early coaches, his marriage and the birth of his son. We learn about his early rivalry with Mark Taimanov and Boris Spassky in Viktor's hometown of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), and his later rivalry with Mikhail Tal and Tigran Petrosian. He exchanged blows with Bobby Fischer on equal terms.Korchnoi won three of his four Soviet championship titles during this period, for the first time in 1960, and according to Chessmetrics rating calculations he began a four-month stint as world number 1 in 1965. He played at the 1962 candidates tournament in Curacao and reached the 1968 candidates final versus Spassky. This volume concludes with two of Korchnoi's most impressive international tournament wins, at Wijk aan Zee and Palma de Mallorca in 1968.The work is supplemented with a generous portion of photos taken in particular from Soviet-era chess publications and the Korchnoi family archive.Hans Renette, a FIDE Master with two International Master norms, is a historian and chess coach. He has written chess biographies of the great players Emanuel Lasker, Henry Edward Bird, Louis Paulsen, Gustav Neumann and John Wisker. Tibor Karolyi is an International Master and chess coach who has written games collections of Magnus Carlsen, Garry Kasparov, Anatoly Karpov, Bobby Fischer, Boris Spassky, Tigran Petrosian and Mikhail Tal, among many other chess books. 550 pages