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Edouard - Mes années magiques avec Topalov
Romain Edouard a travaillé comme secondant avec Topalov et ce durant 4 années, entre 2010 et 2014. De cette association, le GM français a voulu en tirer un livre, qui ne traite pas seulement de l'analyse de parties durant cette période, mais aussi tout le travail effectué en amont, les nombreuses recherches,les coulisses... lors de ses "magiques années" passées avec le grand joueur qu'est Veselin Topalov.
Ce livre est une édition française d'un ouvrage paru auparavant (en 2019) en anglais.
272 pages
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
For fourteen days!
All payment cards accepted.
16 other product
Soszynski - Double trouble scandinavian style (two repertoires for black)
The book is in three parts. Part One, besides introducing the book generally, covers the very first moves of the Scandinavian Defense and White’s early deviations. Anyone who plays the Scandinavian will find this section quite helpful. Then Part Two covers Qd6 + g6 systems, while Part Three covers the very different Nf6 system. 176 pages
Une version parodique et délirante de donjons et dragons. Des monstres à trucider, des dragons à étriller, des donjons à piller, mais la dure réalité vous apparaît enfin : les armuriers vous arnaquent, vos compagnons sont des pitres, les monstres vous prennent pour des tocards... Le tout sur fond d'alliances, trahisons et bastons.
Franco - Attacking chess in the 21st Century
The book consists of 36 attacking games from the 21st Century divided into four chapters.
Mastering attacking play in chess is a dream that we all long to achieve, but of course the art of attack does not arise by itself.
Constructing positions which favour the attack is the most difficult task.
In this book we shall see games with brilliant finishes, but we shall also draw attention to the different phases through which the struggle passes, in order make such finishes possible.
Attention has been paid not only to what happens on the board but also, wherever possible, to the influence of the analysis engines not only on a player’s preparation for the game, something that has become more important in these early years of the new century, but also on the practical context of the game.
The games are prefaced by brief biographical information and a short description of the events of the game.
After each game some lessons are highlighted. 254 pages
Engqvist - Chess lessons from a champion coach
In an ideal world, any aspiring chess player, at almost any level, would get better with a coach. If that’s not possible, having chess champion coach Thomas Engqvist’s book at your side is the next best thing.
In his series of lessons, Engqvist guides you through not only the most important elements of chess to master but also the psychology, how to marry knowledge with imagination, and how to stay motivated.
Suitable for older children through to adults, the lessons are drawn from chess games through history, from the 16th century to Magnus Carlsen and latest Alpha Zero computer chess. It features a range of key players, including Steinitz, Lasker, Nimzowistch, Botvinnik (Soviet chess school), and Fischer. With clear and accessible annotations to give clarity, the games highlight the most important lessons to learn and, just as importantly, how to ‘practise’ chess.
International Master Thomas Engqvist has travelled the world teaching and coaching chess to a very high level for decades – and with this book, he can be your coach too.
About the Author
Thomas Engqvist is an International Master from Sweden. He has over 30 years’ experience as a chess coach and teacher. He has worked with players at world championship level in both junior and correspondence chess. He is the author of 300 Most Important Chess Positions and 300 Most Important Tactical Chess Positions, both published by Batsford.
Fiches Signalétiques au Jeu de la Carte
Ces 4 fiches recto-verso sont un résumé des principes d'entame, des principes du plan de jeu et du maniement contre les cartes manquantes. C'est un aide-mémoire compact, facile à emporter et à consulter.
Chess Set club Acacia + chessboard Walnut (with annotations)
This chess set is a classic one, the pieces are in acaciawood, "American Staunton" design, size is 85 mm for the king. The board is made in walnut wood, official size (square 5 cm) with annotations, ideal for club, school, for analyse and study.
Tadic - Endgame Puzzles
Everyone knows they should work on their endgame play. So many hard-earned advantages are squandered in ‘simple’ endings ... But, for a good playing ending, necessary to precisely calculate. This book can help to improve your skills and calculation in endings. In this book, we can find a lot of famous endings played in practical games and how some of the top grandmasters coped with them. Improve your knowledge endings with this book. Start to calculate, and learn ending rules! 342 pages