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Miedema - The Modernized French Defense - Volume 1
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
For fourteen days!
All payment cards accepted.
16 other product
Les Colons de Catane edition 2010
Il y a déjà plusieurs semaines que vous avez quitté la terre ferme. Vous êtes à la tête d'une expédition ayant pour mission de coloniser l'île de Catane. Les ouvrages des Explorateurs décrivent cette île comme un paradis où abondent toutes les richesses nécessaires pour y construire de prospères cités.
Suite à un long et pénible périple votre navire atteint enfin les côtes de l'île. Mais soudain, vous constatez de votre longue-vue que vous n'êtes pas seul ! D'autres navires autour de l'île débarquent des hordes de colons.
Les premières colonies fondées croissent rapidement. L'espace devient de plus en plus rare et les échanges commerciaux de plus en plus nécessaires. Vous devrez donc utiliser à profit vos talents de négociateur ! Une grande aventure vous attend.
Deviendrez-vous le premier souverain de Catane?
Doknjas - What chess coaches don't tell you
Are you a parent of a junior chess player who feels that because you don’t know how to play chess, you can’t help your child? Or are you an adult or junior chess player who has taken private chess lessons for years, but feels you haven’t been progressing?
In both cases, there can be a lot of reliance on a chess coach who has been given free rein with lesson content and direction. They probably have some sort of plan but it is likely to be a plan used for all their students. This is not ideal. More important is a well-thought out, individualized plan, that focuses on a specific player’s unique strengths and weaknesses. Formulating such a plan is crucial for making improvements.
Victoria Doknjas and her son John Doknjas are an ideal writing partnership to tackle this topic. John is a FIDE Master who has already established himself as an excellent and highly-respected author who understands the improvement process very well. Victoria has over a decade of experience navigating the competitive chess arena with her three master-level sons, including also running her own chess academy. Together they offer a unique and informative insight to those wanting to get more out of their chess studies, as well as presenting practical advice in areas including:
- Identifying important goals and how to work towards them.
- Understanding how to objectively analyse your games.
- Maximising the efficiency of software and engines for learning.
Reading this book can broaden your horizons in the essential areas of chess study, and ideally let you better evaluate what your chess coach is teaching you. And if you don’t have a chess coach, this book will provide you with an excellent foundation for serious chess study. 384 pages
Moskalenko - L'attaque Trompowsky et le système de Londres
Olibris nous propose coup sur coup, deux nouvelles traductions de qualité, puisqu'il s'agit de deux ouvrages du GM Viktor Moskalenko dont la réputation d'excellent auteur n'est plus à faire. Sa grande spécialité ce sont les livres d'ouvertures, ou il privilégie d'expliquer les idées importantes plutôt que de vous noyer dans les variantes.
Ici il traite de 2 systèmes hyper trendy; l' attaque Trompowsky et le système de Londres. 201 pages
Supreme Staunton Ebony
Weighted with felted bottom Supreme Staunton chess pieces, sculpted in ebony: a precious wood of great density and of a profound blackness. Perfectly polished, shiny and smooth, they are finely sequined, which gives them in light this singular glittering aspect.
They will perfectly suits on a chessboard with squares measuring 55mm.
The Oak tree is one of the most loved trees in the world, and with good reason. It's a symbol of strength, morale, resistance and knowledge. The playing field is a combination of beautiful oak with walnut & red color points. This backgammon board with Side Racks is available in 2 sizes.
This backgammon is handcrafted with the art of marquetry (also spelled as marqueterie) which is the art and craft of applying pieces of veneer to a structure to form decorative patterns and designs. Our skillful staff use this method in order to create the interior design of the backgammon. Dimensions : 48 x 30 cm
Chess Set Zagreb Acacia
History: In the 1950s and 1960s the Zagreb chess set was one of the most popular chess sets used at the major international chess tournaments. It gained popularity when it was used in the World Championship Candidates Match that was held in Bied, Zagreb in 1959. Design & Quality: Appropriately weighted and felted these pieces are very stable on board and a pleasure to touch and feel, size of king is 8,8 cm. For this set we choose a classical walnut board of 50 cm with square of 5 cm.
Ehlvest - The Modern Gurgenidze - A counterpunching repertoire for black
The Modern Defense has been popular for decades. However, within the purview of this defense, there is a system that challenges White right from the get-go. The brainchild of Georgian grandmaster Bukhuti Gurgenidze, Black plays 1...g6 and follows with a timely ...c6 and ...d5. Occasionally classified as part of the Caro-Kann, it draws battle lines immediately.
The move 1...g6 in general is an aggressive approach, throwing down the gauntlet from the very first move. This is why in some lines, even if the reader finds that the engine assesses a position in White’s favor, one should not be put off.
This book, the first one dedicated to the Modern Gurgenidze in many years, consists of 10 theoretical Chapters and 31 sample games. Jaan carefully explains how Black’s plans may change depending on White’s move order, when exactly we should play ...c7-c6 followed by ...d7-d5 (Chapters 1-5) and when we would be better off with ...d7-d6 and ...e7-e5 (Chapters 6-10). You will be treated to Jaan’s insights on Hippo, Dutch, English, King’s Indian and even 1.b3, all through the eyes of Gurgenidze system. – Grandmaster Alex Shabalov in his Foreword.
The Modern Gurgenidze has figured prominently in Jaan Ehlvest’s repertoire as Black for many years. He now shares his expertise and experience in this provocative defense. If you want to play for a draw, this book is not for you. But if you want to play for the full point, this counterpunching defense may be just what you are looking for.
About the Author:
Jaan Ehlvest is a grandmaster from Tallinn, Estonia. He won the 1980 USSR Junior Chess Championship when he was 18 and in 1983, the European Junior Championship. He was champion of Estonia in 1986 and was a member of the gold medal-winning Soviet Union team at the 28th Chess Olympiad in Thessaloniki 1988. He played for Estonia in the Chess Olympiads of 1992-2004. This is his first book for Russell Enterprises. 240 pages