Chess Genius Pro nouvelle version 2023
The ChessGenius Pro will challenge you even more than its little brother ChessGenius.
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
For fourteen days!
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The ChessGenius Pro will challenge you even more than its little brother ChessGenius.
Wooden puzzle by Michèle Wilson.
Each puzzle is an authentic and unique work of art.
Peder Mrok Monsted was a Danish painter born in 1859 and died in 1941. He is known for his famous paintings of landscape in a very realistic style. This work is a veritable ode to Mediterranean light. It will allow you to escape and spend pleasant moments in a world of calm and gentleness.
Dimensions : 15 x 11 cm
This 48x48cm veneer chessboard has been crafted from maple and mahogany. This fine chess board has a square size of 50mm and it is ideal for our larger chessmen with a King height of 90mm. This board is available with or without alphanumeric notation.
In my first book I wanted to enlighten the reader on those various lines that were
less explored, and those that have been almost forgotten but were nevertheless
However this time the book is about cutting-edge lines, which is a very
modern approach to this fascinating opening. Moreover it is important to say that
when I was writing my first book a few years ago, surprisingly, some of these current
lines simply didn’t exist, or were only discussed in a very minor way.
It is true that the Grünfeld fits in very well with the engines’ way of playing chess,
and in that sense it’s almost the perfect opening with which to implement and generate
such ideas.
Let’s have a look now at what I mean and start reading my findings!
GM Milos Pavlovic, January 2024.
Jeu de 54 cartes Bicycle. Egalement disponible avec un dos bleu (le préciser dans les remarques lors de votre commande).
Rook endgames are the most frequently recurring endgames and also one of the most exciting areas of chess, with mind bending tactical opportunities and dizzying nuances available. They have unsurprisingly been a big topic in endgame literature, with a heavy focus on the set theoretical positions and their logic and fixed conclusions (see the excellent Theoretical Rook Endgames by GM Sam Shankland, published as a sister volume to this book as the peak example of this).
Conceptual Rook Endgames goes in a different direction. Focused on two dozen major concepts, the book explains the mechanisms of rook endgames in a novel way, by building foundations with simple examples, which can be seen in the most complicated examples as well. Rook endgames will remain rich and surprising, as they are for the greats, but armed with this book, your comprehension of them will skyrocket.
Grandmaster Jacob Aagaard is the most talented chess writer of his generation. He won the British Championship in 2007, but is mostly known for his multi-award winning books and his work with students that have won club, country, state, national, continental and world championships, as well as Olympiad golds (board and overall), the World Cup and Candidates tournament. Hardcover. 416 p.
In his heyday, Samuel Reshevsky was one of the great contenders for the world title and, according to Bobby Fischer, for a period of about ten years, from 1946 to 1956, he was the best player in the world.
This book contains sixty of his best games, all analysed and annotated.
It also includes exercises and answers to various questions that might arise in the mind of the reader.
I believe this is a good method, both for teaching and learning.
The author hopes that in this way the reader will learn from the magnificent play of Sammy Reshevsky, and grow to admire it as much as I do. 424 pages
Ce second tome est divisé en trois parties. La première poursuit l'analyse des thèmes principaux du milieu de jeu (Slots, Splits, Golden point...). La deuxième partie traite des fins de partie, c'est-à-dire de la sortie des pions. Enfin, la dernière aborde les concepts les plus délicats du backgammon : contrôle de l'outfield, backgame, timing.