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Salgado Lopez - Gambit Killer
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
For fourteen days!
All payment cards accepted.
16 other product
Sadler/Giddins - Re - Engineering the chess-classic
out of print
Are you ready for new strategic insights about thirty-five of the most fascinating and complex chess games ever played by World Champions and other top grandmasters? Grandmaster Matthew Sadler and renowned chess writer Steve Giddins take a fresh look at some classic games ranging from Anderssen-Dufresne, played in 1852, to Botvinnik-Bronstein (1951) and Geller-Euwe (1953). They unleashed the collective power of Leela, Komodo and Stockfish to help us humans understand what happened in games of fan favourites such as Boris Spassky, Mikhail Tal, Bent Larsen and Bobby Fischer.
The first chess engines improved our appreciation of the classic games by pointing out the tactical mistakes in the original, contemporary game notes. But the expertise of Matthew Sadler is to uncover the positional course of a game with the help of the second generation of chess engines that emerged after 2018.
This book will change your perception of these games’ strategic and technical patterns. You will, for example, learn to appreciate and understand a classic Capablanca endgame. And a classic Petrosian exchange sacrifice. And a winning, and then losing, king-hunt endgame between Spassky and Tal. You will see how Larsen already understood the strength of the h-pawn march far before AlphaZero’s revelation. The engines offer new strategic ideas and plans that human players have yet to consider. Even the ‘the best ever anti- King’s Indian player’, Viktor Korchnoi, would be amazed by the engine’s unique ideas about White’s breakthroughs on the queenside.
The most instructive games are often those which are more strategic and technical. Using modern engines, the authors have re-engineered a wonderful collection of classic games, generating dozens of positional chess lessons that will help every club player and expert to improve their game. 440 pages
Bezgodov - Opposite-Colored Bishop Endings (174 Master Classes)
There are many secrets in chess, knowledge of which distinguishes a chess virtuoso from an amateur. One of these secrets is the ability to play positions with opposite-colored bishops.
Why is it so important? The point is that the presence of opposite-colored bishops is not always a sign of an impending draw. Due to a number of factors, one of the bishops may turn out to be stronger than its opposite number. This can lead to a successful attack, material gains or obtaining some other advantages that contribute to winning the game.
Grandmaster Alexey Bezgodov has written a book analyzing 174 endgame positions with opposite-colored bishops as training material for advanced players who wish to deepen their endgame skills. Endgame theory, tactics and strategy are all covered, and this will help strong improvers to grind out wins instead of draws, and to avoid losing in difficult positions. Most positions are taken from modern games, and they mostly feature world champions and top grandmasters, including Carlsen, Anand, Kramnik, Kasparov, Karpov, Fischer, Tal, Korchnoi, Andersson, Shirov, Gelfand, Caruana, Nepomniachtchi, and others.
Nunn - Comprendre les finales
Ce livre est paru chez Gambit en 2009 en anglais. John Nunn est un auteur réputé pour ses analyses profondes et détaillées, ça tombe bien car les finales d'échecs méritent cela. Ce livre s'adresse plutôt à des joueurs ayant déjà une bonne connaissance sur les fins de parties. l'auteur s'est concentré sur trois aspects: la liste des sujets couverts, le choix des positions retenues et la présentation. 235 pages
Mah-jong coffret vintage
Superbe coffret chinois en bois et tuiles en os et bambou à l'aspect vieilli.
Fiches Signalétiques au Jeu de la Carte
Ces 4 fiches recto-verso sont un résumé des principes d'entame, des principes du plan de jeu et du maniement contre les cartes manquantes. C'est un aide-mémoire compact, facile à emporter et à consulter.
Burnett - Dragon Masters (The life and Times of the fiercest opening in Chess Volume 1) Hardcover
Andrew Burnett is a Scottish FM who has represented his country on several occasions. He is the author of cult classic Streetfighting Chess and his love of the Dragon opening stretches back to his teenage years when he was looking to escape from 1.e4 e5! He is currently working on the second volume of DragonMasters.
DragonMasters volume 1 charts the history of the most exciting and dangerous opening known to chess: the Dragon variation of the Sicilian Defence.
Unlike almost all other books on the Dragon, the focus is not purely on theoretical developments. Instead, the author has combined the most historically important games, the famous players who chose to fight either side (sometimes both sides!) of the opening, and the most unexpected and interesting stories featuring the Dragon. World champions, contenders for the crown, codebreakers, revolutionaries in every sense of the word, all feature in this remarkable and entirely unique look into the history of an opening variation. As the ancient maps say: Here be Dragons! 404 pages Hardcover
Pièces Russes Staunton Fischer Knight (taille 5)
Pièces d'échecs en buis teinté, plombées-feutrées. Ces pièces conviennent à une taille de case de 50 mm. Hauteur roi : 10 cm (base 4 cm) Hauteur pion : 5 cm (base 3 cm
Chess Set Preston Padouk wood
Both the king and queen have wide bases meaning the whole set is comfortable only on chess boards of at least 21 inches. The deep red of the dark pieces complements playing surfaces made from woods of similar hues. The black and white knights are without doubt the most striking pieces on the board. The detailed bridle gives each horse a restrained appearance; well trained and ready for battle. These chessmen take more than two months to make, and it is of no great surprise that the knight takes the longest to carve.
- Maltese influence on a traditional design.
- Beautifully detailed knight.
- 4.5 inch king.
- 2 extra queens for pawn promotion.
- Heavily weighted for balance.
- Bases lined with billiard cloth.
- Perfect on a 21 inch board.
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ALTERMAN - The Alterman Gambit Guide White gambits
Evidemment, un “Black Gambits” suivra inévitablement Ce premier tome est consacré à 10 gambits blancs - 7 après 1.e4 e5, 1 sur la Caro (6.Fg5 dans la Panov), 1 sur la Sicilienne (le Morra) et 1 sur la Française (le Milner-Barry). Comme souvent en pareil cas, l'auteur oublie un peu la nécessaire objectivité (on aura profit à checker d'autres sources), mais il fait un bon boulot pour exposer un grand nombre d'idées typiques et instructives.