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Moyu Super Weilong Magnetic 3x3 Magnet-Ball Core
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
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L'histoire du Roi des Echecs
Le Roi des échecs est une version très simple et amusante pour apprendre aux enfants à jouer aux échecs. Il se base sur des histoires et des personnages sympathiques et colorés. Il contient également toute une série de 30 mini-jeux très simples afin de familiariser l'enfant aux règles du jeu d'échecs. Le grand intérêt de ce jeu est de proposer une approche du jeu d'échecs dès 3 ans. Ce jeu a reçu de nombreux prix à travers le monde et notamment cette année, il a reçu le prix du jeu pour enfants en Belgique.
Le roi des echecs est livré avec:
32 pièces d'échecs thématisées
32 silhouettes de personnages
30 jetons pourles mini-jeux
2 sacs de rangement pour les pièces
1 livre d'histoires Le Roi des échecs
1 plateau d'échecs double-face
Pique Plume
Voici l'oiseau rare, un jeu accessible aux très jeunes enfants mais auquel les adultes peuvent jouer sans s'ennuyer. Des poulets courent en rond en essayant de s'arracher mutuellement des plumes. Pour ce faire, il faut d'abord se placer derrière l'adversaire puis le dépasser. La grande astuce, c'est que les déplacements ne s'effectuent pas à l'aide de dés, mais via un système inspiré du célèbre Memory (des tuiles retournées portent des symboles identiques aux cases de la piste, et il faut les retrouver pour avancer). Ajoutons que les retournements de situation sont permanents et qu'aucun joueur n'est sûr de gagner, ni surtout de perdre, jusqu'au dernier instant...
VAN ZEIJST: Modern Master Games II: The 2014 Ten-Game Match between Gu Li and Lee Sedol, Part One: Games 1 to 5
Modern Master Games II: The 2014 Ten-Game Match between Gu Li and Lee Sedol, Part One: Games One to Five by Rob van Zeijst.
This book feature the historic match between Gu Li and Lee Sedol, two players who have dominated go in the first decade of the 21st century. For years, these two have been rivals, competing for the top spots in numerous international tournaments. Both are famous for their severe attacks and their fighting skills. Gu has a thick style accompanied by an exquisite feeling for the opening from which he often emerges with an advantage. In contrast Lee plays a fast, profit-oriented game, leaving behind thin positions. This means that his groups often come under attack. Most players would collapse under Gufs relentless attacks, but this brings Leefs game to life and he creatively finds the best possible way to settle these groups or to somehow escape with them. This contrast in style and especially Leefs daring strategies in the middle game are what make the games in this book especially fascinating and give birth to innovative moves and spectacular fights. The games are analyzed in great detail so the reader can understand the thinking behind each move. The reader can also find the most recent innovation and analysis of the mini-Chinese opening. In addition, an important new strategic concept, erisk managementf, is introduced and studied for the first time in any publication.
Puzzle 1000 pièces : Caress - Mallett
A colorful work of art by Keith Mallett filled with warm earth-tone colors. It depicts three African American women adorned in Afrocentric attire. One is holding in her hands her child, the other is holding a white vase and the third is holding a bunch of Lillies.
Size : 57.5 x 70 cm
Volovic - Capablanca's Endgame Technique
Capablanca's Endgame Technique : The Astonishing Chess Logic of the Third World Champion by Alex Colovic. Although Jose Raul Capablanca was the World Chess Champion a century ago, his games remain among the most interesting to study. The clear logic and simplicity of his moves inspired other great players such as Mikhail Botvinnik and Bobby Fischer. And the clarity of his play will boost the confidence of any chess student. It all seems so easy when you read the explanations, says a student in a comment on Chessable, so much so that you really believe you can play like Capablanca.
Capablanca's most instructive endgames will help you to understand:
• The principle of two weaknesses - the art of creating a second weakness, leaving opponents helpless because they cannot deal with both at the same time.
• How to convert an advantage in the endgame, not by brute calculation, but by knowing where best to position your pieces.
• Sharpen your intuition in double rook endgames and avoid wasting energy calculating everything and making mistakes.
• The key concept of prophylaxis when it comes to trading pieces, a remarkable aspect of all Capablanca's games. You will learn when to trade off unnecessary pieces.
Capablanca's Endgame Technique will help you play with precision at all levels of the game, not just in the endgame. It was Capablanca himself who said, 'To improve your game, you must study the endgame before anything else.'
Alex Colovic is a grandmaster from Macedonia who has won 18 national championships and represented his country in three chess Olympiads. He is a prolific chess writer, drawing on his thirty years of experience as a tournament player and chess coach.
Gonzalez - The English defence
The English Defence (1 d4 e6 2 c4 b6) is a dynamic, counter-attacking line, initially investigated by English grandmasters. Black aims to set White difficult problems to solve at the very earliest stage of the game. Black’s play is provocative – aiming to lure White into establishing a big pawn centre. This is a risky strategy as White falls behind in development and Black switfly becomes very active. However, if White’s response is more circumspect then Black can often manoeuvre into favourable structures reminiscent of positions arising from the Nimzo-Indian Defence, the Queen’s Indian Defence or even the Dutch.
José González provides an excellent analysis of this complex opening and carves out a powerful repertoire for Black covering all lines after 1 d4. It is possible for White to avoid the "English battle" by playing either 2 Nf3 or even 2 e4 (a rare move for 1 d4 players but seen occasionally). Gonzalez champions an aggressive variant of the Dutch against 2 Nf3 and outlines a simple but effective French Defence repertoire to counter 2 e4.
- A complete repertoire for Black to counter 1 d4.
- The question and answer approach provides an excellent study method. 318 pages