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Lebel - La nouvelle majeure 5e (La bible du bridge)
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
For fourteen days!
All payment cards accepted.
16 other product
Sedlak - The London System: The Adventure Continues !
Nikola Sedlak is a renowned chess player known for his expertise in the London System. He is a grandmaster from Serbia who has been considered one of the strongest players in the country for many years. Sedlak is also a well-known chess trainer and author, who wrote several books on the London System and other chess openings.
In front of you is his latest masterpiece on the London System. This comprehensive guide covers all aspects of the London System and provides a detailed analysis of the various lines and variations that may arise from this opening. We believe that Sedlak’s book is a must-have for any chess player who wants to improve his understanding and expertise in the London System.
One of the key assets of Sedlak’s book is the depth of analysis. Sedlak provides an in-depth look at the theoretical foundations of the London System, as well as the key strategic and tactical ideas of the opening. It also covers a wide range of possible variations, giving readers a thorough understanding of the different options that are available to them. Another important aspect of Sedlak’s book is the clarity of explanation. Sedlak’s writing is easy to understand and he provides clear examples to illustrate key ideas. His book is suitable for players of all levels, from beginners to experienced players looking to add the London System to their repertoire. 223 pages
Vladimirov - 1000 chess problems
Selected popular chess problems, combining ease of construction with an ingenious and effective solution. The author of the collection, the 14-time world champion in drawing up and solving, the international grandmaster, not only leads the decisions, but also tells about the history, theory, the subject of modern chess composition, the famous compilers of the past and the present. Hardcover 373 pages
Engqvist - Chess lessons from a champion coach
In an ideal world, any aspiring chess player, at almost any level, would get better with a coach. If that’s not possible, having chess champion coach Thomas Engqvist’s book at your side is the next best thing.
In his series of lessons, Engqvist guides you through not only the most important elements of chess to master but also the psychology, how to marry knowledge with imagination, and how to stay motivated.
Suitable for older children through to adults, the lessons are drawn from chess games through history, from the 16th century to Magnus Carlsen and latest Alpha Zero computer chess. It features a range of key players, including Steinitz, Lasker, Nimzowistch, Botvinnik (Soviet chess school), and Fischer. With clear and accessible annotations to give clarity, the games highlight the most important lessons to learn and, just as importantly, how to ‘practise’ chess.
International Master Thomas Engqvist has travelled the world teaching and coaching chess to a very high level for decades – and with this book, he can be your coach too.
About the Author
Thomas Engqvist is an International Master from Sweden. He has over 30 years’ experience as a chess coach and teacher. He has worked with players at world championship level in both junior and correspondence chess. He is the author of 300 Most Important Chess Positions and 300 Most Important Tactical Chess Positions, both published by Batsford.
Jacimovic/Zlatanovic - The French Defense revisited. A practical guide for black
For almost two centuries the French Defense has been a universally popular opening. Many
authorities have made their contribution to establishing the theory. Thanks to
their efforts, players nowadays can easily make a choice between the many and various
options, whether peaceful or sharp, whether statically or dynamically
orientated. Just as importantly, if not more so, fans of the French worldwide
can today find good options to play both for a win and a draw! All this makes
the French Defense very popular. However, the authors think that many lines
have not been well explained or should be revisited. Some other lines deserve a better reputation. Finally we have also suggested some new approaches. Simply speaking,
the French Defense looks to be inexhaustible and there cannot be enough books
dedicated to it. This book takes a step in the direction of revitalizing our favorite
The authors have decided to set the book in order from the less to the more popular and complex lines. In the case of the most popular moves 3. e5,
3. Nd2 and
3. Nc3
298 pages
Jungle speed
Jungle speed est un jeu poilant qui vous permettra de mesurer vos réflexes et votre vivacité. Chacun possède des cartes dont il devra se débarrasser pour emporter la partie tandis qu'un totem de bois trône au centre de la table. A chaque tour, on retourne des cartes, si deux cartes sont semblables, les joueurs concernés doivent saisir le plus promptement possible le totem, et le plus rapide refile alors ses cartes à son infortuné adversaire. Pour corser la difficulté, il existe des cartes pratiquement semblables qui peuvent tromper les joueurs et d'autres qui forceront tous les joueurs à intervenir.
Bonzaï ! Réveillez votre instinct animal, car pour gagner, il vous faudra l'oeil du faucon et la vivacité du léopard.