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Moskalenko - Fully Fledged French
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16 ander product
COMAS FABREGO - True Lies in Chess
Pavlovic - Unknown weapons in the Grünfeld
In my first book I wanted to enlighten the reader on those various lines that were
less explored, and those that have been almost forgotten but were nevertheless
However this time the book is about cutting-edge lines, which is a very
modern approach to this fascinating opening. Moreover it is important to say that
when I was writing my first book a few years ago, surprisingly, some of these current
lines simply didn’t exist, or were only discussed in a very minor way.
It is true that the Grünfeld fits in very well with the engines’ way of playing chess,
and in that sense it’s almost the perfect opening with which to implement and generate
such ideas.
Let’s have a look now at what I mean and start reading my findings!
GM Milos Pavlovic, January 2024.
Schaakset Club Acacia hout + Schaakbord Walnut met cijfers en letters
This chess set is a classic one, the pieces are in acaciawood, "American Staunton" design, size is 85 mm for the king. The board is made in walnut wood, official size (square 5 cm) with annotations, ideal for club, school, for analyse and study.
AVRUKH - Grandmaster Repertoire : 1.d4 - Vol.1
Sielecki - My first chess opening repertoire ( A complete and easy-to-learnrepertoire for beginners and improvers
Christof Sielecki is a popular author with club players, but this time he is offering a book dedicated to beginners who want to get to grips with the game with the essential theoretical foundations. It contains the main principles of the opening, as well as the possibility of building a first repertoire for both white and black. For details of the openings studied, take a look at the book's table of contents in the photos.
264 pages
YUSUPOV - Build up your chess vol. 3
Sous-titré ' Mastery ', ce qui est à la fois tout et ne rien dire De fait, on trouvera dans ce troisième (et dernier) tome les sujets les plus variés, de la stratégie à la tactique et de l'ouverture à la finale. Comme dans les précédents volumes, le gros intérêt de l'ouvrage réside dans l'abondance du matériel présenté : 12 exercices par chapitre, multipliés par 24 chapitres, cela fait de quoi s'occuper un moment. Profitable, forcément
HARDING - Startling Correspondence Chess Miniatures
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Williams - The Jobava London System
Most chess openings have been around for centuries; the first book on the Ruy Lopez was written in 1561. Not so the Jobava System. This is a thoroughly modern opening that has only achieved prominence in the last decade or so. It is named after the Georgian chess visionary Baadur Jobava, a highly imaginative and creative grandmaster. The Jobava System is based around the opening moves 1 d4 d5 2 Nc3 Nf6 3 Bf4. For many years this was considered to be a quiet and unassuming backwater of chess theory. No longer!
Thanks to the efforts of Jobava and others this system has been honed into a fierce attacking weapon. As this opening is so new the correct defensive methods are not well understood. This makes the system extremely dynamic and dangerous.
In this book, Simon Williams (the Ginger GM) delves deep into the Jobava and offers up a complete repertoire based on this exciting new system. The advantages are clear:
– There is very little existing theory
– Black cannot play safely on “auto-pilot”
– It is fresh and it’s fun!
MCDONALD - The Ruy Lopez move by move
Après la Slave, voci donc l'espagnole ce qui n'est jamais une mauvaise idée pour démarrer une collection sur la théorie des ouvertures, tant celle-ci reste à la fois performante et hautement instructive. Après une première partie consacrée aux variantes avec d3 (juste pour éviter d'envoyer les complets débutants à l'abattoir), l'ami Mc Do nous fait (re)découvrir tous les thèmes classiques et toutes les grandes variantes. Clair, plaisant, intéressant, utile