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Pavlovic - The Modernized Marshall Attack
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KASPAROV - How to play the Najdorf vol.3 DVD
Non, le prix nest pas une coquille Merci, ChessBase ! En dehors de ce menu détail, précisons que ce troisième opus est consacré à la toute-puissante (ces jours-ci en tous cas) attaque anglaise (i.e. 6.Fe3)
MARTIN - ABC of the Classical Dutch DVD
Système requis:
Pentium 300 Mhz, 64 Mo RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, lecteur DVD-ROM, souris, carte son.
Renette/Karolyi - Korchnoi year by year Volume 1 (1945-1968)
Viktor Korchnoi (1931 to 2016) was a giant of the chess world with a career embracing seventy years and over 5,000 recorded games. He contested two world championship matches against Anatoly Karpov, coming within a whisker of being crowned World Champion in 1978. He was a world championship candidate, Soviet champion and Olympiad medal-winner on numerous occasions.In this first of four volumes on Viktor Korchnoi's chess career, FIDE Master Hans Renette and International Master Tibor Karolyi deeply analyse 181 games and fragments up until 1968. This period encompasses his bitterly tough childhood involving the Second World War and poverty, the death of his father and grandmother, his mother's mental health problems and his loyal support from his step-mother, but also his chess beginnings and early coaches, his marriage and the birth of his son. We learn about his early rivalry with Mark Taimanov and Boris Spassky in Viktor's hometown of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), and his later rivalry with Mikhail Tal and Tigran Petrosian. He exchanged blows with Bobby Fischer on equal terms.Korchnoi won three of his four Soviet championship titles during this period, for the first time in 1960, and according to Chessmetrics rating calculations he began a four-month stint as world number 1 in 1965. He played at the 1962 candidates tournament in Curacao and reached the 1968 candidates final versus Spassky. This volume concludes with two of Korchnoi's most impressive international tournament wins, at Wijk aan Zee and Palma de Mallorca in 1968.The work is supplemented with a generous portion of photos taken in particular from Soviet-era chess publications and the Korchnoi family archive.Hans Renette, a FIDE Master with two International Master norms, is a historian and chess coach. He has written chess biographies of the great players Emanuel Lasker, Henry Edward Bird, Louis Paulsen, Gustav Neumann and John Wisker. Tibor Karolyi is an International Master and chess coach who has written games collections of Magnus Carlsen, Garry Kasparov, Anatoly Karpov, Bobby Fischer, Boris Spassky, Tigran Petrosian and Mikhail Tal, among many other chess books. 550 pages
Gevilten plastieken schaakstukken n°3
Identieek als de vorige, maar in maat 3, niet verzwaard. Geschikt voor schaakborden n°3 (veldgroote: 40mm).
KASPAROV - My Great Predecessors part III
La taille a diminué d'un quart, mais le prix est hélas resté le même... Ce troisième tome est l'occasion de redécouvrir les deux joueurs sans doute les plus sous-estimés de l'histoire des échecs. Parce qu'il ont eu le malheur de régner quand le monde des échecs n'avait d'yeux que pour le ludion Fischer, et parce que leur style était pour l'un difficile à comprendre et pour l'autre difficile à caractériser, Petrosian et Spassky ont parfois été considérés comme des champions au rabais. Leur palmarès et leur valeur méritent pourtant mieux que ce jugement hâtif, et ce volume devrait contribuer à remettre quelque peu les pendules à l'heure - quelque peu seulement, la sélection de parties étant un peu courte pour illustrer d'aussi longues carrières (souvenons-nous que Petrosian fut présent dans les Tournois des Candidats durant 27 ans...). Au passage, on retrouve aussi quelques comparses doués : Portisch, le malchanceux Leonid Stein et, plus étrangement (car ses meilleurs résultats datent de l'ère Karpov), Lev Polougaevsky. Quand au style du livre, inutile d'y revenir : vous commencez à connaître le produit. Rendez-vous sous peu pour un sujet beaucoup plus rebattu : Bobby Fischer...
Aagaard - Conceptual Rook endgames (Hardcover)
Rook endgames are the most frequently recurring endgames and also one of the most exciting areas of chess, with mind bending tactical opportunities and dizzying nuances available. They have unsurprisingly been a big topic in endgame literature, with a heavy focus on the set theoretical positions and their logic and fixed conclusions (see the excellent Theoretical Rook Endgames by GM Sam Shankland, published as a sister volume to this book as the peak example of this).
Conceptual Rook Endgames goes in a different direction. Focused on two dozen major concepts, the book explains the mechanisms of rook endgames in a novel way, by building foundations with simple examples, which can be seen in the most complicated examples as well. Rook endgames will remain rich and surprising, as they are for the greats, but armed with this book, your comprehension of them will skyrocket.
Grandmaster Jacob Aagaard is the most talented chess writer of his generation. He won the British Championship in 2007, but is mostly known for his multi-award winning books and his work with students that have won club, country, state, national, continental and world championships, as well as Olympiad golds (board and overall), the World Cup and Candidates tournament. Hardcover. 416 p.