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Vigorito - Playing the Najdorf
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BOLOGAN - The Sicilian Rossolimo for White DVD
Système requis:
Pentium 300 Mhz, 64 Mo RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, lecteur DVD-ROM, souris, carte son.
New Staunton schaakstukken
Een uitzonderlijk spel uit ebbenhout. Zoals merkbaar, zijn de lopers een echte meesterwerk. Deze schaakstukken, van een dergelijke grote maat, zullen prachtig staan op een rode esdoornen schaakbord (veldgroote:55m).
Gronn - Games and goals (The fascinating Chess and football carreers of Simen Agdestein)
Simen Agdestein was awarded the title of chess grandmaster at the age of eighteen, the youngest in the world at the time. Two years later he wrote in his diary that he believed he could become the best in the world.
But chess wasn"t his only passion. He also excelled at football and was selected nine times for the Norwegian national team. Foreign clubs wanted to sign him as a professional.
Simen Agdestein"s combined careers are unique and amazing. "I can"t choose between my left and my right arm", he once said of the choice between chess and football.
His international football career was cut short when he refused to play for Norway in a World Cup qualifier against Scotland. He opted instead to play Garry Kasparov in a chess tournament in Belgrade. A few years later, a knee injury put an end to his footballing dreams.
These days Agdestein is a coach and teacher at the Norwegian College for Top Athletes, a fertile breeding ground where his most successful pupil, Magnus Carlsen, also attended. Agdestein continues to compete in chess. In 2023 he won the Norwegian Championship for the ninth time, 41 years after his first successful bid.
Games and Goals is a gripping biography of a unique double talent, revealing his insecurities and ambitions, his doubts and dreams. The author had access to Agdestein"s private letters and diaries and conducted numerous interviews with relatives, friends and Agdestein himself.
YUSUPOV - Chess Evolution The Fundamentals vol.1 (Hard Cover)
Si quelqu'un s'y retrouve, il me fait signe Voici donc (au choix) le premier volume d'une triplette baptisée Chess Evolution, ou le troisième d'un trio dénommé The Fundamentals - à moins qu'il s'agisse simplement du septième tome d'un projet global qui en comportera neuf Ce qui est sûr, c'est que les 24 nouveaux chapitres truffés d'exemples et bardés d'exercices présentés ici vous feront cogiter quelques dizaines d'heures, et seront certainement profitables. Au boulot !
Henris: The Complete Albin Counter-Gambit
Authored by Belgian FIDE Master Luc Henris, an expert on the Albin, this book covers the Albin Counter-Gambit on about 600 (!) pages. It provides you with up-to-date analysis and innovative ideas to fight the Queen´s Gambit. While it has long been underestimated by master and club players alike, it is especially Morozevich (ELO 2760 as of May 2013) who revived the Albin in recent years. If it´s good for him, it´s good for us too: an entertaining, surprising, and sound counter-weapon for Black.
Edited by Marchand S.A.
Schaakset Club Acacia hout + Schaakbord Walnut met cijfers en letters
This chess set is a classic one, the pieces are in acaciawood, "American Staunton" design, size is 85 mm for the king. The board is made in walnut wood, official size (square 5 cm) with annotations, ideal for club, school, for analyse and study.