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Fernandez - Forgotten Talents (chessplayers lost in the labyrinth of life)
Throughout the history of chess, elite players have been studied, celebrated and adored. But there also been players, while perhaps not regarded as world-class competitors, who had a precious gift, but who did not know (or could not find) the way to success. They were lost in the labyrinth of difficulties that life always places before every human being.
In the end, for various reasons, history forgot this select group of masters. For some, their careers were very bright (as in the cases of von Kolisch, Neumann and Charousek) but also extremely short, limiting their renown and depriving them of deserved laurels. For others, chess turned out to be excessively demanding for which their minds were unprepared. Finally, for a truly unfortunate few, tragedy – always an unwelcome guest – took over their lives and then took life itself from them.
An exceptionally researched historical work, these pages contain the stories of 23 players with a very unique way of understanding chess (sometimes ahead of their time) and who prioritized the artistic side of the game over the results: an approach that was not properly appreciated in their time.
Now, for the first time, Spanish author and chess historian Javier Cordero puts these Forgotten Talents in the limelight. Archival photos and almost 200 selected games nicely supplement the biographies of these star-crossed players who became Lost in the Labyrinth of Life. 288 pages
Schaakstukken DGT Timeless
De klassieke schaakstukken van de DGT schaakbord, die een beetje op de klassieke stukken lijken (koning 95 mm hoog), zijn zeer bekend tussen de competitiespelers. Deze speciale stukken (en natuurlijk ook de 2 volgende sets) zijn de enige stukken die met de DGT schaakbord gebruilt kunnen worden. Je kan natuurlijk je mooiste verzamelaarsstukken op je bord plaatsen voor een prachtige uitzicht, maar de computer zal ze helaas niet herkennen.
FTACNICK, KOPEC, BROWNE - Champions of the New Millenium
18 champions, quatre parties commentées par tête de pipe, histoire de faire connaissance : l'idée n'est pas nouvelle, mais le résultat toujours intéressant pour qui ne suit pas au jour le jour l'actu échiquéenne. Reste que le choix, tant des joueurs (la quasi-retraitée Judit Polgar dans les champions du nouveau millénaire ?) que des parties (quatre parties des années 90 pour Anand) pose question, et se révèle décevant pour le public français - Mamedyarov mais pas Bacrot, Karjakin mais pas Vachier