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Ris - Crucial Chess Skills for the Club Player Volume 1
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Muller/Engel/Rafiee The human factor in chess - The Testbook
This approach is intended to enable the reader to assign himself to one of the player types and find out whether he belongs to the activists or rather to the pragmatists, theorists or reflectors. The result allows to draw conclusions in order to further expand the individual strengths or to develop a more universal playing style overall.
Because even if you usually win thanks to your strengths, it makes sense to work on your own weaknesses as well. Of course, if there is only one move in a position, you should be able to find it. Playstyles are especially important in positions where you have a great choice. However, they also play a role when you choose the type of position, which you should strive for based on your style.
Interestingly, a playstyle can also be imitated, which may even be the appropriate strategy against certain opponents. For example, certain characteristics stand out clearly in activists, and being able to adjust to them as an opponent is of course very valuable. A good example is Kramnik's win over activist Kasparov (at the London 2000 world championship match). Since Kramnik always managed to steer the game in the direction appropriate to his style, his big opponent never had the chance to demonstrate his own strengths in positions with attack and initiative.
While 'The Human Factor' was about a clear distinction of the four playing styles, this book aims to emphasize the universality of each player. After solving the tasks tailored to the four player types, it becomes clear how your own competencies are distributed. Accordingly, GM Vincent Keymer states in his foreword:
"Even if the further development of one's own player personality to a universal player who unites all player types may remain a utopia, it's still worth pursuing."
Schaak Set Stukken Staunton Gold/Silver
It's realy high-quality chess pieces.
It's really heavy chess pieces.
It's really large chess pieces.
The total weight of this set is 1.625kg. so you'll enjoy the feel of each piece in your hand as you defeat your opponent move by move. These high quality metal pieces are made out of a durable zinc alloy with Gold and silver electroplated finish. In addition, they are padded with felt on the bottom to protect your board.
2 extra queens
Size of the King is 10.3 cm Diam. 4.5 cm
Shankland - Theoretical Rook Endgames
Rook endgames are the most important to study, because they are the type of endgame you will face most often over the board. Working on rook endgames gives the biggest bang for your buck.
World-class grandmaster Sam Shankland explains technical rook endgames in a way that is clearer, better organized, more concise, and easier to understand than any previous work. After learning the vital set positions, the reader is offered lots of rules and guidelines to correctly assess any theoretical rook endgame they have not yet memorized.
Theoretical Rook Endgames is the ideal guide to a vital topic in chess. After reading this book, you will know which positions must be memorized, and which positions are best handled by considering general principles.
The sister volume – Conceptual Rook Endgames by Jacob Aagaard – shows how the theoretical knowledge shown in the present book is used in advanced practical play.
GM Sam Shankland is the 2018 US Champion, 2016 Olympiad gold medal winner for teams and 2014 individual gold medal winner. He has played Board 1 for the US in the World Team Championship and competed with the best players in the world in Wijk aan Zee, St. Louis, Prague and elsewhere. Hardcover 448 pages
SHIROV - The Philidor Defence DVD
Windows XP, Windows VISTA
DVD Drive, Mouse, Soundcard
Schaakset Stallion Padouk
Dit zeer gedistingeerde spel bestaat uit een set stukken van het model Stallion, dat gekenmerkt wordt door zijn zeer gebeeldhouwde paard, zijn loper en zijn diepe spleet, zijn goed gebogen toren en zijn zeer slanke koning en Dame. De kleur en de verschillende natuurlijke tinten die het Padouk-hout aan deze set geeft, zullen worden gewaardeerd en maken elk stuk uniek. Het bord is ook van Padouk, een beetje rozebruin voor de donkere velden en de witte velden zijn meer beige.
Afmetingen van het bord: 48 cm en 5 cm veld
Afmetingen van de stukken: Hoogte koning 9 cm - Basis koning: 3,8 cm - Hoogte pion 4,5 cm - Basis pion 2,8 cm
Bourgoin - Chess Puzzle ( 600 casse-têtes sur le thème des échecs)
Un livre d exercices à résoudre (il y en a 600), mais un peu inhabituel, car il contient en plus des pièces classiques, des pièces spéciales mais aussi des cases spéciales, destinées à pimenter le jeu. 314 pages
Keres - Match Tournament for the World Chess Championship The Hague-Moscow 1948 - 75TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION
This book is dedicated to the match-tournament of 1948, which gave rise to the first Soviet World Champion - Mikhail Botvinnik. The main content of the book is the detailed analysis of the fifty games played in this event. Detailed commentary to the games has been written for a very wide circle of qualified chessplayers, in which connection particular attention has been paid to the accessibility of the presentation and the appearance in the games of important turning points. The criticism of the mistakes committed by the participants could seem at times to be overly severe, but represents the fruits of painstaking analysis and should bring benefit to chessplayers who wish to draw the necessary theoretical and practical conclusions from the games of the match-tournament.It is very difficult, and often impossible, to claim absolute accuracy in chess analysis, but at any rate, I have endeavoured to fulfil my work with the maximum thoroughness. 257 pages Hardcover
Translator’s Foreword
It is exactly 75 years since one of the most significant events in chess history – the 1948 Match-Tournament for the World Chess Championship – took place in The Hague and Moscow. To mark this anniversary, my colleagues at Chess Informant have agreed to publish a new English translation of Paul Keres’ book on the tournament.
The original work has been extended to include historical context to the event – in this case, excerpts from the contemporary Soviet chess press and from the memoirs of Mikhail Botvinnik. Keres’ book on the event was first published in his native Estonian language in 1949. A year later it appeared in Russian translation and it came to be regarded as one of the best books on chess ever written. For instance, the likes of Garry Kasparov and Boris Gelfand are both on record as listing it among their favourites.
In this book, Keres’ annotations to the games have been faithfully reproduced. They have not been corrected by computer analysis; instead, they have been supplemented in some cases by the analysis of other masters – generally with that of the other players. In addition, historical context has occasionally been added in those cases where Keres’ assessments of certain openings have been overturned, or at least challenged, by many decades of tournament practice.
It has been a considerable pleasure to work on this project. Keres, as well as being an outstanding grandmaster, was also a superb analyst and annotator. His notes to the games represent a fine blend of general considerations and concrete variations; unlike in many books published today, the latter are never allowed to dominate. It is my sincere hope that the combination of these notes with the additional historical context will succeed in bringing Keres’ work to a new audience, and that this book will be a valuable addition to the libraries of chess enthusiasts of all abilities
Douglas Griffin