Supreme Staunton Palissander stukken
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Identiek aan de vorige, enkel zijn de zwarte stukken in palissander gesneden.
The Greatest Ever chess endgames, Steve Giddins
' Les plus grandes ', c'est toujours une affaire d'appréciation Disons donc que ce livre présente 50 finales parmi les plus remarquables de l'histoire des échecs (les parties sont données intégralement, mais les commentaires commencent à l'entrée en finale). Il n'y a pas tant de livres qui donnent des finales dans leur intégralité, et Giddins reste un des auteurs les plus plaisants du circuit - on peut donc se laisser tenter
Electronische DGT-schaakbord - Bluetoothbord + Ebbehouten-schaakstukken
Het elektronisch DGT-schaakspel brengt u het comfort van een houten schaakbord gecombineerd met de technologie van de computer en de internet mogelijkheden.
Dit draadloos communicerende bord maakt gebruik van BlueTooth. U kan tegen uw favoriete programma spelen zonder uw ogen op het scherm te belasten : Beweeg je schaakstukken op het houten DGT-bord en de zet wordt geregistreerd door de computer.
Het DGT-schaakbord is te gebruiken met de DGT-schaakstukken, die eveneens uit hout zijn gemaakt. Moderne, betrouwbare sensortechnologie herkent elk stuk nauwkeurig en snel, zelfs in snelschaakpartijen.
Dankzij uw DGT-schaakbord, kan u met echt hout tegen uw favoriet programma spelen of op internet tegen menselijke tegenstanders.
Deze DGT-schaakset bevat het electronische DGT-schaakbord uit rozenhout, met zwarte velden en bruin-rode grenzen - zeer vergelijkbaar met ons klassiek rozenhoutenbord - en haar inbegrepen electronische DGT-schaakstukken uit ebbehout; de meest luxueuse van de DGT-collectie.
Kortom, deze electronische draadloze DGT-schaakset bestaat uit:
- Een prachtig ingelegd houten bord van slechts 1,8 cm dikte en velden van 5,5 x 5,5 cm. En compatibele ebbehouten DGT-schaakstukken zijn inbegrepen.
- Is compatibel met alle Chessbaseprogramma's (Fritz, Schredder, Hiarcs, Junior, ChessBase...).
- De bluetooth technologie biedt de mogelijkheid om tot 10m van de computer te spelen.
- Heeft een autonomie van 24 uur draadloos spel, is heroplaadbaar via USB naar computer of adapter (USB-kabel meegeleverd).
- Mogelijkheid om een DGT XL klok aan te sluiten, dat elke zet van het programma weergeeft.
Driver CD meegeleverd voor Windows XP/Vista/7 (32 en 64 bit).
After having conquered chess America, Paul Morphy issued a challenge to European chess players and traveled there to play the best players of the game, and in particular wanting to face Howard Staunton, the English master who was widely considered to be the best player in the world.
The present book, written by his private secretary, Frederick Milnes Edge, includes accounts and letters of the efforts of Morphy and his supporters to have him face the best players. As you will read, not all of the efforts succeeded.
In the second part of the book, we include a shorter book by C. A. Buck, Paul Morphy - His Later Life, which covers Morphy's life after returning to the US and giving up chess. 173 pages
Throughout the history of chess, elite players have been studied, celebrated and adored. But there also been players, while perhaps not regarded as world-class competitors, who had a precious gift, but who did not know (or could not find) the way to success. They were lost in the labyrinth of difficulties that life always places before every human being.
In the end, for various reasons, history forgot this select group of masters. For some, their careers were very bright (as in the cases of von Kolisch, Neumann and Charousek) but also extremely short, limiting their renown and depriving them of deserved laurels. For others, chess turned out to be excessively demanding for which their minds were unprepared. Finally, for a truly unfortunate few, tragedy – always an unwelcome guest – took over their lives and then took life itself from them.
An exceptionally researched historical work, these pages contain the stories of 23 players with a very unique way of understanding chess (sometimes ahead of their time) and who prioritized the artistic side of the game over the results: an approach that was not properly appreciated in their time.
Now, for the first time, Spanish author and chess historian Javier Cordero puts these Forgotten Talents in the limelight. Archival photos and almost 200 selected games nicely supplement the biographies of these star-crossed players who became Lost in the Labyrinth of Life. 288 pages
Allereerst komen de oefeningen met bekende thema's uit Stap 2 en een heel enkele uit de eerste stap op een hoger niveau:schaak opheffen mat in een dubbele aanval: dame penning uitschakelen verdediging: wegjagen + hout uitschakelen verdediging: wegl
Comme l'indique bien le titre, il s'agit de l'essentiel, soit l'indispensable à savoir, pour gérer au mieux vos fins de parties avec des tours qui restent le type de finales les plus fréquentes. L'auteur, Vincent Moret est un entraineur français reconnu, il a formé de nombreux jeunes joueurs en France, qui sont devenus des champions. 205 pages
Endgame Labyrinths presents the reader with 1002 challenging studies selected and truncated, with their usefulness for the practical player in mind. It is common for studies to be extended by less interesting manoeuvres or by incomprehensible sequences, before the main themes come into play. The studies in this book have been pruned to leave the reader with 1002 clear and solvable challenges.
A few years of extensive selection, analysis, reselection, reanalysis and refining have gone into putting together the study book for the practical player with the most value ever.
Steffen Nielsen is the reigning World Champion in endgame composition. His creativity and aesthetics in his compositions have had a massive influence on modern competition. He is a strong club player, with a good understanding of the difficulties practical players face over the board. Steffen is also a life-long supporter of the football club AaB, which is less successful...
GM Jacob Aagaard is one of the leading chess writers and trainers of his generation. His students have played successfully at all levels and continue to do so. His books are used all over the world, by top players and amateurs alike. Hardcover . 424 pages