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Leconte - Les Blancs jouent Fortissimo
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KASPAROV - Revolution in the 70's - part I
Le mal rasé de Bakou ayant donc changé d'avis en cours de route, voici, en lieu et place de l'attendu My Great Predecessors 6, le premier volume d'une nouvelle série consacrée à l'évolution de la théorie des ouvertures à l'époque moderne - celle-ci démarrant, assez arbitrairement, à la retraite de Fischer. C'est l'occasion de passer en revue aussi bien des systèmes effectivement nés durant les années 70 (Sveshnikov...) que d'autres simplement développés durant la même période (Caro-Kann classique avec 4...Ff5), ou encore certains dont l'heure de gloire viendra en fait nettement plus tard (6.Fe3 dans la Najdorf, 4...a6 dans la Slave). Au total, beaucoup de choses intéressantes, mais une impression globale un peu confuse et un intérêt pratique peut-être discutable. A part çà, nos bons amis anglais ont apparemment décidé que la vache à lait ne meuglait pas encore assez fort : ils en ont donc remis une couche sur le prix. Merci, Everyman !
EINGORN - Decision -Making at the Chessboard
Johnson - Perpetual Chess Improvement
Perpetual Chess Improvement : Practical Chess Advice from World-Class Players and Dedicated Amateurs, by Ben Johnson. In a world awash in educational chess content, knowing how to study the game most effectively can be challenging.
As the Perpetual Chess Podcast host, USCF Master Ben Johnson has spent hundreds of hours talking chess with many of the world’s top players and most accomplished trainers. In the popular Adult Improver Series, he has spoken with dozens of passionate amateurs who have elevated their games significantly while pursuing chess as a hobby.
Guests like former World Champion Viswanathan Anand and YouTube Stars IM Levy Rozman and GM Hikaru Nakamura have shared insights and told memorable stories. And Ben has learned just as much from the many dedicated amateurs who applied their considerable professional (non-chess) experience to their chess learning.
In Perpetual Chess Improvement, Ben looks for common ground and shared principles in all chess advice given on the podcast. Chess players do not always agree on the best improvement methods, so he even adjudicates a few disagreements! The book will show you the following:
- How to approach and study different aspects of the game, including openings, endgames, tactics, tournament games, and speed chess.
- How to find a chess coach and a like-minded chess community.
- How to properly utilize all the powerful chess study tools available.
- Instructive chess positions illustrate the topics discussed.
The guests shared a wealth of beautiful stories, and chess study advice on the Perpetual Chess Podcast. This book compiles the highlights and will help you make a holistic plan for your chess studies.
Ben Johnson is a USCF Master and accomplished chess coach. In 2016, he started the Perpetual Chess Podcast, the most successful chess podcast, with over five million downloads and streams in over a hundred different countries - and counting. Ben grew up in Philadelphia and lives in New Jersey with his family. Before dedicating his life to chess, he was a professional poker player and a stock trader.
245 pages
Werkboek : Stap 4 +
Lessen voor het werkboek stap 4+ zijn vanaf de vijfde druk in handleiding van Stap 4 opgenomen.De inhoud van het werkboek stap 4+: Min of meer nieuwe onderwerpen:InsluitenVoorbereidende zet bij insluiten (lokken, uitschakelen van de verdediging, jag
McDonald - Pressure Play
Pressure Play by Neil McDonald. Have you ever been tortured at the chessboard? If so, then you have probably been a victim of pressure play.
Elite players are brilliant exponents of pressure play. In situations where they have either a tiny advantage or no advantage at all they are highly adept at constantly setting problems for their unfortunate opponents. The position on the board may appear lifeless but they can probe and find plans and regroupings that will constantly ask their opponents difficult questions. These can be countered only by continual alert and accurate defence and we all know how difficult and wearing that can be.
The arch exponent of pressure play is world champion Magnus Carlsen. Carlsen is superb in this area of the game and consistently defeats world class opposition from simplified positions where he has no advantage whatsoever. How does he do it?
In this book, the highly experienced author and coach Neil McDonald analyses the finest examples of pressure play. In doing so he teases out the fundamental concepts that enable players like Carlsen to torture their opponents mercilessly.
- Paralyse the enemy pieces.
- Target the weakest squares on the board.
- Increase and exploit a space advantage.
Master pressure play and it will be your opponent on the rack, not you.
352 bladen
WATSON - Maîtriser les ouvertures, vol.1
Pour tous ceux qui sont fâchés avec l'anglais (et je ne parle pas seulement des fans de rugby), voici la traduction du dernier opus magnus de Watson. Félicitons Olibris, et rappelons seulement que le MI américain fait ici le tour de la théorie contemporaine (sur 1.e4), dans une perspective très générale et hautement pédagogique (non, ce n'est pas un gros mot). On pourra juste regretter une ou deux impasses faites par l'auteur (Sveshnikov), mais c'est vraiment histoire de pinailler.