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PLASKETT - Starting out Attacking play
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COMAS FABREGO - True Lies in Chess
AAGAARD - Excelling at Positional Chess
Deuxième ouvrage sur le sujet en un mois, et aussi différent du précédent (Secrets of Positional Chess de Marovic) qu'il est possible de l'être. Si le GMI croate visait clairement le public des joueurs moyens en s'attardant longuement sur les bases du maniement des pièces, le MI danois s'adresse quand à lui aux forts joueurs désireux de progresser dans les finesses du jeu positionnel. La partie théorique de l'ouvrage est restreinte : six courts chapitres (encore deux d'entre eux n'ont-ils aucun rapport avec le sujet) exposent (ou rappellent) les principes de base : amélioration du placement des pièces, utilisation optimale des dites pièces, exploitation des faiblesses adverses. L'essentiel vient ensuite : un choix de 108 positions proposées comme exercices d'application, suivies bien sûr de solutions commentées. Disons clairement que ces exercices sont très (trop ?) difficiles. Aagaard a en effet sélectionné des positions complexes et des manoeuvres surprenantes, et l'absence de toute indication ou conseil n'arrange rien. A l'arrivée, il est à craindre que ce livre serve plus de recueil d'exemples commentés que d'ouvrage d'entraînement... Un conseil en tous cas : n'abordez cet ouvrage que si vous avez déjà lu - et maîtrisé - le Can you be a Positional Chess Genius de Dunnington.
Hrop - Defending under pressure. Mananging your emotions at the chessboard
The seconds tick down relentlessly toward zero just as your game approaches the critical stage. Your higher-rated opponent is putting your game under severe pressure, so extreme accuracy is needed to hang tough and avoid falling into a losing position. What do you do now – should you exchange pieces to relieve the pressure, lash out with a sacrifice, probe for weaknesses in the opponent's camp, or maybe just give up and get a lesson on how to bring the point home?
The answer is… none of these! At such do-or-die moments, says Steve Hrop, the first thing to do is to sit on your hands and take a few deep breaths. In Defending Under Pressure and Managing Your Emotions at the Chessboard, the author uses critical moments from his own tournament games (most of them against players rated above 2200) to describe the difficulties of thinking straight when the enemy is at the gates, and then outlines methods and techniques to clear your head, evaluate the position, and find your way to the best move. Techniques include how to avoid redundant pieces that critically limit your mobility; when visualization is more important than calculation: and “freeze-framing” positions to eliminate blunders.
Save the draw – or turn a looming defeat into an astonishing victory – with the tips in this practical training manual! 236 pages
Neishtadt - Improve you chess tactics Upgraded 2024 edition
Instruction + exercises according to the old Soviet chess school Experienced Russian Grandmaster Yakov Neishtadt reveals the training material that was used in Soviet times to build up young masters. In the first part of the book Neishstadt teaches a systematic course on the most important tactical themes. The second part consist of an exam with hundreds of tests from real-life chess, in random order so as not to give unwelcome hints on how to solve them. The solutions are not just lists of moves, but include instructive prose. This edtion has been checked with modern engines. 390 pages