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GRIVAS - Modern Chess Planning
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Doknjas - What chess coaches don't tell you
Are you a parent of a junior chess player who feels that because you don’t know how to play chess, you can’t help your child? Or are you an adult or junior chess player who has taken private chess lessons for years, but feels you haven’t been progressing?
In both cases, there can be a lot of reliance on a chess coach who has been given free rein with lesson content and direction. They probably have some sort of plan but it is likely to be a plan used for all their students. This is not ideal. More important is a well-thought out, individualized plan, that focuses on a specific player’s unique strengths and weaknesses. Formulating such a plan is crucial for making improvements.
Victoria Doknjas and her son John Doknjas are an ideal writing partnership to tackle this topic. John is a FIDE Master who has already established himself as an excellent and highly-respected author who understands the improvement process very well. Victoria has over a decade of experience navigating the competitive chess arena with her three master-level sons, including also running her own chess academy. Together they offer a unique and informative insight to those wanting to get more out of their chess studies, as well as presenting practical advice in areas including:
- Identifying important goals and how to work towards them.
- Understanding how to objectively analyse your games.
- Maximising the efficiency of software and engines for learning.
Reading this book can broaden your horizons in the essential areas of chess study, and ideally let you better evaluate what your chess coach is teaching you. And if you don’t have a chess coach, this book will provide you with an excellent foundation for serious chess study.
384 pages
Regan/Ball - Zwischenzug (a comprehensive guide to Intermediate Moves in Chess)
Zwischenzug! is the first-ever comprehensive guide to the chess tactic also known as the intermediate move, or intermezzo. This exciting manoeuvre can catch opponents off guard because it is against the expected run of play. You will learn how to spot Zwischenzugs, when to look out for them, and how to set them up in your games.
The authors have studied thousands of games and have identified the patterns that appear frequently in practical play. The book categorizes the different types of Zwischenzugs and distils them into easily accessible themes. The concepts are given catchy names to make them more memorable, and historical details and anecdotes are added throughout the book.
Included is an extensive mix of sample puzzles for learning and practice.
When published on Chessable, the course was received very enthusiastically and awarded an average rating of 4.82 out of a possible five stars. Another welcome effect is that the authors are now finding a lot of Zwischenzugs in their own games! 280 pages
DUNNINGTON - Can you be a positional Chess Genius ?
Des ouvrages d'exercices et de tests, ce n'est pas vraiment ce qui manque dans le monde de l'édition échiquéenne. Mais la plupart (à commencer par le pendant de celui-ci, Can you be a tactical Chess Genius, paru antérieurement) concernent uniquement l'aspect tactique et combinatoire du jeu - ce qui est bien utile, mais évidemment insuffisant pour vraiment progresser. A l'inverse, les 150 positions (réparties en trois niveaux de difficulté) contenues dans ce livre vous permettront d'exercer votre jugement positionnel et de réviser concrètement vos classiques : colonnes ouvertes, cases faibles, supériorité sur une couleur, avant-postes... Chaque position est accompagnée d'une courte présentation destinée à orienter votre réflexion, et si vous séchez, vous pouvez recourir à un indice supplémentaire plus explicite. Quand aux solutions, elles sont accompagnées d'explications claires et suffisamment détaillées pour être profitables. En somme, un vrai manuel de stratégie ludique et amusant... Qui l'aurait cru ?