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DVORETSKY, YUSUPOV - School of Future Champions 4 - Secrets of Positional Play
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Hrop - Defending under pressure. Mananging your emotions at the chessboard
The seconds tick down relentlessly toward zero just as your game approaches the critical stage. Your higher-rated opponent is putting your game under severe pressure, so extreme accuracy is needed to hang tough and avoid falling into a losing position. What do you do now – should you exchange pieces to relieve the pressure, lash out with a sacrifice, probe for weaknesses in the opponent's camp, or maybe just give up and get a lesson on how to bring the point home?
The answer is… none of these! At such do-or-die moments, says Steve Hrop, the first thing to do is to sit on your hands and take a few deep breaths. In Defending Under Pressure and Managing Your Emotions at the Chessboard, the author uses critical moments from his own tournament games (most of them against players rated above 2200) to describe the difficulties of thinking straight when the enemy is at the gates, and then outlines methods and techniques to clear your head, evaluate the position, and find your way to the best move. Techniques include how to avoid redundant pieces that critically limit your mobility; when visualization is more important than calculation: and “freeze-framing” positions to eliminate blunders.
Save the draw – or turn a looming defeat into an astonishing victory – with the tips in this practical training manual! 236 pages
De Macht van het Loperpaar
Czerwin - Chess Progress
A book for beginners or teachers. It's a well-done book, the author is a famous professor in the USA and more specifically in Illinois. His method seems clear: the study of simple positions with few pieces on the chessboard, and the further you go, the more you'll have pieces and complex positions to resolve. This method isn't really new, but it should work perfectly.
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HANSEN - Improve your Chess by learning from the champions
Troisième opus du GMI danois, après les remarqués Foundations of Chess Strategy et How Chess Games are won and lost. Ce nouvel effort (qui surpasse les deux autres par la longueur du titre) est un peu moins original dans le propos (revisiter les grandes écoles échiquéennes et leur influence sur le jeu moderne) mais la réalisation est de qualité - bonne mise en perspective, commentaires détaillés, style fluide Une excellente et très agréable lecture.