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Sadler -Study Chess with Matthew Sadler
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Willemze - World chess champion strategy training for club players
Chess players can look ahead, formulate a clear plan, and act accordingly. That's why chess is the perfect learning environment for becoming a strategic expert. But how do you train this? It starts with playing many games and analysing them carefully afterwards. At the same time, you should learn from the best by studying the games of the world's strongest players and gradually build their techniques into your play. This book offers you 100 strategic exercises from the games of the best of the best, the World Champions from Bobby Fischer to Ding Liren. You will learn foundational techniques such as: how to improve your worst-placed piece; how to exploit a lead in development; or make the right piece trade; and how to create a strong square; plus numerous others. Solving these exercises will help every ambitious club player better understand how to make and execute plans. 260 pages
Sher - Dream Moves (Eye-Opening Chess Lessons for Improvers)
Do you want to do the same chess homework that world-famous grandmasters Fabiano Caruana, Robert Hess and Peter Heine Nielsen did in their formative years as chess players? This book will test you with hundreds of positions created by their coach Miron Sher (1952-2020). Just like Fabiano, Robert and Peter, you are not supposed to stop after the first move. You have to find the last move of the solution!
Miron Sher is one of those legendary coaches who got their chess education in the Soviet Union and in later years spread their knowledge in Western Europe and the United States. He was born in Ukraine, studied in Moscow, coached the Russian national team and emigrated to New York in 1997. There he taught at various schools and worked privately with dozens of students.
Dream Moves focuses on five themes that Sher considered important for chess improvement.
- An unprotected piece – the trigger to start thinking tactics!
- In-between moves – they help you spring a surprise on your opponent
- Open files – a fundamental element of chess strategy
- The 20% Rule – if your pawn has advanced to the 5th or 6th rank, moving it forward is quite often your best option
- Dream Move – dream about the final, decisive move, and you will find the way there
The book contains close to one hundred illustrated games and more than three hundred puzzles. Do as the legends did - and use these puzzles to sharpen your tactical skills and improve your understanding of chess.
Miron Sher (1952-2020) is chess grandmaster and legendary coach. He was born in Ukraine, won a dozen international tournaments as a player, and became famous as a trainer in the United States where he lived since 1997. In New York he taught chess at multiple schools, including the Dalton School, IS 318 and Stuyvesant High School. He worked privately with dozens of students such as Fabiano Caruana, Robert Hess and Peter Heine Nielsen. 304 pages
DUNNINGTON - Can you be a positional Chess Genius ?
Des ouvrages d'exercices et de tests, ce n'est pas vraiment ce qui manque dans le monde de l'édition échiquéenne. Mais la plupart (à commencer par le pendant de celui-ci, Can you be a tactical Chess Genius, paru antérieurement) concernent uniquement l'aspect tactique et combinatoire du jeu - ce qui est bien utile, mais évidemment insuffisant pour vraiment progresser. A l'inverse, les 150 positions (réparties en trois niveaux de difficulté) contenues dans ce livre vous permettront d'exercer votre jugement positionnel et de réviser concrètement vos classiques : colonnes ouvertes, cases faibles, supériorité sur une couleur, avant-postes... Chaque position est accompagnée d'une courte présentation destinée à orienter votre réflexion, et si vous séchez, vous pouvez recourir à un indice supplémentaire plus explicite. Quand aux solutions, elles sont accompagnées d'explications claires et suffisamment détaillées pour être profitables. En somme, un vrai manuel de stratégie ludique et amusant... Qui l'aurait cru ?
BEIM - The Enigma of Chess Intuition
Beim devrait peut-être suivre la méthode Suba : ses livres me donnent toujours une impression de brouillon Ce nouvel opus est composé de deux sections distinctes qui joignent assez mal - d'abord un voyage à travers des parties connues de grands champions du passé, puis un cours sur l'analyse de la position et la détection des coups-candidats. Des éléments intéressants, mais à l'arrivée, on ne peut pas vraiment dire que l'énigme soit résolue