- GO
Yoshio - All About Thickness
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16 ander product
YOON - Think like a pro - Pae
Handicap Go
Quatrième volume de la série de manuels due à la Nihon Ki-in, consacré comme son titre l'indique sans équivoque au jeu à handicap. Fidèle à la vocation encyclopédique de la série, il présente pour chaque cas de figure (de 9 à 3 pierres) les manoeuvres d'ouverture typiques, en utilisant une présentation simple et très claire : deux grands diagrammes par page, accompagnés de courts commentaires.
Dickfeld - How strong is your go? Check your ranking in the game of go
This book is both test and training. It will not only help you to assess your skill level, but also to identify your strengths and weaknesses in the game of Go. In a total of eight chapters, you are asked to solve the exercises within a given time limit. With the help of the evaluation tables you will be able to determine where you are roughly located within the kyu and dan ranks. In addition to the classification into the rank ranges, your results will reflect in which areas you are particularly strong and where may still be room for improvement. 116 pages
Toernooi set
Dit set bevat een goban van 19x19 met achterkant 13x13. De stenen zijn in Koreaanse glaspasta en geleverd in plastieken go potten.
Go potten
Een paar go potten uit donkerbruin hout, ze kunnen een compleet set stenen bevatten waarvan u stenen mag inbergen met een maximale dikte van 9mm.
Bozulich - The Art of Settling Stones
During the opening stages of the game the players stake out positions and more or less divide the board. Normally each player wants to win and take just over 50% of the board. This usually involves a balance between safety and risk; that is, making a safe and non-invadable extension or an extension that is slightly farther and limits the opponent’s territory. The drawback of the latter is that the position now becomes invadable. This usually means that when an invasion takes place, the invading stones do not have enough space to make an extension that guarantees life. That, in turn, means the invader has to run away. However, running away is not always the best strategy as it is one-sided — that is, it allows your opponent to harass the run-away stones while securing territory and building influence. Often it is far better to make the beginnings of eye-shape — to breathe life into the invading stones — before running away. In other words, ‘to make sabaki.’ The numerous examples and 122 problems taken from professional games, will introduce the readers to all the techniques that may be required to achieve sabaki in almost any position that might arise in their games. 201 pages
Expert Go set
Shinkaya bord van 3 cm dikte. Go stenen in Koreaanse glaspasta, van 10mm en go potten uit moerbijboom.